
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

not the wedding i had pictured

Posted on December 17, 2017 by Damon Marcello

The day could not have been more perfect. Or should he say, the night. Most people who knew them didn't seem to mind at all that the ceremony would take place at night, since most of them were either night creatures themselves or party goers like Isolt's friend Harley who seemed to be more of a night owl anyway. He didn't think about the losses of not having his parents here to watch her walk down the aisle to meet him. He knew deep down that his mother would have loved Isolt. She would have doted on her like the daughter she never had and told Damon they were perfect for each other if only because she could see the way they looked at each other. He could care less what his dad would have thought of her. Probably would have wanted to see her pedigree, to know that she came from "good stock" as his father always liked to say about women. Damon could care less about any of that. His father was dead and gone, hopefully cursed in his grave from the moment he decided to pull a gun on his sons and damn them to eternal darkness.

He was a little nostalgic only for his brother Stefan in this moment. Stefan would have wanted to be here, to stand beside his brother and see the woman who had taken Damon's heart. That is, if he wasn't still the Ripper out terrorizing the west coast. As the Ripper, he would only want to thwart Damon's perfect moment, probably hit on Isolt or bring up some terrible moment of Damon's past like when he was head over heels for Katherine, or even Elena. Something to try to push Isolt away from him and ruin Damon's life. That's all the Ripper was good for. But he wasn't here today. Damon had made sure that invite didn't go out. He would only have those of his coven and the people that Isolt considered friends to see their moment together. If it were up to him, they would have eloped a while ago, but Isolt wanted this moment. She wanted some tradition and for her, he would do anything, so he agreed to it. Right now all he could think about was seeing her in the perfect dress she must have picked out and then ripping it off of her without mercy so they could spend the rest of eternity loving each other. There would be nothing between them by the time he was done with her. Nothing but skin.

He hadn't been allowed to see the dress of course because of superstition but he was sure Isolt would shine in rags. She lit up his life from the first moment he set eyes on her. She was his rock and his sun, his goddess. He smiled politely and shook hands as was custom, everyone already congratulating him as if the ceremony were over but he was tense, wanting everything to be over already so he could take his bride and have her all to himself. He had planned a grand honeymoon and their plane left tomorrow evening. He would have the day to sleep with her at his side then they would pack their bags and leave to go around the world. Greece, Rome, Paris, you name it. His tickets were pretty much open and all paid for. She was worth every penny. When everyone sat down and the music started, he went to take his place at the head of the aisle, straightening his tie as he cleared his throat for lack of anything better to do. He swept his intense gaze over the crowd, but he was already miles away, thinking only of the one person he wanted to see, that fiery red head that would come walking down that aisle any second and steal the breath he wish he had away.

The crowd around him and the music stifled his hearing or he might have heard the small struggle happening in the tent. He wasn't on the alert for battle this evening, only a new kind of fight, one he surrendered to wholeheartedly the minute he put that ring on Isolt's finger. He will admit, he was a little irritated that she wanted Tetris of all people to be the one to give her away. It spoke volumes of what the Were meant to her and Damon didn't want to undermine that but it irked him that the man was so close to her. The way he looked at her sometimes, Damon could FEEL the affections he held for Isolt, much more than a friend. And yet Isolt kept telling him Tetris was just a friend, nothing more. Damon still saw the man as a threat, but he had promised Isolt he would behave today. So he would keep the distaste out of his gaze when he saw the panther, if only for her sake. Tonight he would forgive the man his affections because who wouldn't love such a beautiful person? As long as he respected what was Damon's, they should have nothing to quarrel over. Hopefully by being the one to walk her down the aisle, Tetris would see once and for all who Isolt had chosen to be with. It was over, done.

His weight shifted as he glanced around. He blamed his own impatience. It just felt like Isolt and Tetris should be here by now. If that stupid Were had kept him waiting so he could pour his heart out to Isolt and beg for her to choose him instead....well, there would be a new fur rug in their house soon enough. He didn't let any of his emotions show though, ever the expert of looking patient and confident when inside, he was starting to feel anything but. The song had already started and yet she didn't come. There was no sense of her nearby. He could usually sense it. When the pastor and the woman on the piano started to look at him, he merely smiled and asked them to start the song again, that she would be along shortly. He could already feel the gazes around him shifting, turning to more of pity. He would NOT be the man left at the alter. He refused. Isolt wouldn't do that. She loved him. He would tear the world apart to find her if he had to. As if on cue, he heard someone coming in from the side and he turned, his gaze calculating as none other than Tetris appeared. Instantly Damon picked up on the tension he was giving off, even as he said his name. That's all it took for Damon to know something was wrong, but outwardly, he was composed as he nodded. At the Were's cue to come with him somewhere quiet, he turned to the pastor. "If you would, play some idle music. I'm sure this will be over in a moment." He threw a little extra charm in so the pastor would smile and nod. "Of course." He heard him turn to the choir and get them started on some church hymms as he stepped from the tent behind the other man.

Out here, his whole body shifted, already on alert as he raised a brow expectantly. His brows furrowed the moment Tetris spoke, his lips twitching. "No, this meant more to her than anything. She would have wanted everything to be prompt, perfect." He sighed, glancing toward the tents. "What about the bridesmaids? Yumi? She should know something." He made his way in long confident strides toward the tents, ready to demand someone explain whatever prank was going on. He pulled open the flap, instantly taking in the empty scene. Yumi....he knew she wouldn't just disappear. He turned back to the other man. "Have you seen any of them? Harley? Isolt's best friend. Someone should know something." He felt it then, the first of that emotion he hated with a fierce loathing raising its ugly head. No, he would not be a slave. He turned back, taking in the tent a little more. Then his gaze set on the mirror and the cracks that ran along the surface. His brow furrowed. This wasn't right. Isolt would not stand for one chip on a mirror for her bridesmaids. He felt it again, the wave rushing up his body. He cleared his throat, fighting for control as he rolled his neck and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he turned back to Tetris, his gaze was determined and intense.

"Can you....track her scent? Something happened here. I need to find her. I need to find my wife." His voice dared to crack just a little on the final word but he pushed past it anyway. He turned back to the mirror so Tetris wouldn't see his shoulders tremble, just for a second. Just for a mere second, he let the emotion threatening to overcome him show. This was what it was like to feel it, to truly feel it. Fear.
