Sebastian Ellington
I thought you knew I was filthy rich
I thought you knew I never answer my phone
I thought you knew I was a late night with a bad bite I thought you knew.
That idle comment that he should stay close lest he got lost was met with a mere scoff on the Englishman's part. He was hardly perturbed as his companion was of getting lost. He'd been all over the world in various cultures with complete strangers and foreign accents with languages he didn't understand and he'd survived just fine! Then again, all those times he hadn't actually been trying to get somewhere to see someone - it'd just been purposeless wandering in an effort to find something worthwhile in his life. In fact, the more Sebastian thought of the past, the more his gaze seemed to focus upon those gas like lights that lined the street, the vampire wholly inclined to follow them and see where they go. His fingers reached out towards the nearest pole and yet, he never quite got the chance to touch it before Arlo quite suddenly yanked him backwards, insisting that he was entirely certain that Sebastian did not live near the docks. It was that simple comment that spurred within the man a memory of that time in which Dorian had stayed within that shady area thanks wholly to his once 'Queen'. He was oblivious to that look of dubiousness that crossed Arlo's features, the vampire far more content to simply prattle on of how the King had moved in with him to live somewhere in the general area of 'over there-ish'.
He hardly seemed to even care for that happiness that Arlo uttered in response, much less that the younger vampire seemed entirely determined to go in that vague direction he had merely gestured towards. In fact, Sebastian was quickly distracted by the sheer existence of that park, his dark navy blue eyes were entirely content to roam those trees and the paved pathway that surrounded them, that jungle gym in the distance wholly holding his attention if only for how certain he was that such a structure would be entirely fun to climb. He had only just considered stepping off that path when the sound of his name spoken in such a rushed tone so fully granted his companion his attention. His darkly hued eyes settled upon the man that he was introduced to, his head tilted to the side in clear uncertainty until that singular mention of his boyfriend once again spurred a sort of action within him. Dorian, it seemed, was quite the near magic word tonight when it came to provoking any sort of reaction from the rather high fellow.
Sebastian made his way towards the jogger, introducing himself if only because it was what he always did, to some degree. The concept of hiding in the shadows and simply pouncing and forcing himself on his prey seemed to fail to exist to the man. After all, it hadn't been since his own turning that the vampire had truly attacked anyone, at least, not for food. He was almost surprised by the way the jogger seemed all too keen to simply book it at that notion that he was about to be eaten. That was hardly what he wanted at all! It was near natural, the way he reached for that gift, the vampire hardly considering his control of it or the effect using it might have upon his already lacking body. All that mattered was that the man stopped and came back - which he did, quite promptly. Unfortunately, he was hardly the only one. Soon enough everyone in the park was starting to move towards them from the jogger to the drug dealers and the couple that had snuck out of their homes. The quite near started to crowd the vampire, reaching out to grab him till the vampire was entirely certain he was suffocating in people. Where had they all come from?! That command uttered within that moment of being overwhelmed prompted an equally as intense reaction from them, the crowd quite near dashing in an effort to escape from him and that pressure he'd placed upon them to leave him alone.
The vampire near collapsed upon that stone pathway beneath them, declaring to the vast skies above that this was way harder than he had anticipated it to be. A near whine left his lips at that retort Arlo gave him, the man's annoyance quite clear within his sharp tone. Sebastian hardly enjoyed that frustration he'd prompted within his companion, the man eagerly latching onto the distraction provided by that simple movement from the periphery of his gaze. That brown and black puppy caught his attention, the vampire greeting that puppy with the same eagerness he had the jogger before, if not more. His hands reached out to the young dog, vastly more interested in it then it's owner. He was entirely unattentive to the fashion in which Arlo had disappeared from his side - at least until the man attached to the other side of that leash cried out, shorten though it was. His gaze stared upward in awe at his vampire companion as that man was simply placed within his lap though his interest in the fellow with that small trickle of blood was wholly dwarfed by the canine that now happily circled them. The puppy was vastly more interesting to him then the man in his lap. "But....but I want the puppy." He complained towards Arlo, the man entirely attempting to pet that enthusiastic bundle of excitement, if it would just hold still!
He was vastly unattentive of his companion's doings in those moment, uncaring of that blood Arlo coaxed to flow more freely from those near identical marks the man had left within that dog owner's neck. In fact, Sebastian hardly even shifted to the sound of his own name, at least until Arlo so suddenly yanked on his ear. A squeak left his lips as his hands immediately shifted towards that wounded ear, the man entirely unexpected the way Arlo's fingers were suddenly shoved in his mouth. In that singular moment, those navy eyes suddenly shifted towards the features of the younger vampire that stood over him, his gaze entirely intent upon Arlo. There was but one soul whom had ever dared to shove their fingers within his mouth so fearlessly. There was one being that was content to near tease him with that taste of blood he'd so often craved. That flavor on his tongue was hardly quite the same and yet, it brought that hunger near roaring back to life. His gaze followed Arlo as the man suddenly stepped away, retracting his hand as if he was afraid Sebastian would bite him too! Rather, the Englishman's tongue slid along those sharpened canines in search of every drop of that blood, his nose twitched ever so slightly before his attention turned down to that drugged man in his lap.
His tongue gingerly licked at that wound Arlo had left only for the vampire to make a face at that taste. It tasted's venom. That haze was already incredibly intent as it was! The last thing he wanted was more of it! Sebastian shifted, grabbing the fellow's wrist on the opposite side in which Arlo had bitten, his own fangs quickly finding that vein therein as he so greedily indulged in that taste of blood, and of life. For several moments the vampire was content to simply feed before his friend's venom found it's way to him all the same. It was that taste that made him withdraw, a small frown settled on his features as he slowly lowered the man back down to his lap. His gaze had turned brighter, though even it hardly had the same intensity it'd had before he'd found Arlo at the beginning of the night. "How many bloody times did you bite me?" He complained, the vampire sounding at least vastly more lucid even if there was still a haze that fogged his own thoughts. Slowly, the vampire rose, his eyebrows furrowed as he coped with that new found effect upon his thoughts. His head shook ever so slightly as if he could just push the effect of that drug away. Still, even that haze could hardly distract the vampire from the rather cute canine nestled in Arlo's arms, Sebastian reached out towards the dog, his fingers rubbing up against the small puppy's cheeks. The damn thing was adorable. He was certain even Dorian couldn't resist that face. "I'll give you four hundred dollars if you let me keep the dog." He commented back towards that dog walker, hardly even caring that the venom surely contributed to the worst decision making on both his own and that dog walker's parts.