if these wings could fly for the rest of our lives
Okay so...maybeeeee I was being a littleee itsy bitsy bit lazy. But I mean, the ground was ALL the way down there and the trunk of the tree was ALL the way over there. It would take like...whole minutes for me to get over there AND up the tree and I had this handy dandy little elevator thing beneath me so, why not use it? I mean, I was being kinda smart with my laziness right? Besides! I was going to get us apples! This surely had to be worth it. Seeeeee, I wasn't pointlessly using you pony friend. We're going to have a whole treasure trove of apples all for us! I couldn't help but to wiggle ever so slightly in excitement of the thought, still, I waddled up to her large head, settling while she rose and reached alllll the way to those tall branches. I hardly stayed long before waddling off, my feet immediately gripping on the tree branch. I was, admittedly, most comfortable here. It was where I spent most of my days as a were back in Nepal. Those trees were utterly gigantic in comparison to these little guys. It was kinda sad. I missed them. Hell, I missed a lot of things about that small village I'd spent most of my life in. But now was not the time to dwell on that, it was apple time!
I waddled towards the trunk, digging my claws into the bark as I leapt upwards and towards the higher branches. "I've got it, I've got it!" I called down to my new found friend. See, I wasn't ignoring her! Just...kinda focusing. I wasn't the greatest at this multitasking thing okay? Still, I was definitely getting higher and pony friend was getting SO MUCH SMALLER. Ha. I'm joking. She was still the same size. I wasn't that high up but...I liked to pretend. It took care, any ways, to make my way onto those higher branches. Apple trees tended to have thinner limbs the closer out to the edges and they liked to bend under my whole ten pounds. "READY CALLIEL?!" I called down to her, a bit more enthusiastic than necessary and yet, on cue, my little claws struck out, so cutting that small little stem that kept the apple to the tree. It was up to her to catch it! DUN DUN DUN. One apple down, a few more to go. I slowwwllyy retreated backwards, turning only when my footing was better before leaping to a different part of the tree.
I continued in this same manner for at least five more apples. In fact, it was the sixth one that I deemed enough for us but this prized apple was a bit harder to get too. The branches here were thinner and I was balancing far more precariously then I knew I should have but, darn it! I was determined! I reached out for the apple but I wasn't close enough so, tentatively I stepped further out onto that already bowing branch. Ha! Got you, you mr sneaky app - ahhhhhh! The branch broke with a snap and I with my apple went tumbling down and into the air. Oof! Oof! Ouchies! All those tree branches I snapped were pokeyyyyy. Come on Calliels! I have faith in you! Pleassee not the ground, please not the ground, please not the ground!
Abigail Hughes a were red panda