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mukashi mukashi

Posted on April 07, 2019 by yumi chizue

The demure Asian woman was entirely oblivious to the true depth of pallor that so beset her fair feminine features. She was used to a certain sort of paleness, her own ethnicity known for its lack of color to a certain extent and yet, that deathly white that so tainted her usually cream color skin was far more akin to the hue of a corpse than the dear, sweet, Chizue. The young vampire was altogether hesitant to admit the true extent of her hunger, her words that left her lips far more broken the and unsure than the eagerness she might have otherwise given him. It was that singular offer to go somewhere quiet, however, that caused Chizue to give in, her own head bobbed ever so slightly in a small glimpse of an agreement. How easy it was for those simple words to draw a simper across his features and yet, that very coaxing made her all the more self-conscious as her chocolate eyes turned towards the floor. Even so, she didn't quite make an effort to back out of that agreement just yet. After all, it wasn't often that Chizue had any individual soul to accompany her on her need to feed, particularly one who so often had a way of making her feel safe. Tentatively, she inquired if they might be capable of finding someone....kind. She hardly had the mental fortitude to deal with those swings of sometimes vibrant emotion that her own particular brand of feasting so often brought. Thankfully, Damon seemed to understand exactly the sort of delicate flower she so was.

Her darkly hued irises turned upwards at the man's insistence that he knew just the sort of place to take her. The dinner was, by the sound of it, the exact sort of solemn tranquility she required, even if it was just to chase away the fear and paranoia that so punctuated her own emotions. The young vampire watched as he stepped aside, clearing the way towards that door and the terrifying world that awaited her on the other side. Slowly, Chizue nodded, as if trying to build up the courage to step outside in spite of the warlocks and witches that so surely awaited her. How she dread to think of seeing them again upon the sidewalk, just as the man who had so haunted her nightmares had found her the evening she'd met Oliver. At the very least, now she had Damon at her side. A soft exhale left her lips as she reached towards the doorknob, turning it only to lead the way out and into the darkness. She paused upon the porch of the small townhome, simply waiting for Damon to join her before she even dared to step out on the sidewalk. Her path was purposefully kept at Damon's side, as close as she could be without physically touching him.

Briefly, Chizue paused at the very end of that walkway, only for her gaze to follow that small gesture down the street. "Okay." She muttered softly, her own pace perhaps a touch slower than it might have otherwise been. A part of her was distinctly purposeful with the way she so scanned the street as if searching for some sort of unseen threat, the demure girl altogether oblivious that, perhaps, the most dangerous being she might meet tonight would be the very man who so protectively remained at her side. "Damon...?" She inquired softly, her gaze slowly shifted towards the man beside her as she hesitantly inquired that very quandary that perturbed her most of all. "...are they...still out there? The coven?" It was just a chance meeting, wasn't it? That she had so seen her tormentor with Oliver. Surely the rest of the coven had all been....obliterated....hadn't they?
