
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

over the last crumbling mountain

Posted on July 31, 2021 by AISLINN

When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning
And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning

The crystalline hue of the ivory mare's hard gaze remained steadfast upon the horse that stared at her near wide-eyed. The very presence of the horn upon Aislinn's head seemed to prompt an almost anxious reaction within the poor Mongolian, as if the equine had never considered a unicorn might exist! For a moment, Aislinn remained content to simply stare at the mare, as if daring her to make a rucas when it surely was not warranted. Eventually, the little chestnut turned, her eyes closed as she dozed peacefully once again - exactly as Aislinn expected her to. The ivory maiden continued her careful creep closer towards the object of her obsession. She hardly wanted to alert the entirety of the camp to her presence, it would only be a hindrance to her investigation. Quietly she stepped behind the tents, trusting the shifting of the sleeping equines to mask the sound of her lethargic crawl towards the ivory stallion. It hardly took long, unfortunately, before someone else took note of her otherworldly feminine scent. Her ears flicked at the sound of the dun's restless shifting, though she paid him no heed as she finally made her way behind the tent that belonged to her stallion's rider. Inquisitively, Aislinn peeked around the tent, even if it hardly hid her figure in the slightest.

His head was facing away from her though it hardly mattered when Aislinn was certain she had seen enough. He was, absolutely, positively, irrevocably, without wings. How...puzzling. She had been certain that she had seen them, when he had plummeted from the sky. Where had they gone? Unless they were some sort of...affinity of his riders? Her head perked upwards slightly at the nicker she was offered and briefly, those bright blue eyes narrowed as she eyed the dun steed at the opposite end of the camp. That brief glance was all she afforded him, however, before her attention returned towards the tent at hand. Carefully, Aislinn moved around towards the front of it, only to gingerly begin to nose the zipper in an effort to force it upward and open enough for her to offer the rider the same studious attention. Her ears swiveled upon her head at the soft shuffling behind her, though Aislinn had little reason to think he had awoken. Surely he was merely...readjusting and would continue sleeping, entirely oblivious to her presence, as was most of the camp.

It was the sound of an audible, and purposeful, stamp of a hoof that drew her attention. Her head shifted, the tent's zipper momentarily forgotten as her ears swiveled upon her head in an entirely alert manner. She turned just enough to stare at him, only to be met with a glimpse of annoyance within those lavender eyes. His irritation quickly melted before her very eyes and slowly, Aislinn rose her head to eye him with vague inquisitiveness. She hadn't realized, prior to that very moment, that he was...well...similar to her. Neither entirely beast nor man, they walked the boundary between. He seemed near frozen at the very realization of what she was - that reaction was one Aislinn was entirely used to. After all, she was a thing of legends! A beauty that was hailed as a mere figment and now, here she was, gifting him with her presence, with her attention. Aislinn hardly shifted from her own poised position, however, as she stared at him headlong, the woman instead contemplated the possibility that either horse or rider could possess some power of flight. Did it make a difference? If his wings came from some ability? It was a rare one, either way.

She watched as, suddenly, the stallion began to move. A careful step was taken forward, and then another, and another. In silence she watched each prancing movement from the arch of his neck to the highness of those steps, so clearly showing off his fit physique and worthiness of her attention. As if she could be swayed by such a basic animalistic instinct. A soft snort left her nose as he halted before her, the rope around his neck prevented him from progressing any further, quite thankfully. His muzzle reached out towards her in a clear invitation, one Aislinn was ill inclined to take as she took a singular step backward, only to eye him with clear judgement. After all, she was not yet sure he was even worthy of touching her. Their kind were so often hard to pinpoint in their other forms, the innocence of their animal halves somehow masking their human sins. The soft rumble of his voice entered her mind, that velveteen smoothness might have been...calming, were if not for the very words he had uttered to her! Her ears pinned back as he tail swished in mild irritation. "One does not use a horn for something so....benign." She insisted, her soprano voice holding every hint of insult. To think! That she might utilize the pearlescent purity of her horn on a dirty tent!

The stallion shifted closer towards her, the rope that held him entirely taunt, though he seemed to not notice or not care about it. Aislinn, this time, remained where she stood, that next question one she was willing to answer with far more detail if only to garner some sort of...information from her companion. "I came to see the winged horse. It seems I am to be disappointed, however. You are not a pegasus." She stated, so clearly challenging him to prove her otherwise. After all, those wings were the very reason she was here, whether or not she challenged his pride as a way to see them hardly mattered to her. How aware she was of the way his gaze seemed to linger upon her features, to drift over her refined figure in clear amazement of all that she was - as he should. She glanced back at that tent behind her, though his effort to jest was wholly lost upon the woman. After all, she cared not for his rider. Rather, she would prefer to see her pegasus without one at all, those feelings were one she was keen to voice, now that she knew well he could understand her. "I am not interested in him - unless he is the one who took your wings. I did see them. Where did they go? Unless you are not the horse I saw?" How her finicky attention was so focused upon that singular fact, those wings alone designated just how much of her interest remained within him.

Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn
Look and see her how she sparkles
it's the last unicorn
