He finds himself decidedly distracted this morning, if not slightly hung over, one hand reaching up to rub against his head absentmindedly before returning his attention to the single plate he had been washing for over fifteen minutes. Perhaps he did live with three women, yet he hardly saw any need for them to do the dishes after every meal, Frost content to enjoy a few moments alone all the same. Claire had gone out, Edie had gone to torment someone else for the afternoon, leaving only Calliel and himself, his equally blonde companion having retired to the yard to read in the sun. It was rare to find the house so quiet, the man finding he almost missed the noise, if only for the manner in which his companions distracted him so from the thoughts that irritated his mind of late. Edie's.....attempts from some nights ago, while hardly unwelcome, had only seen fit to assure the man that so many of the memories he had worked so hard to dissolve lingered near as potently as they had several years ago. Some things, it seemed, did not fade in time. How ridiculous it seemed- to so fear the very thing he so desired? Outside of Calliel herself even his own pack remained so oblivious to the life he had led and yet whether they would understand is not a conversation he desires to have. At least not yet. There would be time to speak to Edie and Claire in turn.
He so loathes this feeling, this.....resentment that rises at each and every illusive touch that exists beyond a mere kiss and yet his mind, despite his own carefully offered control, refuses to relinquish its hold upon memories he wishes did not exist. It was a foolish weakness on his part and nothing more, the man oblivious to the manner in which his hands had tightened upon the bench until the scent of burning wood sees him look hurriedly down at the scorch marks he has imprinted there.
At least he had possessed the sense, even in his absentmindedness, to put the plate down. He moves to toss the dish cloth aside, one arm leaning easily against the sill of the window, momentarily letting his gaze drift to Calliel, the girl the very picture of serenity, sprawled atop an outdoor chair with a book spread out before her. Perhaps she had the right idea, he had little to do today and the sun seemed tempting enough. He moves to wander easily to the back door, stepping out and into the sun, offering the young woman a smile as she looks up before moving stroll passed and towards the large, towering tree that so dominated the right side of the yard. For a moment at least he seems to take some interest in the tree itself, the sun alighting each snowy hair in a faint golden glow as his fingers brush against the bark. Yet even outside he found his thoughts teased at him like baying dogs, the man moving to lean back against the tree with an irritable snort of sorts, violet gaze drifting back to his pack mate.
He merely allows the word to draw out, evidently seeking to distract himself if only by distracting her, attempting some look of nonchalance all the same despite the thoughts that turned within his mind. So many years....and women's hands upon him still sparked the memories of a past he'd turned his back on.
"What are you reading?"
He is looking for distraction today, Calliel and himself home alone, the man more than willing to spend time in his companions company.