Sebastian Ellington
I thought you knew I was filthy rich
I thought you knew I never answer my phone
I thought you knew I was a late night with a bad bite I thought you knew.
His fingers toyed with that wound on his neck, altogether fascinated by the indentations and the scabs that now existed there. His own body's usual ability to heal was rather poorer than usual, thanks to that dramatically decreased amount of blood running through his system. He needed to feed. In fact, if he dwelled on it, Sebastian certainly would have realized that he was hungry. Very hungry. He was starving, in fact. As it was, however, the vampire's attentiveness was equally as lacking, his thoughts so easily absorbed with each passing whim as Arlo batted his hand away, distracting him instead with that nifty scrolling of the cellular device within his friend's grasp. With a simple flick of his finger that page went scrolling to the top, the sheer picture of Sebastian and his boyfriend together once again prompted that near endless adoration he held for the King, worsened only by the sheer intensity of those emotions he felt when so particularly inebriated. It was quite abrupt, the fashion in which he declared not only his intention to marry the King but also that invitation he suddenly extended to Arlo and his little panda friend. The details in that moment mattered particularly little to the Englishman. In fact, the only thing that so preoccupied Sebastian's thoughts was how much he loved Dorian and how desperately he wanted to be the King's own for all eternity. He wanted to be more than just the man's boyfriend. He just wanted...more and somehow, that vow of marriage itself seemed to fulfil those desires.
The vampire found himself considering the full extent of all that still needed to be achieved before such a goal could come about, however. Asking Dorian for his hand was certainly nerve-wracking in itself and yet, Sebastian was all the more concerned at the concept of asking Matteo for his permission. The simple suggestion of just not asking his possible-future-father in law brought a glimpse of utmost horror upon his features. After all, it was like, the rule for marriage! He knew well it was considered old-timey and yet, immediately he found himself inquiring if Arlo would ask his future wife's father. After all, that very gesture showed respect and care and all sorts of good things! He could tell by that simple look upon Arlo's features that the much younger man had never even considered such a thing before! That mere shrug brought a huff to his lips, at least until Arlo admitted that he was right. Family was important though he was almost unsurprised that Arlo suffered with the same issues as fathers as Sebastian presently did. Fathers were difficult. They were like a whole new species of difficultness. He'd considered that possibility of a simple nice shirt solving all of their problems and yet, he was fairly certain that the Frenchman had seen him nicely dressed before...hadn't he? He couldn't remember now.
That inquiry of whether or not he was scared of the elder fae, however, saw the vampire pause. The corner of his lips turned down, his eyebrows furrowed as he considered that very question. He supposed, really, he wasn't all that scared of the man. After all, if he had met Matteo first there was a distinctly good chance he very well would have slept with the man and continued on his way the same fashion he had for near two hundred years. No, it wasn't Matteo he was scared of, that realization near smacking him in the face. "No...I'm scared that he'll say no and that Dorian will be upset and ruin his relationship with Matteo over it. Dorian...didn't know he was his father for a really really really long time and he kind of had a shitty father figure in Matteo's place and I don't think he mother was very nice to him and I just...I really want Dorian to know what it's like to have a nice family, you know? He...deserves a nice family." It was silly really, but Sebastian had so naively hoped that maybe if Matteo and Dorian could fix things, that it could make up for all those awful years the fae King and history itself had all but briefly hinted at. He just wanted to see the Monarch happy and was convinced that such included the Frenchman in his life.
Sebastian was so utterly convinced that Matteo didn't like him (because, after all, no one else Dorian had introduced him to had), that it was only natural he inquired of Arlo did. Someone besides Dorian had to like him, even though he was a vampire, right? A warm grin near immediately crossed his features at that reassurance that left his friend's lips. Sebastian was wholly pleased of this, at least, until that very mention of names so stirred such an abrupt reaction with him. He had been so certain for those first few moments of that whole name business till he realized exactly what he was giving up - the legacy that his father had created and all of their line ended with him. He was near frantic in that reaction of shaking his companion as he fretted over whether or not Dorian would refuse to marry him simply because he couldn't give up his last name. After all, royalty never gave up their last name! Ever! They treasured that lineage and how long they had ruled and were fiercely protective of it. Even the present Queen of England had denied her husband that! Well, she'd kind of denied Prince Philip everything really. Oh God, what if Dorian expected him to give up his land and his businesses and his English titles?!?! His father was going to murder him. Absolutely murder him. What if --
His thoughts halted mid-consideration by Arlo's voice and that insistence that Dorian was not Queen Elizabeth and he was not the Prince Philip in this tale. He considered that for a moment, much less that Dorian might want his name...but that just seemed too far fetched. After all, Dorian was just as old-fashioned as he was, if not more so. Slowly he shook his head, commenting simply, "I won't be a King." He considered his whole affair for a moment longer, at least, long enough for Arlo to touch him on the shoulder and inquire if he was okay. The vampire nodded before flopping back onto that sofa and declaring quite loudly that he no longer wished to be married. It was all too much to consider, marrying a King. How did anyone ask to marry royalty before? Maybe this was why arranged marriages were so commonplace for those of higher statuses. It was just...easier. He was oblivious to the near exasperated state he'd put his friend within, the man instead easily agreeing with him that it was okay to not get married too - but he shouldn't say anything to Dorian. Not liked he'd said anything to the fae of all these assaulting ideas of marriage either. They didn't talk about those sort of things usually. But really, why not? Why didn't he tell Dorian how much he loved him and how pretty he was more often?! Arlo was totally right, he had to fix this and ensure that Dorian knew he was far more shaggable than his father was, even if he wouldn't mention that last bit out loud. He nodded quite firmly, even if the vampire had little desire to discuss this whole marriage thing any longer. It was just too much. And so, instead, he shifted to a topic he knew Arlo would enjoy - that little pet thingie thing he had.
It was quite sudden, that inquiry on the panda and where she lived. His eyebrows furrowed at that prospect that she was only a part time pet - living with someone else. That inquiry on if leaving the window open for her made him a bad pet owner near saw the vampire gawk at his companion. "Do you at least feed her? Does she have a bed?! I mean, what if she's out there wandering the streets and gets hit by a car or gets panda-napped or you never seen her again?!" This is precisely why pets stayed inside! Unless you didn't care about your pets! Did Arlo not care about his panda?!!? Clearly, he just needed someone to teach him how to be a proper pet owner - that is, if he was so certain the panda was a panda...if. Any further introspection of Arlo and his pet taking capabilities, however, was quickly distracted by that idea of returning home - and mostly of Dorian waiting for him. In fact, it was that sentence that prompted the man to pop up like an excited puppy. The idea of home soundd absolutely heavenly. "Okay!" He declared, scooting off that sofa only to stand in front of his companion, his balance wobbling for a moment before he caught himself on the edge of the sofa. "I need....I need...Arlo, you gotta bring the song! Don't forget it! Come on!" He had places to go and a very important person to see and he'd been gone for what felt like ages. Not to mention he was hungry again.