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please tell me i'm your one and only Isolt

Posted on June 25, 2017 by Damon Marcello

He had a sudden urge to be near his fiance tonight and he didn't want to fight it. He felt like she'd been so absorbed in the running of Red on the Water lately that they've barely had enough time for each other. He'd been doing his best for research on the New Eden and finding out what their next plan is. So far the other witches in Sacro are staying pretty quiet but he planned on fishing them out one way or another. Like the fox hunters, he didn't mind setting a fire to get them out in the open. He would do anything to insure Isolt's safety. He'd also been learning about the newest breed of vampire to come into Sacro, a crusnik, it would seem. He wasn't going to just let Arlo go back into the shadow of the night without some good memory impressions so that he could find him again. Arlo might not like covens at this point, but Damon had a feeling someday he may need that extra protection if he kept going on the way he was.

The young vampire had potential and Damon wanted to recruit him, one way or another. Until then, he had plenty else on his plate. But tonight was not for work or research. Tonight he needed a good dose of his red headed goddess to give him strength for another night. He knew right where he'd find her since she wasn't in the office at Red on the Water. Seems she had decided to work from home tonight and he knew that meant something was going on. She loved to spend her time surrounded by the employees and customers who adored her at the tavern so for her to take a day at home instead was out of the norm. She had news or something was bothering her and he planned to find out what.

He made his way easily to the house that she shared with Yumi, knowing the fiesty vampire was out for the night, either working at the tavern or maybe spending her time with the ever elusive Mallek she had talked about. He was glad to have the house to themselves. It meant they could talk, among other things. He knocked politely on the door, pulling the blood red roses and chocolates from behind his back as he waited for her to answer the door. He leaned casually against the wall as he waited, that lazy smirk already tugging at his lips, blue gray eyes ready to light up at the sight of the only thing that ever made him want to change.
