Sacrosanct contains four distinct neighborhoods, each with their own specific kind of houses and residents. Explore our districts, view lists of our citizens and enjoy our block parties!

What You'll Find Here

Anacosta Heights
Dupont Circle
Hawethorn Village
River Dale

Not all who Wander are Lost

Posted on May 29, 2014 by Ezra

It's Friday night. The sun has already set beyond the horizon of the suburbs, and the orange-ish glow of the street lamps and porch-lights halo the lawns of the lavish mansions of Sacrosanct's social elites.

I've spent the last few hours just before dusk, scoping out this particular street on the edge of Anacosta Heights. I'd casually sit upon one of the bus stop benches and pretend to be absorbed in a good book, watching the children walk home from school and husbands return from their 9-5 desk jobs. Most of them were hard-working, honest men.

But one guy at the end of the street has held the majority of my attention for the past week. Each day he drives to work in his tricked out sports car, the classic fire engine red with a beast of a motor that roared like a lion when he careened down the street.

He was married, with a trophy wife and the luxurious party-hard life style. First time I'd seen him he was parked on a street corner in the warehouse district, trying to buy himself some action from one of the strippers at the club I'd gone into for a drink.

When she refused him he'd turned his attentions towards me, offering to buy me some fruity little drink I'm sure he'd rufie if I'd aid yes. He tries bribery next, a fancy dinner, a night out on the town getting spoiled senseless and boozed up for his intentions later. When that didn't work he went on to throwing around his reputation. Glorifying his wealth with secret getaway vacations to exotic places, weekend rendezvous to some high class hotel on a beach.


It ticked me off, seeing how he flaunted his money like paper, with no respect or regard for the wife and kids he left at home. So now he was my target. With all his wealth I doubt he'd miss much if a few thousand went missing.

Tonight, it looks as though his kids are gone at slumber parties, and he's actually whisking his poor ignorant wife out for once. Even sleeze balls have to keep up appearances unless his perfect bleach-blonde house wife decides to up and leave his ass for every penny he's got.

I'm reclined in my cat form now, lounged discreetly in a massive oak in the yard across the street from his 3 story french styled chateau. At precisely 9:30pm, I hear the familiar purr of his sports car, and the couple back out and zoom away towards whatever plans he's arranged for the night.

As soon as the car is out of the driveway and on it's way down the street, nimble pads leap from my perch and lope slip beneath the automatic garage door just before it closes completely.

Pupils grow wide in the dark, and I shed my leopard skin for my human body. Padding to the door leading to the house, my keen eyes spot the control panel to the security alarm. I look it over carefully, hands skimming the green glowing face before fingering over the key-pad. Instantly a flood of memories warps through my brain-stem, and in a moment the security code was veritably downloaded straight into my memory.

Typing in the code, the panel light turns blue and I can actually hear the doors and windows inside the home unlock simultaneously.

I grin at my own cleverness, and slowly ease open the knob to the house. The door entered into the open-floor plan kitchen, complete with an island and marble countertops. Everything gleamed with newness and wealth. I could practically choke on the taste of money lingering in the air.

Walking through the house, I ghost across a massive living room, outfitted with all the latest gizmos and gadgets of modern technology. Family photos adorned the walls and I stopped to stare at one near the base of the stairs. Four perfect smiles stare back at me through the frame. Two blonde girls, perfectly dressed in their finest Sunday best, a brunette little boy and the dark-haired grease-ball that was their father. At least he was still able to provide them with a decent life. That was more then any of the jerks my mom ever dated had done for me.

One nail carves a deep scratch across the mans face and I turn to ascend to the second floor. I ignore the children's bedrooms as I make my way down the hall. I don't pilfer from kids. Past the stairs to the master bedroom. I wasn't going for jewelry this time around. His wife had done nothing to offend me.

No, he was my target. Not his family. He should learn to appreciate them more... Into his Study. Yep, that's the ticket. And as I step through and spy his desk, my attention is immediately drawn to the fantastic painting of his arrogant self behind the plush leather desk chair.

Fingers trace the edges of the painting, thumbing over the secret latch, the painting swinging open on a pair of hinges like a door.

Bingo! Teeth flash in success.
A large steel door looms in the shadow against the wall, yet another green keypad in my face. Fingers touch metal. Idiot... who uses the same security code for their house to their safe also?

I roll my eyes. This was just too easy. Quickly thumbing in the code a tone sounds and the lock unwinds. Turning the heavy latch, I heave open the door, revealing 3 large shelves. The first contained important paperwork, deeds to the mansion and a lakehouse in miami, a title to that sporty car and some various business contracts. The second shelf boasted some premium quality jewels, most of which had yet to be set into any kind of jewelry. I helped myself to all of them... I like the shiny stuff.

Top shelf had the real goods though, Bonds from as far back as the 1940's, worth about $10,000 a piece, of which there were four. I took two. Beside that was a collection of rare coins, morgan silver dollars and a couple troy Ounces of silver. I took 'em all.

And then, there were the stacks of Benjamins. Hundreds of dollars piled in neat little rolls. I stuffed my pockets full of the bastards and even shoved one down my bra.

After taking everything I wanted, I took great care in making sure everything was at it had been prior to my arrival. Everything but the family photo I'd scratched. I slipped out the back door easily, turning the security box back on as I left, and hurriedly crossed the street to the sidewalk.

I took my time strolling away. they wouldn't be home for hours yet and I still had another house to hit.

Anacoasta, you always know how to show a girl a nice time!

~Of The Feline Persuasion ~ Runs with No Pride ~ My King Cat Daddy~ 30 Lives Lived~ My 6th Sense is Biographic Aptitude ~ "Speaks Like This"
