Sacrosanct contains four distinct neighborhoods, each with their own specific kind of houses and residents. Explore our districts, view lists of our citizens and enjoy our block parties!

What You'll Find Here

Anacosta Heights
Dupont Circle
Hawethorn Village
River Dale

My Own Form of CHAOS

Posted on October 05, 2016 by Damon Marcello

damon marcello

My name whispered from her lips...I wonder vaguely what it means and what she would have said had she continued but alas the moment is broken as she follows me to the cash register so I can persuade the cashier that we were never here. She is very curious of my persuasion power. "I try not to use it on those I actually like, unless they deserve it of course." I smirk. She twirls my hair around her fingers and moves in close. "You always please me." I whisper. "I'm glad someone is telling you. A beautiful girl should always know she's beautiful." AS we step to the doors, I shake my head. "Mac knows me. No powers needed." Giving a wink, I nod to the doorman who stands aside and waves us in.

Once we're in the door, the music is thrumming but hardly anyone is dancing. The rich people are too stuck up, wanting to sit to the sides and drink their expensive champagne and gossip about the rare women who get enough wine in them to go out on the dance floor and shake it a little. "Ready to give them something to gossip about?" I raise a brow and nudge my head toward the dance floor.
