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i'll see the light surrounding you

Posted on January 25, 2016 by Alekai Evero
they argued my right to ascension

Kat's evident attempt to be humorous is met with little more than a sharpened glare, the golden eyed man seeming to lack her ability to look beyond his soaked appearance and find the humour within the situation of having been unable to find her for the better part of the day. Her response to his query about her apparent lack of furniture however merely sees one eye raise slightly, shoulders rolling in a smooth shrug of agreeance all the same. He hardly ever spent any time with the woman, much less her ridiculous companion and yet even he was aware that almost none of her time was spent in her own home- although he is beginning to see why. Compared to Kohl's veritable mansion this was decidedly less....impressive. A murmur of agreement is all the man offers, tossing down the slightly damp paperwork atop her dining table, leaving the single chair for Kat herself should she decide to take it, whatever gentlemanly ideals still remained within the man refusing to allow him to seat himself as he leaned back against the nearest wall, arms folded smoothly across his chest after a strand of damp golden hair is pushed aside. His question in regards to Paris was more politeness, perhaps, then any great level of care over whether or not the woman had actually enjoyed her holiday. The fact she was taking one at all had seemed to amuse the vast majority of the Council, including Azrael himself- the man often entirely forced to have a day off, taking an actual vacation was near unheard of. That much of his irritation on the matter might very well stem from even the vaguest sense of jealously however had never truly occurred to the Hunter. Some part of him had forever disapproved of Kat and Kohl and yet any real reason for his displeasure had never surfaced aside from the mans own inability to simply understand how they had found each other, let alone managed to remain so seemingly...content. He was at least twice Katerina's age and yet relationships seemed to allude him all the same. That, he thinks, is perhaps a topic better not considered to deeply.

His attention moves quickly enough to the pile of papers before him, flicking lightly through them as he proceeds to rattle off the list of tasks to be completed for the day, or over the next few days depending on how fast the pair managed to move. Kat, at least, had proven herself to be a fairly useful partner most of the time, her ideals often lining up with his own. The single and only time he had worked with Kohl had been so utterly disastrous the Hunter had gone to all lengths to forget it. As for the other Rouge hunters within the city, aside from Alexander whom seemed to be the laziest being of all their were few whom he cared to spend any amount of time with. His mention of Kohl once more seems to grasp the young woman's attention, her gaze narrowing in evident displeasure at the search warrant within his hands, Azrael moving to offer it too her offhandedly.

"You might as well take this then and- don't you get fucking snarky at me, I can see you glaring Kat! I might think your boyfriend is useless but I didn't report him, so save that judgey look for someone else, Christ."

This, he thinks, is entirely why not being involved with a woman is, at least on occasion, an entirely sensible choice, a mutter of irritation leaving his lips before he moved to lean off from the wall, rolling smoothly back onto his feet now at the woman's mention of desiring to tart with the vampires. Her anticipation, in the least, something he understood.

"It might not be dark enough yet, not for another hour or so but given the weather we might get lucky and by the time we get there it might be dark as well. Do you have everything you need?"

He paused, briefly, allowing the woman a chance to gather whatever it was she chose to hunt with before he moved to head for the door, folding the paperwork back inside his jacket as he did, leaving the search warrant for Kohl's apartment on her desk. If she spent most of her time there as it was she might as well make herself useful and go through it. A sudden blur of speed saw the golden haired man waiting on the sidewalk outside, the rain, mercifully, having stopped by now, leaving the evening clear though decidedly cold. He hadn't driven tonight and since he is fairly assured Kat possess no vehicle, walking would have to suffice- at her dithering speed no less.

"We need to get to the North side, vampires there are kidnapping humans apparently, making money off some underground blood bank, keeping humans like pets apparently. That should be fun- provided we can find it."

A smirk of sorts laces his lips at the thought of something to do for the night, pausing momentarily to allow Kat to catch up with his larger stride before speaking once more.

"We need to talk to Alexander later too, that Hunter who makes coffee, apparently Head Office has a mission to give him. You can hand him the paperwork though- he won't punch a woman."

Azrael Evero

only fools walk where angels fear to tread
