
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

we never know how high we are

Posted on March 16, 2023 by Rixon Leifsson

The sounds of the celebration from that central, giant feasting tent could be heard all across the empty, darkened Mongolian Plains. No further riders would reach that finish line tonight and yet, in respect for every horse and rider who finished that grueling race, that feast would continue for several nights until each one still riding had made it home. Frost, for now, was content to ignore those celebrations. The pale stallion was oddly content with his temporary paddock beside the Dun that Alexander had all-too graciously decided to spare when even Frost himself was certain the animal was better off euthanised. It had bled from both nostrils, a rupture in both lungs, its days of any real exercise surely over. Why Alexander felt any need to persist with the creature Frost hardly knew. His compassion, perhaps, somewhat lacking when it came to his fellow equines and yet- that was the very world he had been raised in. Tonight, however, he was largely content to ignore the equine in the yard beside him. Frost instead focused far more upon the delicate blades of grass that grew from the hard plains soil at his feet. Someone had been tending to that grass for several weeks for the entire purpose of allowing those equine athletes to enjoy it after their race. It would be remiss, Frost had decided, to do anything other than enjoy that meal. Besides, Alexander had promised to bring him a bowl of that fermented mare's milk and several roasted carrots by the night's end. Treats the Hunter would not dare forget. Perhaps even Matteo might bring him something. The egotistical Frenchman was a surprisingly good Groom when he put his mind to it. Frost was inclined to admit he could see why Alexander retained him all these years.

The Dun stallion beside him stirred lightly. Frost's lengthy tail flicked up at his flanks, his teeth cropping the tasty top ends off another patch of grass, his mind focused only on that simple task and the promise of an entire days worth of rest tomorrow- maybe even the day after too before those trucks came to drive them back to the airport. The soft, featherlight footfall of another was barely heard over the sound of the Dun stallion as he abruptly seemed to feel the desire to trot towards the front fence. A movement Frost continued to ignore vehemently. At least until a decidedly distinct scent seemed to ligner within the air. Frost's head rose quickly. His small, neat ears pricked forward in a clear curiosity as he turned. That scent smelled so entirely like that-. His violet gaze was quick to fall upon her near luminescent figure. In the dark and with little save the light of the stars above and the pale glow of the fires and lamps that illuminated the tens- the unicorn mare appeared near....ethereal. Just as she had the first time. Frost, for several moments, was simply inclined to stare. The stallion oblivious to that distinctly blanata awe that lingered upon his features- at least until the unicorn's gaze shifted to him in turn. Meeting his own directly.

A sudden, soft snort erupted gently from the war horse's nostrils as Frost's heavy, feathered feet carried him forward and towards the front of his own paddock. The Unicorn, for her part, seemed all-too content to very near embrace the Dun stallion, her nose reaching out to his own, inviting that very touch she had been distinctly reluctant to offer Frost himself before a sudden, almost brilliant light seemed to surround them both. Frost's own hooves paused upon the earth, his gaze widening momentarily as that distinct feeling of power seemed to radiate. Just what sort of affinity this was Frost hardly knew and yet the Dun seemed to become all the more besotted with the mare in the wake of it as he pressed ever closer to the fence. Frost's gaze shifted briefly from the mare, towards that main tent and back again. Alexander would never hear him over the noise of those drunken riders within. The Hunter himself was probably several glasses deep in his own alcohol. Frost's tail lashed agianst his flanks once more in frustration. The unicorn had finally reappeared and Alexander, once more, was nowhere to be seen. It was almost as if she did it on purpose. Hmmm. Perhaps she did. Frost had thought of little else other than her those past few days and yet how reluctant he was to offer her the satisfaction of knowing she had preoccupied his thoughts. Especially when she seemed all-too content to fuss over the Dun stallion. As if she meant to ignore his own towering form entirely for what was, at best, a pony that barely reached his own shoulder.

"You're just giving him false hope, you know."

Frost's head gestured towards the Dun pony as his heavy form paused at the corner of his own paddock. A fence separating him from the Dun and unicorn in turn. Her pale, moonlit figure still just out of his reach and yet, for now, he made no effort to to extend his own nose forward even despite the fashion in which his neck arched ever so slightly in that distinctly typical, equine gesture. One that showed off exactly how much more muscle and definition he held then his....pony competition. Those animalistic urges, it seemed, distinctly difficult to ignore in the presence of the very mare who had stolen his thoughts for days on end. Even if Alexander had believed her to be some kind of....illusionist. Hmmm. Perhaps there was a way to test it. Perhaps he might....

The sudden roar of irritation from the Dun stallion was followed by the smaller equine's distinctly violent lunge over that fence and towards Frost's right shoulder. Frost's own form swung to avoid it, one hind leg striking backward in retaliation to collide heavily with the unfortunate fence as those poles shuddered beneath the force of the impact. That warning blow was enough, for now, to send the smaller stallion wheeling away as Frost's own ears pinned backward, watching the animal preparing to regroup as he proceeded to prance about within its yard in an effort to keep the mare's attention upon him. Really, Frost supposed, the stallion deserved points for effort. Frost's own head shook as he turned to face the unicorn once more, a gap left between himself and the side fence lest the dun try that same trick again. The mare truly was....exquisite in every way. Just like he remembered. Surely Alexander had been wrong. She looked so....real. She had, however, certainly called to some sort of affinity when she had reached for the Dun.

"Did you come back simply to fill him with...fighting spirit again?"

Frost words were near deadpan, his gaze drifting from the mare to the dun as the pony proceeded to paw at the ground in a display of his own testosterone fueled performance of health. His often apathetic tone held the vaguest hint of amusement before his attention returned to the mare entirely.

"Surely it was not me you were looking for, was it?"

Surely she would not admit that his plan had worked, that he had irritated her enough to convince her to seek him out once more.....
