
The western part of the city is often home to the poorer residents. Here there is a grunginess that permeates the town from the graffiti on the once cleaned brick buildings to the broken and unmaintained architecture. Crime runs high within the western half of town, making it the home of supernatural gangs of illicit activities. Such activities are rarely reported, however, and most residents are distrustful of individual's of authorities, and often let the powerful supernatural beings sort things out amongst themselves. Be careful wandering the Western streets after the sun falls.

What You'll Find Here

Black Market
Cull & Pistol
Noah's Ark

and I wanna leave my own life behind

Posted on April 07, 2019 by Darcy Blackjack

How truly and terribly precarious that ever-present dance between them was. How Risque's very moods seem to shift and change as if they walked upon the edge of a knife- one she was all to keen to slice into his very flesh with each and every error of judgement he made in reading those signs. Darcy had, after all those years, become very near masterful in dodging those tendrils of paranoia and outrage that so often sought to embrace anything and everything around them when his Beloved found but anything to displease her and yet, tonight, he had known there would be no escaping her veritable wrath in the wake of the news he had delivered her. Still, that err had been his. At least in part. To conceal from her that contract an evening longer than necessary so feed at the poison within her mind. As if that very knowledge so further corroded her thoughts like an acid. One that prompted her to turn upon him. Darcy forced, in turn, to shift his own actions. To take up a new hand so to speak and play that very game in an entirely different fashion least she unleash her rage upon him to its fullest extent.

Yet- how readily that dominance within himself had so begun to rise. He was nothing if not her creation. Crafted to be so exactly what she desired. The vampiric man having been all but trained by her own hand and yet with that crafting so came those...side effects so inherited from her directly. How hotly his own blood ran. How much he loathed being forced into that submission. His mind and body so rebelling agianst it with more potency than they had done before. How far could he truly be pushed? How long could he truly last before that dominance within himself so firmy collided with her own and he so refused to bow? That desire to dominate her existed. Small and secretive though it was, pushed down and hidden in the depths of his mind with no desire to act upon it and yet it was near instinctive all at once. The vampire breed prone to such things. Within Darcy, Risque had created a weapon, one that had begun to need reminders of his place and yet beneath it all that utter affection, that adoration, that love for his Mistress so seemed to turn with riotous discord. Those very emotions a direct challenge to the dominance of his own nature. That war within his own mind a terribly potent one. Yet one that had a victor today, at least. That veritable fight left his figure as suddenly as it had appeared. His gaze turned from her own. That very rebellion, today, no more than a fleeting, near instinctive reaction and one Darcy had managed to shove aside. One overruled by affection and too- that desire to survive. Darcy hardly within the habit of being foolish. Not when his survival so depended upon it. That yield readily offered then. That chain around his throat finally loosened to allow him to speak. The man forced to take that decidedly human breath if only to allow his words to work as he sought to appeal to that more logical side of his mistress. Each word calculated and weighed before he offered it. His mismatched gaze so hardly leaving her figure once more as he watched her near warily now. Darcy seizes that singular moment in which her outrage shifts toward Cade and away from himself. The man seeking to push it further until it is Cade that distracts her tumultuous thoughts and not himself. Risque, for all her rage, her all-consuming paranoia, her desire to obliterate- was not a foolish woman. Her thoughts having seized upon what even his own had missed.

He remembered that night at the auction well. A part of the man relished in those nights spent among their own kind, in the challenge of that auction house and those political games to be played and yet, in turn, that possessive part of him loathed that place. Darcy so tending to spend those auction nights with his fur so metamorphic bristled each time. Fights in that place were common. Vampires from so many varying covens simply not designed to exist in such a small place together for long. How he fed on that chaos and yet loathed it all at once. Cade, in turn, an entirely different beast. His flattery of Risque was often shameless, an irritation to his Mistress and and a veritable challenge to Darcy himself each and every time. Yet, that auction just passed Cade had been worse then he normally was. Darcy so hardly having realised it within the heat of the moment. His rage having gnawed at his own sense. Risques command for him to leave Cade having been all that had stopped him challenging that other man directly. How that very fight would have gone he hardly knew and yet he saw it clearly now. It was just as Risque said. It had been a ruse from the beginning. Bait laid out for him to take. Bait he very nearly had fallen for. To lash out at Cade would have given him every reason to fight back. If he had been killed Risque would have been left....alone, so to speak.

Cade had exploited his weakness, that possessiveness, in an order to exploit Risque's own- her tendency to simply rush in head on. Cade had known from the beginning it would be Darcy whom planned that war for Syn and he had attempted to remove him from that playing field early. His death, surely, would only have enraged Risque all the more near guaranteeing she would make that mistake of rushing Cade's army head on. How very cleverly that man had played this game. Cade's plan foiled only by Darcy's willingness to obey Risques command that night. That hiss of irritation spat from his lips than as those realizations collided within his minded.

"Yar right, Darlin'. We shouldda both seen it. He's a rat bastard."

How that loathing all but seethed within Darcy in turn then. He would not fall for that ploy. Not again. Not even when Cade pushed upon those frail tendrils of control that existed whenever any other being, man or woman, so seemed to have desires for his lover. That veritable warning that fell from Risques lips then was met with that small nod of his own.

"I'll be ready for 'em."

Let them damn well come. Tybalt had been relatively easy to dispatch. Anyone Cade sent for him likely to be much the same and yet by that same token he was hardly content to ignore the sense behind his lovers word. That need to remain vigilant ever pressing. If Cade was determined to remove him from this war before that battled started then the man was unlikely to give up so easily as that. How quickly Risque's thoughts seemed to change once more, shift like the eclipse of the sun to speak of traitors within Syn itself. Traitors Darcy was near assured did not exist and yet it so hardly hurt to bring her someone to toy with, did it? She would not question him on who he bought her. Their pleas of innocence would fall upon deaf ears and his sweet Queen would be given an...outlet for her rage. One that was not himself. How he might so enjoy bringing the next poor fool who annoyed him to her beneath that traterious guise. Risque, in turn, seeming to delight in that promise- before he offers to truth behind his own loyalty. A truth he had offered her far more then once and yet one she seemed unwilling to believe or accept time and again despite how clearly it was painted upon his features. His mismatched gaze so smoothly finds her own once more in the wake of those words. The very look upon her face giving way to the very confusion that love seemed to produce within her. Did she truly not understand it? Did she truly not....love him back after all these years? No, that wasn't it, surely. Perhaps she simply struggled to say it. She loved him he was sure. So sure. Even if she struggled to offer him those words in return. That was hardly her fault. No. Maybe she simply needed more time, more proof, more effort upon his own part. Oh but how easily his own mind seeks to fill in those veritable....gaps in their relationship. To absolve her of blame or expectation. That potent loyalty to her, a Makers bond of his own formation so entwined within his thoughts to soothe those concerns of his own mind until they simply cease to exist. She loved him. He was sure. She didn't need to say it.

Yet that violence of her mind had risen to a new peak once more. That knife's edge he danced upon so suddenly becoming sharper until he is left with few choices that might appease her and spare him that rage that Cade had so set ablaze within her with his vile toxicity. Cade was to blame for her mood tonight. Cade would pay for it to, in time. Darcy, for now, so seeking that act on that near instinctive self preservation. The vampiric man so rebelling agianst his own heated blood and dominant desires to offer her that total submission in that moment. How he loathed to do it and yet, in turn, there was nothing he would not give her. Darcy, in that singular moment, so laying his very life at her feet. The man simply left to trust that sense would stop her destroying him and that such an act, in turn, would sooth her discord. She seems to linger above him then like some deathly angel, relishing in that position he has offered her, a position he never had and never would offer to any other. Darcy so entirely in her hands in that moment as he utters those words and she returns them in that silken purr he found near arousing even now. He knows better then to answer her near rhetorical questions as she speaks of life and how they so clung to it even in 'death'. His gaze simply resting upon her own. She slides closer then, her lips brushing along his ear. That touch, that feel, her sudden closeness prompting that soft sound of want from within him. How much he desired her, even now, even with that chin still taught around his neck. She moves quickly then, her lips barely gracing his neck before those sharp fangs slice open that flesh. Darcy quick to attempt to swallow that sft grunt of pain lest that sound send her into a frenzy. How readily that bite stung, the sensation near a burn, that blood running freely down his neck then. Her ability to make him bleed at her will so seeming to appease her for now. That brand imprinted firmly upon his neck like a veritable seal designed to keep that dominance within him at bay. A battle Risque has firmly won tonight.

She releases him then, at last. One hand reached upward near instinctively to loosen that chain from his neck before letting it fall back into place. Those link having left that flesh off his neck red and irritated. His blood beginning to soak into his shirt and yet- his demeanor has so seemingly shifted entirely. That delicate dance between them so pushed aside in that moment. Darcy nothing if not business now as he places that hand drawn blueprint of Syn upon that table between them and so offers her the beginnings of his ideas. She glides forward, her body a vision of perfection and allure, his gaze shifting to linger upon her even now as she glances over that paperwork. A single nail brushing along it as if to assess his efforts and yet she offered little in that moment. Darcy continuing to speak of that plan and the very logic behind bringing Cade to them. To force the other Vampire to fight on their home turf. To use Syn itself to their advantage and so fill in the gaps of their missing numbers. Darcy querying her command over those felines then and just how many she could command at once in that battle.

He feels her fingers then, caressing that skin of his neck, brushing almost tenderly over that bite wound she had given him. Her fingers paint in the blood from that still healing mark. Her touch near electric in the fashion in which his very figure responds to her presence alone and that utter desire for her that never lingers far from the surface was so coaxed at her command. Yet- the question so demands an answer. His mind fighting agianst that veritable haze to offer it to her. His head nodded at that offer for a demonstration before that singular, polite word so parts his lips with that gesture for her to go ahead.


It was rare, in every sense, for Risque to display the true extent of her power over those felines and why should she when a mere taste of it was surely enough? Several seconds pass and yet there is no obvious display of her affinity. Had she used it? Darcy gaze glanced but briefly toward Princess, his own beloved pet having sat upright and yet little more. Was he supposed to...feel something? He so hardly questions that power for now however, his attention instead garnered by her next words. His own head nodded.
"Cade believe dat he's invulnerable. He won't be 'pectin' what i got planned for 'im. Any intel dem spies o'yours can't get will be useful. Da more we know da better."

Risque shifted forward and away from him then. Her feline figure sliding upon ethereal grace to the edge of that building then. Just what so brought that smile to her lips prompting the vampiric man to follow in her wake and take up a place beside her. His gaze cast downward and over the veritable sea of cats that had appeared to stand before them, surrounding that building, standing ready and waiting. Bowing.

"God damn."

That uttered curse was spoken on a breath of near awe for the sheer extent of her power. Even he had not realised its true reach. Risque simply uttering she could feel more of them. She truly was a goddess. He had known it. This was merely further proof. Darcy assured she had never looked so alluring as she did in that moment so bathed in that moonlight and upon that ledge with her army of felines so bowed below her. He can hardly help the fashion he moves then. One hand comes to rest upon her waist as he steps behind her, his free hand moving to ever so carefully push aside the raven waterfall of her hair, his lips pressed to her own neck then and yet, this time, he is careful to prevent his fangs so much as pressing agianst her skin. His lips alone patterning her skin with that adoration.That final kiss pressed just below her ear.

"Yar a vision, Darlin'. A goddess among men. Dat power is...incredible."

How he meant every one of those heated, near whispered words. Darcy so relishing in that taste of her skin upon his lips before he moved to near slide away once more like a slithering shadow even despite that desire to....embrace her. Her mood, even now, still too unpredictable for such things and yet that he could hardly help that desire to touch her but a little all the same. His figure moving to stand at that edge once more, his tall, toned figure leaning agianst that railing as his gaze lingered on those cats below. Risque assuring she could get more vampires.

"Da more da better. We need numbers. I can add ta it in turn."

That singular snap of his fingers readily sees the headlights of those cars below flare into life, their engines revving into that darkness. Each and every one. Cars so lacked that ability to fight in quite the same way as cats and yet even a vampire would struggle in the wake of being run down. Those cars in turn providing them veritable battering rams, shields and unfeeling soldiers incapable of injury. Risques words prompting that simper to his own lips.

"Yar'll have dat revenge Darlin, I promise ya dat."

He offers simply, his gaze returned to her own as his head nodded in response once more. Risque having seen that sense in his own plan.

"Yes. I want 'im ta bring as many of dem vampires of his into da parkin' lot here, all in one place, den we start takin' dem out. Da way da lot is set up means he cant rush us. It means his superior numbers aint gonna mean much. He'll have dem dogs wit 'im. Some of yar bigger cats should be able ta fight dem. I gotta couple of sniper rifles in me room. Some of our other boys can shoot alright. When dat battle starts me and one of dem boys will be up 'ere. We can take out a fair few as they comin' in and I can see da whole field den. Once enough of Cade's army is in da lot da cars and cats can take out as many as possible. Whats left we will 'ave ta fight vampire ta vampire. Cade won't enter da battle unless he 'as ta. We gonna 'ave to killa lot of his army before he shows 'imself."

Darcy paused then. His gaze shifting to look back out over that lot. His plan so clearly thought through and yet there were still things that could go wrong, surprises that could present themselves. How he disliked surprises. Still, he would assure Syn was as prepared as possible. His gaze returning to his lover then.

"Do yar want to command dem cats from da ground and join dat fightin' early or do yar wanna command from up 'ere at da start and join da battle later?"

He was hardly fool enough to demand Risque take up any place on that battlefield. Darcy assured she would chose her own all the same. The vampiric man inclined to desire her to stay as close to himself as possible. She hardly needed him to defend her and yet those protective desires ran near painfully deep- even if to suggest as much would cause her ire once more. That choice left to her alone. It was her right, after all. Darcy sure to adjust his plan for whatever position she chose.

"Syn itself will act like a shield. As long as none of dem vampires get inside den we good. Our position is defendable and we need ta keep it dat way. We can conceal a lot of our numbers till we need dem."

We are rough men and used to rough ways.
