
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

An ending doesn't mean its over.

Posted on July 28, 2021 by morgan


The only way to become acquainted with the flashy city was to immerse within it. It was far different from the last place her and her family had moved from. It was odd to be alone without a purpose to fuel her and yet that was one of the few simple blessings she could enjoy only once. Once those bearings were steadily established, there was not a thing to stand in their way. The weekend brought out many people, a blur of unmemorable faces that passed like a breeze. Some she made eye contact with. Although, there were few that truly garnered her attention. It was those few individuals that sparked even the barest of intrigue that she followed them. Stalking them to their cars, to the darkest hidden parts of the city. She studied them, in search for something unique, something strange. She tried on their skin for size, felt the many shapes and attire as if she could memorize it into figurative rolodex within her mind. But nothing ever felt quite right, her own form was far more comfortable. But it certainly was fun to play. It was far too easy to steal the form of a friend, of a lover. To separate the sheep from the herd. It was a wonderful way to pass the time, a wonderful way to learn that sad little populace. She shifted from a voluptuous brunette back into her own skin after breaking up her relationship in the cruelest way possible.

Within her true form, she wore a simple black and white dress that fanned out and sashayed as she walked. How quickly her usual antics seemed lose their appeal tonight. All those she had toyed with became nothing but a distant memory.


This city was deader than a two-week old corpse. A sigh drew passed her unsmiling lips, her electric blue eyes had scoured the seemingly endless streets with nothing to show for it. She would not give up yet. There was always something, even if it was not a lasting one. The evening was still young and the clubs and businesses for evening entertainment had only just begun to fill with their many eager customers. It was the time of night when everyone still looked their best before alcohol and debauchery changed them into something else. Heathens. Perhaps she might take to one of those more elegant establishments if only to see how the people inside of it were no better than the rest.

Morgan kept her pearly white hair down with not a single well brushed strand out of place. A light aroma of pineapple sage that trailed behind her as she moved, a scent brewed from the witches from their last town. She liked that smell.

The usual bustle around her barely phased her, not even with their obnoxious squeals between friends. She paid them little mind when something stood out of the ordinary. A man, who sat on a bench with a newspaper. How strange and misplaced in comparison to those around him. There were few people who would be so intent to dumpster watch without a reason and it was clear that he wasn't exactly reading. Or at the very least not engrossed by it. Yet it was intriguing that he would read a physical copy. How few people read the paper when they had the internet and all its resources at their fingertips. Her father was one of those people. Old fashion in many ways even though he had learned to adapt to the wonderful ways of technology, willing to try that tablet her mother and her had gifted him even though he often reverted back to paper.

She watched him studiously for a time as she remained what she deemed far enough away to be undetectable and blend within her surroundings, in particular, a closed newspaper stand. He had given no signal that he had noticed her presence that she could tell. It was clear he was a vampire... it was always easy to pick out their own kind. Perhaps he was hunting. Oh, in that case... this could be interesting.

Did he not know how obvious he looked? Or maybe he didn't care. His hair not as light as her own, but still lighter than her own... before her gaze darted toward the movement of that back door opening. A staff member tossed a full garbage bag into the dumpster, completely oblivious of his surroundings. How certain that she expected this vampire man to launch forward, to hunt down his far too easy meal while he was distracted. Only... he did not. He seemed content to watch the man over his unread newspaper.

Morgan was much too old to be fascinated by something so trivial and yet... she was now perplexed by his motives.

Motives were so easy to read and yet with him, he was not so ordinary.

The worker retreated back into the establishment, none the wiser of the man who had watched him so intently. Morgan drew closer after a long enough time of waiting for the being to settle inside. Her appearance shifted to something so strikingly close to the man who had just thrown out the trash. She rolled her far more broader shoulders, cracked her neck before easily changing that posture to something far more masculine. She didn't need to look into a reflective surface to feel the changes to her body, the transformation that had settled into to place. She hadn't seen the man's eyes so they remained that electric blue of her own, but everything else down to the hair colour resembled that man. She wondered if he would be able to tell.

"I see you watching me, vampire." Morgan's voice was not her own, but that of a man, taking liberties to sounding like the man she had seen.. Those manipulated vocal chords made it easy to change the pitch of her voice as she made her appearance known. " What do you want? Because it's obvious you aren't here to read.. You really shouldn't even be here." That voice appeared somewhat accusatory as the look she was giving him. Perhaps she might find what this vampire was up to yet..
