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My Own Form Of CHAOS

Posted on April 06, 2015 by Damon

The woman trips while running through the woods and I almost come upon her then and end it but I hold myself back, my fangs almost painful at this point from the hunger in my veins as her fear seeps off her in waves. She's downright terrified, that feeling you get right before you die because you know there's no way out, no escape. And yet still she fights. What an intriguing creature, but not intriguing enough to save her life. I continue to chase her after she gets back up, weeping and sobbing out loud. She screams at the top of her lungs but there's no one here to hear her, not until she gets into the residential area. I know I should probably end her now before she calls too much attention and I have to let her go. I didn't come all this way just to let my meal get away. But where's the fun in ending it now? And so I risk it, letting her run down the sidewalk, looking for a person to catch or a door to knock on.

When I see the smaller shadow up ahead, I wonder why a child would be out and it doesn't click in my head until I catch a whiff of her scent. Vampire. A part of me wants to break the woman's neck so she can't have her but I must admit my curiosity gets the better of me. I rarely run into children vampires. There's not many left in this world because most of them can't control their hunger early on. They throw a temper tantrum and take out whole towns until hunters come in and jump them in groups. They don't know how to be discreet, how to hide what they are. All they know is the hunger and everything's still a game. So when I see the blonde curls and the bright blue eyes, I only wonder how she'll act with the human, how she'll play this game.

The woman stops before her, telling her she shouldn't be out and she reaches out to take her hand but then the girl's fangs come out and the woman's body stiffens. I can't see her expression from behind but I can only guess she's absolutely terrified. Who would think of a child vampire? Some would say they're the most terrifying of all. I slow my pace to a walk now, putting my hands in my pocket, looking every bit the casual walker as I come toward them, knowing it'll be too late by the time I get there. Just on time, the girl yanks the woman down to her level, asking her if she wants to play before she glances up, noticing me for the first time. I stop a few feet from her, noting the flicker of irritation in her eyes.

Crouching down on the heels of my feet, I tilt my head at her question, offering her a smirk of sorts as my blue gray eyes twinkle.

"To play, of course."

I turn my gaze to the woman who's merely staring at both of us in horror. I speak in her in a silky voice, my eyes glimmering as my persuasive powers take hold.

"Tell the good girl you want to play too."

The woman's gaze goes dull and lifeless as she stares into my eyes before she slowly turns her head to look up at the blonde child, her voice dreamlike.

"I want to play too."
