I bet on me and my own heartbeat Perhaps her life had not been the most normal, having been raised by her grandparents rather than her actual parents, after her dad died literally hours after she had been born and her mother skipped town. But really, even that hadn't been so odd, there was another kid in her town, a boy who was also being raised by his grandparents, Kathryn didn't know him very well, but it always made her feel less alone, that she wasn't just the odd woman out. And maybe besides that, her life had been relatively normal, if not a little privileged. They vacationed to the beach every summer, they had a cabin in the mountains in the winter, Kathryn was on the cheer team, and she got good grads though maybe not a 4.0. It was normal for all intensive purposes, nothing strange happened. Well, nothing strange that she remembers or has noticed. Till now that is, of course. The wind quickens around her, pulling at dark locks of hair, twisting and twirling it in every direction, as bright blue eyes remain ever widening, making her look even more innocent and vulnerable as she takes on the deer in headlights look. Kathryn feels her breath frozen in her lungs, as if the air inside her has calcified, unable to either inhale or exhale. This was a nightmare.She was half tempted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming one of those vivid dreams again, but even Kathryn knows she couldn't possible dream up something like this from the confines of her imagination. Leaving only one option: this was very much real and very much dangerous. And when this incredibly unreal (yet he must be real) stranger makes eyes contact with her, those eyes grow wider and Kathryn wants to scream, but something keeps her from doing so, maybe fear, maybe fascination. He stands up and Kathryn takes a hesitant step backwards, unsure of his intentions. As his hands raise, the witch flinches, before realizing he meant her no harm, well for now at least that is. The strange man asks if she knows the guy laying on the ground and Kathryn quickly shakes her head, hoping that 'no' would be the correct answer here in this situation. Right after that head shake is when she sees a man rise from the ground and comes rushing at the man who had spoken to her, holding up what looked to be a wooden knife or something, wielding the weapon in an attempt to harm the other guy. Call it instinct, call it stupidity, call it anything really because even Kathryn doesn't quite know what it is, but she dashes towards the man in an attempt to save him from having his body impaled. Though the thought of Kathryn fighting is entirely humorous. It turns out the strange man didn't need any protection from the dark haired witch with the satellite dish eyes. He lifts the man by the throat as Kathryn comes screeching to a halt, black converse dragging in the dirt at the quickness of her stop. "What..." her soft voice pushes passed her lips, mystified by how this was happening. Sure, this strange man seemed strong, but he didn't seem so large that he could just lift another man off the ground his throat! What was going on? Her breathing quickens, as her chest rises and falls and the winds quickens, as if trying to match her breath. AS she watches, she is sure the guy being choked is about to die, and Kathryn finds herself digging her fingernails into her hands out of fear and helplessness. And as the incredibly (impossibly) strong man speaks out sarcastic words (which under any other circumstance Kat would have laughed at) he throws the man onto the concrete as the dark-haired witch lets out an involuntary yip of surprise. He sighs, and the world within the park seems to stop for a moment. Well, she would have thought that time had stopped if he hadn't turned around to face her once again, asking the same question. "N.." she stutters out the first part of the word before attempting to make herself a little taller (even if she is still short) before speaking again. "No, I don't," she says, imagining her voice to sound brave and confident, though it comes out as more of a squeak. As her breathing steadies though, the wind begins to die down, settling to a light breeze, though still the threat remains that it could suddenly pick up at any moment. Blue, satellite dish eyes remain wide as she takes a few hesitant steps forward, despite the common sense buried deep within her telling her to flee and to never look back. Arms wraps around herself, clutching at the sleeves of her dark hoodie that hangs over acid wash jeans. Head tilts to the side as she watches this stranger, dark locks pulled slightly one way, following the fall of her head. She glances for a moment to the man laying on the ground and she shivers involuntarily. "Is he..dead?" She asks, whispering the last word as if she were to say it would make it the truth. Suddenly eyes narrow slightly as she grows a bit braver. "What are you?" Then, as a thought strikes her, the small amount of composure she had gained falls away like sand from a pail. "Are you going to kill me?" |