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Ashes to ashes we all fall down

Posted on April 05, 2015 by Anna-Marie Belrose

Anna-Marie Belrose

Anna-Marie did not normally spend any time in the residential area for the exact reason that she was facing now. There was no one around, no one to play with and no one to feed from which in most cases tended to be one in the same. When the late hours tolled on the quaint lanes everyone tucked themselves into the warm inviting embrace of their homes which were off limits to her kind. Of course sometimes Anna could play the lost child and simply draw them out but she wasn't into expending that much energy tonight. Tonight the child felt...listless, bored, and lazy. Anna's black buckle shoes clicked lightly on the cement sidewalk, her blue vintage dress swaying with each movement that was on the verge of becoming a skip.

It was a stroke of childish luck and glee that Anna came upon hopscotch chalked out on the sidewalk in front of a family home. The lawn was littered with jump ropes and other toys but the house was dark indicating the residents were long asleep. With an innocent smile Anna set down her porcelain doll on the low brick wall of the front lawn before turning back to the drawn out hopscotch. She was happily in her own world, humming out a rhyme and thoroughly unaware of the predicament happening around the corner. That was until the sound of heavy sobbing and quick pounding footfalls broke through her bubble. Anna paused in her game just as the terrified woman rounded the corner to come to a halting confused stop nearly running right into the small child. "Wh-What...? You shouldn't be out have to run." The woman stumbled over her words as she reached out to Anna. Clearly she thought Anna was a lost child that was now in harms way from what was chasing her.

Too bad for the woman that Anna was no better. The smell of the fear rolling off of her was like hanging a pork roast in front of a dog; Anna could only stare back at the woman with a hungry gaze as her fangs slid out into view. In surprise the woman jerked her hand back from Anna and of course attempted to flee but it was too late. Only a few stumbling steps later Anna's hand reached out with curled fingers and snatched onto the woman's essence which allowed the child vampire to then yank her body down and hold her to the ground like a marionette. "Don't you wanna play?" Anna smirked, stepping closer to the woman but once again was interrupted in her game but this time by a man. Her icy blue gaze fell on Damon, tilting her head in both curiosity and irritation at having her "playtime" interrupted. "What do you want?"
