For several long, near precarious moments both equine seemed content to merely eye one another with no small undercurrent of judgement. The horn that decorated the head of the pale mare however seemed to ensnare the vast majority of the larger stallion's attention. A unicorn? Was he truly seeing a unicorn? Surely that milk Alexander had shared with him had not been alcoholic had it? Frost's violet gaze deviated from the snowy equine before him to briefly sweep across the rest of that camp. None of the other competitors had awoken and only a handful of those horses had spied the white mare- the vast majority of them seeming to have lost interest already in what their animalistic minds had merely deduced was simply another horse. Save for Khan's dun stallion. The equine, even now, continued to stir restlessly with his own desire to be closer to mare. Frost's gaze shifted away from the other stallion and back toward the snow-coloured creature who stood before him. His own feathered feet lifted, carrying him smoothly forward and closer towards her. That distinct arch to his neck and too- a certain lightness to his steps was almost...instinctive. That human part of himself was distinctly unaware he had even done such a thing and yet that equine part of him was near determined to...capture the mare's attention. Hmm, perhaps he had been wearing that equine skin far too long.
That rope at Frost's neck, however, was suddenly drawn taut- preventing him from progressing any closer. The stallion merely inclined to extend his muzzle outward instead. A gesture that seemed to prompt the mare to step backward. How few women had ever stepped away from him. A soft snort of...curiosity erupted from within him then and yet, for now, Frost allowed his muzzle to withdraw. His violet gaze content to merely eye the creature before him- before querying why she had not utilised that horn to open the tent when it would surely have been far easier then her nose. That question, it seemed, was one the young mare hardly took well as her ears pinned backward, her tail lashing at her flanks in disdain. That very gesture so prompted Frost's own ears to flicker backward. The Alpha distinctly....unused to others taking any sort of....tone with him. How very...bold this mare was. One did not use a horn for something so benign? Frost merely allowed one eye to arch ever so slightly.
"Would it not be better than using one's face?"
That near sarcastic response was delivered in that same smooth, cool manner in which Frost was near eternally designed to speak, that lack of emotion only making those words appear all the more obscure. Few beings, after all, were ever inclined to his dry sense of wit. Those words so often delivered in a fashion so deadpan that few ever laughed. Tetradore, perhaps, had been the one exception. This mare however hardly seemed the type inclined to appreciate it. Perhaps he had not...thought through that response as well as he might have and yet the war horse was hardly inclined not to sate his own curiosity of this equine oddity. Frost shifted forward as far as that rope would allow. Alexander, he knew, was unlikely to believe him. Perhaps he should have let her wake him. Then again- she had hardly explained her own presence here. might yet prove to be a distraction of sorts. Frost's gaze shifted briefly towards Khan's tent once more before he queried that mare on her presence. She had come to see the winged horse. The pegasus. She had seen him then. How certain he had been he had seen a horse when they had landed. Had she followed behind them all this way? Those very words rested upon the tip of his tongue and yet, for now, Frost merely allowed them to remain there.
Alexander and himself had already agreed those wings were an affinity best kept between themselves. At least for the duration of the race. This unicorn- despite her ethereal presence was yet to explain exactly who she was- or who she had been sent by. Frost was hardly fool enough to merely offer that information freely. Alexander, after all, had countless enemies within the world. It would be nothing short of foolish to speak so freely to a woman he had met mere moments ago. Even if she was....exquisite.
"Where did you see this...winged horse?"
That line of questioning was so effortlessly turned to point toward the mare instead. Neither equine, it seemed, was terribly inclined the other. Frost, in that moment, content to attempt to...deduce his own theory in regards to that unicorn. Frost's insistence that they hardly need to wake Alexander however was met with her blatant assurance she held no interest in him. Hmmm. How rare for a woman- equine or otherwise. To hold no interest in Alexander. How it might have amused Frost to regale his companion with that tale were it not for the young mare's insistence she had seen those wings- and queried their absence. Frost's tail lifted to flick at his flanks once more, chasing away those night moths that fluttered about on that open plain. It was a shame, really, that he had not joined Alexander and peritas in the river to wash that mud from himself and yet....why should he care for his appearance in front of that woman? It hardly mattered. Even if some part of him was inclined to believe it did.
"What if he did take these wings you think you saw? What could you truly do about it?"
That question was perhaps far more pointed than it appeared. Those cool, smooth words so attempting to pry all the more information from that unicorn before him- along with just what she might be capable of. There was no proof, after all, that she was anything less than some illusion crafted by Khan. Even if she smelled entirely real. Frost shifted once more, his feathered hooves thudded dully on the earth. That blasted rope prevented him coming any closer and yet he was reluctant to turn from her to merely untie it.
"What exactly is your interest in these wings I might have?"
If she truly had followed Alexander and himself all those miles then there was surely a reason for it. Unless she was merely the blatantly curious type. Her presence in the middle of the Mongolian Steppes was...unusual as it was. Unicorns, at least in those legends Frost had heard so often inhabited lush forests. The Mongolian plains were anything but. Was she a competitor in this race? One as capable of hiding her horn as well as he was his wings? One sent by her rider to find out how Alexander and himself had covered so much ground? Then again he was sure he hadn't seen another white horse like himself at that start line. Frost's head tilted ever so slightly in curiosity once more. The towering stallion afforded his companion a near wary look.
"Where is your rider?"