stuff us in boxes that's where you want us
cardboard is boring, we brought our matches - look how it burns
Harley was a little on edge considering that she had been here before. Not literally but figuratively so, lost in a sea of familiar faces, a similar scene where Isolt had been taken exactly a year ago. How quickly things all went to hell, as they tended to do. The story was always the same. It might have felt like a different life now, a distant figment in a dream that had almost seemed simple. The past was a culmination of shattered fragments at their feet, forever to be altered, much like her, some pieces forever lost, Harley would be nothing more than a mosaic, those empty spaces would be just as much apart of her. Yet as blatantly obvious things have changed, it was mainly on the inside. Scars only intended for her eyes only.
The undying love between two vampires had remained unfaltering, including a certain strife between a certain moppy haired were-panther. That remained the same. How Isolt had forgiven him so easily she hardly could understand it, it made he bristle at the thought of it. For tonight, she would at least put aside her own tattered emotions and play... nice... for the sake of Isolt and Isolt alone. That friendship meaning so very much to the raven-haired woman, even if it hardly stopped those impressive glares sliced his way along with his little girlfriend too.
It was a beautiful ceremony, unsurprisingly so, Isolt looked stunning even with the baby bump nestled underneath her stunning, fitted dress. Harley was happy for her, truly, genuinely. Damon and Isolt would surely go down in history as one of those couples. The ones they wrote songs and tv shows about, fuck, the kind of love that made Harley want to roll her eyes. Even if the purple-eyed spitfire gave Damon a hard time in the beginning, it hardly came from a place of malice. At the end of the day he made her happy and that was all she could want for Isolt.
The ceremony was tied with a neat little bow and immediately Harley lost herself in the crowd, keeping a vigilant eye around the perimeter for anything out of place. Thankfully, there were no attacks and Isolt was still here, flitting around the crowd like a social butterfly. She was always so good at this social stuff, always so good at lighting up a room and infecting people with her happiness. The two women could not be any more opposite, Harley a dark little storm cloud.
Harley straightened the silken fabric of her a-line lilac dress, that flared out around her as though it gave her appearance of a refined woman. Ha, sucker on anyone who actually bought that load of shit. Yet she meandered through the throng of people remaining skillfully inconspicuous. She had already ditched her heels for combat boots, her feet felt like they had been murdered in those narrow silver heels. She had at least gotten through the entire ceremony being the perfect friend.. posing with a content smile for the photographs, giving Tetty bunny ears only once for the one that they were forced to take together.
Almost an hour went by and there was no sign of the bride or groom. Perhaps they left for the honeymoon, or maybe they couldn't wait to rip each other's clothes off. Regardless, this was their night and they should enjoy it to the fullest. Especially in this city when the world could come crashing down on you in an instant. Harley found herself at the table where that impressive cake dwelled. Remarkable. Probably cost a small fortune. That frosting looking mighty delicious too.. perhaps her one kryptonite tonight. She had been eyeballing it the moment she set foot in the decorated reception hall.
Everyone else was busy off doing their own thing.. surely no one would notice. She sneakily took a generous blob of frosting with her fingers, near the base where hopefully few people would notice her devious act, all before bringing it to her lips. She savored the sweet rich taste. Damn it tasted as expensive as it looked. She stood there for a moment, reveling in that very moment when suddenly she felt a presence behind her. She jumped in spite of herself, the woman never used to be so terribly jumpy but recent events had changed that. It sent a gob of frosting so smear across her cheek and a little bit of her nose. First the cake.. then the open bar, that had been the plan.. she was sure she could turn this into a party, even if only was a party for one.
Spinning around, her eyes widen at being caught and yet, it was worth it seeing the married lady herself. "Oh! Izzy!" She beams, that smile slightly betraying guilt. "I am surprised the married lady isn't half way to some exotic locale with her new husband, or not joining the mile high club as we speak. I'd say don't forget to pack sunscreen... but I think that's one of the perks of being a vampire.. flawless skin and no worry of sun burns." She teased. Even dressed up... apparently you can't take Harley out of the woman no matter how polished she appeared. Hell even Adrien who stalked outside was dressed in a suit and tie, refusing to join the festivities, at least he showed up even considering his feelings on the supernatural. Progress.. Harley would take that. Maybe she would drunk tackle him later just to test those hunter skills.
"I know I have already said this before.. but I gotta say it again. If anyone deserves the fairytale ending, it's you. How do you feel?" Her vibrant eyes settled upon her companion softly, hoping not to linger on the touchy feely emotions for too long. At least this time, the couple actually made it through the wedding. Hey they say second time is the charm, right?
Harley Westward