
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

sounds haphazard but hey, i'm game

Posted on November 30, 2017 by Damon Marcello

He stumbled back as the ground around him started to crack and part. Sneering at the warlock, he twitched his wrist, sending a wave of energy to knock the man flat on his back. The man grunted and thankfully, the ground stopped shifting, for now. "Nice trick. But if you want to send me to hell, you're going to have to do a better job than that." He walked toward the man, slowly picking his way over the cracks so as not to futher unstabilize them. The work crews for the city were going to have a hard enough time fixing what was already broken. The wind had started to pick up and it was aggravating, pushing him in different positions as if to purposely push him into a crack or something but he was determined. Finally he stood over the man but he knew he wasn't unconscious. The man glared up at him. "You'll never get me, blood sucker." Then he reached out, grasping Damon's ankle firmly. He concentrated, trying to zap Damon with his electric power but it was no use. Damon chuckled as he squatted down next to the man. "Ah, what's wrong? Your wittle power not working so great? Sorry, I must have absorbed it all. Want some back? Here." He poked the man gently in the chest with his finger, sending enough jolts into the man that it was like a defribillator to the heart. The man grunted, his back arching off the concrete for a second before he went still.

"Hmm." Damon reached his finger out, checking the man's pulse and was glad to see he still had one. Good, he'd just knocked him out, and probably toasted him a little too. He needed him alive if he was going to torture any information out of him about the New Eden. But he noted the wind was still in full force. It wasn't supposed to be this stormy. It wasn't natural. His brows furrowed, he looked up, searching the scenery around him, and that's when he saw a pair of blue eyes staring at him from across the park. His head tilted, taking her in. Was she responsible for the wind? He slowly stood up, not wanting to spook her. "You know this guy?" He asked as he held up his hands to show her he was unarmed (like that mattered), his foot gently kicking the man in question. Right about then one of the other guys who had gotten back to his feet came rushing him from behind, yelling as he went to thrust a stake into his back. The wood splintered in his hands, breaking in two on Damon's back. He grunted at the sudden contact, turning around to grasp the man by the throat and lift him into the air.

The man started choking, scrabbling helplessly at Damon's hands for release but his hold was final, his eyes blaing for the man's slow death, but then he remembered that he had company. He cleared his throat. "Can't you see I'm trying to have a conversation with this nice young lady?" He pointed her out over his shoulder. "Now have some manners." He said in a scolding tone as he released the man's throat, sending him sprawling to the concrete, gasping for air as he felt the fresh bruises around his throat. The man looked up at him wide eyed, fully expecting Damon to kill him. He would in a heartbeat too if he didn't have an audience. He was sure somehow it might send the girl the wrong message if he tore out the man's heart right here in front of her. So instead he sighed and turned back to the girl. "So, like I was saying....know either of these rude guys?"
