Arlo James
See what it's like to be a vulture's lunch
It had been, even Arlo was willing to admit, a pretty damn nice wedding, Not that he'd actually expected anything less. Damon and Isolt were pretty fancy people when they put their minds to it. Maybe not the same level of fancy as Dorian and Sebastian's wedding in Italy had been but this whole evening, so far, had turned out to be enjoyable. Even if he still find Damon mildly terrifying. At least he looked happy. Isolt too, for that matter. At the end of the day wasn't that the most important part of the whole wedding idea? That the bride and groom looked happy? It was nice to see those weddings amongst his own kind. As if seeing those happy marriages of Sebastian and Damon and Isolt only gave more strength to the idea that his own, when that time came, would be equally successful. Not that he was exactly ready for the whole marriage thing just yet, the idea still seeming and yet it hardly struck that same paralysing fear into him as it once had. At least not when it came to Abby. That very thought so prompted the vampire to wrap his arm about his girlfriend's waist once more, tugging her almost playfully agianst him as they stood beside that dessert table Abby had been trying to decide what she wanted from for the past time minutes. The choices entirely to much it seemed. Arlo not unwilling to admit that some human food had, at last, started to hold at least some appeal to him. That chocolate mousse, in the least, seemed appealing- Arlo content to nurse his drink in his free hand all the same for now as his head came to rest atop that gorgeous red hair that adorned Abby's own.
"You know, Babe, you can get one of each if you can't decide. I mean, I'm pretty sure you can. I don't think there's a limit."
Well- it wasn't as if anyone was guarding the desserts was it? In fact, most people were still helping themselves to those other horderves. Arlo having chosen that dessert table to direct Abby towards specifically because it was by far the least populated, at least for now. This wedding was just about overflowing with other vampires. More than one having eyed Abby with no small amount of curiosity. It was...ridiculous, he knew it and yet he could hardly help the way being within proximity of so many of his own kind so tended to....set him on edge. At least when it came to Abby. Those protective instincts hardly having lessened over those months they had been dating. In fact, he was damn near sure they had only increased until he was as bloody obsessive about her safety as Sebastian was over Dorian. Christ, he'd teased his companion over that once and now here he was, orbiting around his own girlfriend like the moon round the earth in some almost absent-minded effort to warn the rest of that vampiric population away. Not that he truly had to try terribly hard. His own species was damn near enough to keep most vampires away as it was as if they feared he might latch onto them like a leech. As if they thought he had no control! He'd only thought about eating two of those guests since arriving here. That was better than actually trying right?
Arlo's blue gaze shifted across that space then and towards the bar where Sebastian and Dorian were talking to some sort of green-eyed hispanic god-man and what he could only presume was the man's girlfriend. Whatever they were saying seemed to be amusing enough, both couples chuckling, before Seb and Dorian offered those goodbyes and begun to make their way over to Arlo and Abby in turn. Sebastian's presence (along with his very, very exceptional blood) prompted that good-natured grin to find Arlo's features once more. The Crusnik satisfied at last with having both Abby and Sebastian within his immediate reach. As archaic and medievil as that level of possessiveness surely sounded. Aro having, at least, come to accept those very....feelings, he supposed they were, even if he rarely admitted to anyone they existed.
"Hey, fellas. Whose Green-Eyes over there? Ah, see Ab's, you can take more than one, Seb just took like five."
Chocolate Mousse, it seemed, was also Sebastian's favourite. Arlo letting one eye lift as his own Coven Leader proceeded to to help himself to rather a few of those chocolates. Was he supposed to take that many? Then again, there was only about two mouthfuls in each one. Dorian, for his part, merely rolled his eyes before taking one for himself and gesturing back toward that Were couple they had been talking too with the explanation it was his Brother.
"I didn't know you had a brother? Aren't you Italian? He looks......not Italian."
Arlo frowned ever so slightly. Those Brothers hardly looking alike at all and yet what the hell did he know? Genetics never really was his thing. School in general had struggled to be his thing. At least, anything outside his music. Still, that music was finally going well enough now that he had offers to play with bands nearly every weekend, that steady, regular income having, of late, even prompted those considerations that maybe it was time he finally went and got that better place to live. Something without Sebastian's old keyboard box as furniture. Abby deserved better than that. Arlo shifted slightly then, his fingers easily entwining with Abby's own before his head nodded back towards were Isolt stood across that space chatting to another girl about what he could only presume was cake. His gaze shifting to Sebastian's.
"Hey bud, Ab's and I were just talking before you came over. Isolt's looking awfully pregnant for a vampire. I thought our kind couldn't make that happen? What the hell is going on there? Ab's thinks that, right there, should be impossible."
Abby, when it came to biology, was never wrong. At least, Arlo was inclined to believe she wasn't. His Little Bear having explained exactly why pregnancy, or fathering a child, shouldn't be possible for a vampire and yet....Isolt looked, well, pregnant. Tact, it seemed,hardly Arlo's forte. The Crusnik entirely content to say exactly those queries the came to mind. The sudden sound of someone else approaching readily prompted that near pivot from Arlo in turn, his grip tightening ever so slightly upon Abby's hand as another vampire couple approached that dessert table. Arlo's gaze meeting the other mans in that sudden near silent stare. Sebastian, he was almost sure, having tensed in almost the same fashion and yet whether over Dorian or the sudden threat to having someone attempt to take one of the chocolate desserts he'd all but hordered remained to be seen. That silent stare off between those groups at last resulting in that other couple making their retreat. Hmm. Victory one for the Dessert Table Gang.