
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

I'm gonna dance on broken glass

Posted on November 26, 2017 by kathryn quinn
Kathryn Quinn Murphy
I bet on me and my own heartbeat

She had stayed out later than she had intended to. Kathryn had been merely enjoying exploring her new home, this new city. But the days were growing shorter and Kat hadn't anticipate it getting dark so early. So now she was stuck finding her way home in the dark.

Kathryn doesn't like this, it is suffice to say. Even when she had been back home, the town she had spent almost all of her life in, she had never enjoyed walking around alone in the dark. Luckily, most of the time, she didn't have to, typically having one, two, or even three of her friends always around to accompany her. But, unfortunately, that was not the case here. After college, everyone had sort of branched out, either looking for jobs, or pursuing higher education as Kat was doing. Two of her friends had ended up in the same city, but the dark haired girl was not so lucky. She was all alone here.

In the dark.
By herself.
And so on and so forth.

Glancing around her, shifting those vibrant blue eyes that stand strikingly out against her tanned skill, the witch who doesn't know (rather, doesn't remember) that she is one recognizes where she is. This was the south part of town. Where the park is, where she had fallen off her bike painted baby blue. OK, everything was going to be okay now, she could find her way home from hereâ€"she thinks. The young woman takes a deep breath in, sucking air into her lungs, putting oxygen into her silvered blood. She just needs to stay calm. Just because she was out at night didn't automatically mean that someone was going to attack her. Kathryn attempts to smile to calm herself down, but the smile is fragmented, broken with nerves. She tries her best to press away the images that keep popping up in her head, someone kidnapping her, a robbery, god forbid someone murdering her in cold blood right here on the sidewalk!

Ok, Kat, you really need to cool your shit.

And then, the wind blows. It is picked up so suddenly, the for once, Kathryn notices the breeze and the oddity of it. Being a witch, air had been the first element for her to ever possess, though she had no memory of this. It was tied so closely to her emotions, that even when everything happened and she no longer practiced her craft and all her other powers began to fade away, this one remained. And typically, Kathryn hadn't ever really noticed, but the abruptness has certainly caught her off guard, with all of her senses being on high alert. It starts to blow harder and harder around her, tangling her long dark locks, whipping it around her face and neck. "What the heck is going on?' she asks herself , entirely confused where this random wind storm has come from, never once does or would the thought cross her mind that this power over the wind would be coming from her because wishes weren't real. Magic wasn't real. She was just a some what normal girl. Sure, she lived with her grandparents and was raised by them instead of her own parents, but still, she wasn't the first to have been raised that way.

As she makes her way through the park, Kathryn ducks behind a tree in attempt to escape the stinging wind that continuously brushes against her face. The breeze continues to whistle, but she can no longer feel the air rushing around her. Breathing a sigh of relief, she leans against the large tree and lashes flutter over baby blues.

That's when she hears something.

Standing up straight, she hears a struggle up ahead, and against her better judgment she runs towards it. A smart girl would have turned around, and normally Kat was smarter than running to see what caused the noise.

But everyone has their off days, right?

White converse make a soft pattering sound as the small witch sprints towards whatever was occurring. She should have been thinking of the danger, as she had been earlier, but it seems that Kathryn has thrown caution to the wind, thoughts of someone being hurt race through her mind. She rounds the corner just in time to see the earth splintering as blue eyes look to the man ahead of her, unaware of anything that had just happened as three words slip from her lips. "Oh my god."
