He prefers to be outside. He likes the colder air and the touch of frost that decorates the grass in the mornings, the snowy-haired young man content to lean back against the tree within his yard, a cup of coffee in one hand, the other tucked within the pocket of his black jeans. Despite the chill within the air he had negated any need for a jacket, his own powers maintain the heat of his form without any need for external assistance- the coffee lifted to his lips once more before the pounding of feet and the sudden explosion of music from within the house assured him that his pack was well and truly awake. Claire, of late, had discovered the joys of both the shower and her own hair- having taken to spending endless hours in the bathroom attending to it- much to the disdain of both Calliel and himself. Calliel, for her part however, had settled into life with him well enough to play her music during all hours of the day until even Frost had become acquainted with whoever it was to top itunes this week. Had he been given the chance to make his choice again he would surely not have chosen a teenage girl as the first of his creations. Choice however, had played very little part in her transformation for either of them. Justice still well and truly in need of being served in that regard and given the chance Frost would see it carried out. Perhaps after the Yule time. For a moment still the young man relishes his peace, what little of his violet gaze could be seen glancing upward at the sounds of Claire finding the shower and Calliel heading down stairs. For all his indifference there was a part of himself, perhaps, that took some pleasure in the knowledge his pack were content beneath his care. Anything of value deserved to be cared for, after all and both Claire and Calliel held meaning to him in one form or another and as such he continued to watch over them as any Alpha did his pack.
He turns easily to stroll back inside, stepping from the cold and into the near oppressive warmth of the house and into the kitchen, Calliel already busying herself with breakfast as the equine moved to seat himself upon the edge of the large wooden table. Things had been...difficult of late with the girl. Accepting her new form an evident struggle for some days, the pain of her first transformation an experience even Frost found himself glad to have passed. He had never before dealt with a Bitten-Were, his experiences limited entirely to his own kind and family, those born with such traits and as such much of the process was foreign to himself- perhaps the reason he has invited Scarlett's presence into his home, the man expecting the slender blonde girl at any moment. Who better to speak with Calliel then someone whom understood her struggle entirely? Frost aware to an extent that his own methods were given to be.....harsher then he intended at times. Perhaps he was too strict with her on occasion and yet, Calliel would either learn to control her new body or should would met her end at a Hunters sword or gun- neither outcome pleasing to the man. Perhaps she had been an accidental creation- yet she was his alone and in that fashion he holds some desire to see her succeed- even if he is given to push her harder at times then most surely would.
"I am expecting a friend this morning, a Were like yourself who was bitten as opposed to born. She may be able to help you more then I can in some areas, else have answers to the questions I do not."
He reaches forward easily to snatch an apple from the bowl, toned, lithe frame continuing to recline with laconic ease against the table, violet gaze held against Calliels own in this moment- half anticipating some argument from the overly spirited girl in regards to his choice. How wilful the women of this land could be was still of amazement to him, Frost biting into the apple smoothly, relishing the taste as only an equine surely can.
"I have also left a gift for you in your room, it is a book you might find some interest in, along with a scarf, since you are forever content to tell me you are cold. It is tradition in my culture that everyone receive a book and a new item of clothing before Christmas eve. It is also tradition that we enjoy a meal of Skata- that is rotted shark meat, though I will spare you that one."
The vaguest touch of a simper moves to trace his lip, a ghost of humour reflected there. There are few traditions of his homeland he is given to participate in, content to inflict upon his pack several of them and yet there are others he is willing to bypass all the same. His attention wavers momentarily, glancing towards the front door in anticipation of Scarlett's arrival, finding himself hardly unwilling to see the blonde woman again. After all, so few women were ever willing to engage in any....games with him, Scarlett's willingness almost refreshing truly- the taste of her equally so, though such thoughts remain entirely his own as his gaze returns to Calliel, watching her prepare her own breakfast.
"Remember, eat nothing with meat in it, if you shift with meat in your stomach you will be ill."