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And I'm fighting so hard to come out of the dark;

Posted on December 19, 2017 by HARLEY WESTWARD

We're all rotten, buried and forgotten,

Living it up underground

Damon had no clue of all those stories trapped within the photographs that splayed across the wooden countertop. There was far too much fodder for her liking, as it made her past vulnerable and exposed to a complete stranger. After all, she didn't know shit about Mr. Suave face over there, coming in with his prince charming gifts and smirky face. She peered down at those photographs and all those cherished moments those two girls shared. Those were the days she cherished most, when they were younger. It was a simpler time then, where their biggest worries were how to get back at their brothers. She didn't even see the shadow in her eyes when she peered down at those photographs. She wasn't sure when it got there, what had finally did it, that permanent jaded look that haunted her eyes but she couldn't remember her face without it. Times had surely changed and hardened the raven haired woman with the massive chip on her shoulder.

You can't quite blame her and it was a wonder how Isolt had remained so hopeful. It was impossible to know what was that straw that finally lose her faith in humanity. Her parents, slaughtered by a sadistic vampire that stole her heart (unknowingly), Harley never told Isolt the full story about that one, part of herself wondered if she was just as much of a monster as he was.. They all had their chambers of secrets. If only that were the end of it, but it never was. Her brother had left to make it his mission to destroy the supernatural and for some reason, his little sister ended up being a magnet to the creatures he so desperately wanted to end. So this tragic tale continues with Ryker, a sadistic sack of shit trying to acquire everything boyfriend number one acquired, including her. Yeah, she reeeeealllly knew how to pick them. Her mind drifted from face to face of ghosts from her past, all those that had simply disappeared from her life without the barest of traces. Now it was only just her and Isolt of course, her one and only true constant, for the most part. It had been Isolt and Harley against the world, that was when Isolt went missing and Ryker turned up again, like the fucking gift that keeps on giving. She had no choice but to go on the run, another town filled with strange faces. It was then that voice that brought her attention back to the room, a frown upon her face before that iconic Harley sarcasm slips from her lips. "Oh you have no idea. You can't say we were boring.." Damn, that was the damn truth.

Then there was a mention of no balls at the part, she bit back the response that wanted to flare to life. Instead, all she did was smile to the joke that lived within her head. "Are you sure about that? It could really liven up the reception." She could imagine all those flying basketballs and dresses being ripped, and drunk people falling over themselves. Now that sounded like a entertaining wedding to her. "You wouldn't even need to pay for entertainment, the drunk people would handle that for you." She added with that sardonic flare.

Harley watched Damon like a hawk, trying to figure him out. It was the first time they had met and she needed to figure out what kind of asshole he was. After all, with her track record, most men were indeed assholes just wearing a different appearance. Surely he was different if he attracted the attention of Isolt. She was smart enough not to get swept up in the glitz and glamour.

She knew she had gotten to him the moment he put on that little smirk, acting like he had it all figured out. The truth was no one had it figured out, if they did, they were lying through their crooked little teeth. The conversation shifted to sex in a teasing form of banter. It would take a lot more than that to embarrass Harley considering she didn't really consider much taboo. "Who needs pictures, its all about the imagination and experience." She grinned, poking and prodding into things she really shouldn't have. She gave Damon a rather pointed at his next comment. "Good, Isolt doesn't need a jerk in her life who is constantly fucking up." Yeah she was a tad protective over her red headed companion, she was always the one to stand up for her, always the one to protect her. Some things would never change, or maybe they would, now that there was Damon in the picture, maybe all these memories on the table before them would just be what they were, memories.

Isolt then spoke up rather embarrassed, the look on her face made Harley near break out in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. It was the lack of blush that peppered her cheeks that made her nearly frown but she easily shook away the feeling, a smirk playing her lips. That priceless desperate look in her friend's eyes nearly spelled out HELP ME. She had taken this too far. Oops. She was bad at this whole filter thing. "Shit Isolt, I believe you. It's a good thing hes good in the sack though, is all I am going to say about it.. If you're going to married til death do you part, you have to enjoy the sex." She hadn't exactly expected Isolt to spit out with the mind blowing sex comment but it was amusing all the same, knowing how mortified she was to have to say it. Harley laughed to herself.

"But gifts? That girl deserves a hell of a lot of considering she has a heart of gold. Way better than mine, so I just want to make sure it stays that way." She nodded firmly, eyes narrowing in that cold hard stare she was so good at giving. She hated that she wasn't around to meet Damon sooner, to get to know that man that seeped into the pores of Isolt's heart. She was probably taking that out on him a little, guilt was a toxic creature that could make you bitter.

That was when Damon shot her a look. But it really was not much of a secret when Harley divulged. "my exes were all assholes, not illiterate. I kind of wish they were stupid, then I wouldn't get in half the trouble that I did." Oh yeah, she was hopeless for the bad boy, she was under no illusions of changing them either, she liked the danger, liked playing with fire that would undoubtedly burn her. She was reckless and certainly not a saint, but she also didn't deserve half the shitty hand life had dealt her. Or maybe she did? Hell if she knew. She found herself lured to the darkness that would inevitably kill her one day and yet she couldn't veer herself off that self-destructive path.

Now that they were all seated, the tension had dissipated a little. After all, she wasn't going to get to know this man if they were going to shoot off verbal blanks all night. This was for Isolt's sake that she needed to spare him of her usual ruthless mannerisms. She had to trust that he had a good head on her shoulders. Plus, all would reveal itself in time. Harley had a knack at smelling out a rat if there was one. If only she were as good at it for herself.

Isolt brought up her brother and yeah, it felt a little like a sore subject. "Adrien taught me how to throw a mean punch amongst other things.." Like how to fight and how to distract enemies with your words, the more emotional you got them, the more likely they were to screw up. It was no surprise that he went off to become a dark hunter after their parent's death. "Only I don't think he realised I would use it on his friend Aaron so much.." A mischievous smile played upon her lips, it met her violet eyes looking toward Isolt.

Damn she missed her brother. Maybe if he had been around she wouldn't have made so many poor choices, or maybe he had given up on her as a lost cause. She wasn't sure.. "Shit I miss having a big brother around, I wonder if he is still alive or dead all the time. He's out there somewhere killing vampires and whatever else. So he can't be safe." She knew what vampires were capable of, all too well. She also had a feeling that she would know if he had kicked the bucket, that some feeling would wash over her. Maybe she was just being delusional and superstitious.

Now to the grilling part.. "We will be here all night and day if I ask all my questions, Damon.. So I am going to ask you two. And also, for every story we tell you about our childhood or whatever, you need to tell us something equally good about yours." It was more than fair, especially with so many secrets littered on the table. But for now.. "Tell me, What was your most defining moment in your life? No bullshit answers allowed. And second.. What do you see when you see Isolt? Not looks.." That would give her at least some answers of the man he was, plus, her bullshit meter was on and tuned into him. Not that her opinion really mattered in any of this. If her friend was happy, than she was. It was as simple as that. Of course, she wouldn't let him know that, there was some enjoyment to be had by keeping the man on pins and needles.

Yet she knew Isolt would know this was Harley's way of taking it easy on Damon, of course she could have made it all the more difficult. It would have been far more entertaining to take that smirk off Damon's smug features. He seemed arrogant, almost too much so. But arrogance didn't make you a bad person, it just meant you will probably have to deal with relentless Harley poking holes until she was satisfied, searching for any kind of weakness and buttons to press.

OOC: sorry for the confusing post guys and the long ass wait <3 I can explain anything if its confusing.

Harlequin Ray Westward
