Sebastian Ellington-Aragona
His Royal Highness, Prince of Italy
A soft breath of contentment left the vampire's lips as he sipped upon the warm beverage, his cold, pale fingers wrapping around the warm cup. It was, perhaps, stereotypically British of him, and yet, the Prince found a sort of peacefulness within the depths of that warm beverage. Witha cup of tea in his hands, the world appeared just slightly more manageable, whatever problems he faced slightly less daunting, and there within was a subtle promise that everything would, somehow, be okay. It was uniquely rare that Sebastian shared such a small, private moment as this with anyone other than his family and staff but...Carolina was entirely unique within herself. The very notion that tea could fix everything seemed to prompt an inquisitive reaction within the young woman, her teal-colored irises fluttered upwards to meet his own with a hint of curiosity within their depths. He watched in poised silence as she sipped the warmth of that honeyed beverage. As often as the Italian Prince was willing to play the distraction for Carolina, he could hardly deny his concern for the girl. As much as he knew it best not to, he had made the fatal mistake of caring for his 'food'. It was hardly new by any means though Sebastian often removed himself from any such relationship before it got to this point.
Softly, her name echoed upon his lips, the very solemnity of his baritone voice quickly ensnared the entirety of her attention. It was with the weight of her gaze upon him that Sebastian finally inquired after that just how she was. The answer, admittedly, was blatantly obvious. She was not okay. She had not been okay for some time and though she seemed distinctly better than the last time they had encountered one another, at least physically, her mind was clearly still wrought with terrors she failed to voice. Tonight was evidence of that. How tightly she'd gripped the glass fencing of the roof's terrace, her heart had pounded so loudly it even called to the predatory within him. In one tender moment, she had smelled of little more then prey and that was a stark contrast to the confident, bold woman he had first met upon the dance floor, all those years ago. Sebastian watched as her features shifted, that facade slipping as her fingers began to trace patterns on the cup within her hands. The vampire remained silent, however, allowing the woman his infinite patience as she pieced together her thoughts and those emotions that so clearly plagued her. After all, he had an eternity to wait, if she so required it of him.
That shift within her voice was palpable when she finally spoke, her gaze drifting upwards to meet the blue of Sebastian's irises. His head tilted ever so slightly to the side as he watched her, that small gesture clearly meant to be a prompting even if he kept his quietude. Her careful admittance explained well the state that Sebastian had found her in, even though it caused the corners of his lips to tilt downwards in a minute frown. It clarified the difference within that he had noted for a long time now, even if Sebastian was uncertain what this man had done to so stain the once lively girl with caution and terror. He watched as she shuddered at those memories, her breath almost shaky in the wake of her words, and yet, she seemed determined to push through it, offering him one final sentence. He watched as her gaze abruptly turned away from him and towards those darkly tinted windows and softly, a gentle sound of acknowledgment reverberated within the back of his throat. He allowed that silence to persist for several moments longer before that soft British lit so punctured the stillness. "Would you like to tell me about him?"