
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

My Own Form of CHAOS (Open)

Posted on November 03, 2017 by Damon Marcello

This whole New Eden thing was getting downright ridiculous. Nothing in the books though he had searched everywhere. At least it felt that way. All the libraries within, well, everywhere. He'd searched online too and checked libraries in all parts of the globe, emailing professors and everyone else he could think of but it seemed forbidden knowledge was hard to come by. Prophecies like theirs didn't come around every day. It was like a world conspiracy to get someone to even talk about it in passing, let alone be serious about it. He had cornered witches and warlocks, trying to find connections but they got scared when he brought it up. He even had one guy literally kill himself. Drank some sort of potion and just poof, exploded right in front of him. Pretty gory actually, body parts flying and of course, blood everywhere. He'd started traveling so he could meet up with people in person, hoping to get more information that way but so far it was all a big dead end. And damn, was it frustrating.

But finally, a light at the end of the tunnel when he was down a dark alley one night after work, drinking off a guy he'd caught trying to pick up a sweet woman earlier in the tavern. The woman was slumped over against the wall next to him, looking every bit like she'd just passed out. Her slow heart rate said otherwise but she would recover with time. The man, though, he tasted too good to stop. Damon finally let his drained corpse slide to the ground as he licked his lips, leaning down to pick up the girl and position her closer to the exit so she'd be found in case she needed a transfusion. Then he picked up the body and disposed of it neatly. On his way back home, he took his time, choosing to walk instead of drive. He did that for two main reasons. One, it was a full moon night and he wanted to be out in it, soaking up the moonlight and enjoying the peace of it all. Two, he knew he had a small band of hunters following him and he didn't want to take a chance on messing up the car Isolt had so kindly gifted him.

He walked along until he got to a park and only then did he take a seat on a bench and glance up into the shadows. "Seems a waste of your time really to tail me when I've been alone for the past 2 hours, don't you think?" He glanced up at a streetlight about 10 yards away, smirking to himself as he made it burst with a crack and a brilliant light. As if on cue, he heard a gasp and a shout of surprise befor ehte word came to "Get him!" and he saw at least 4 figures racing his way. Sighing, he shot an orb of energy at one of the men, sprawling him out flat and then he made a little slicing motion with his finger, sending another man to his knees as he screamed bloody murder, holding the newly opened laceration that ran down his thigh. The third guy had slowed up, bewildered by the attacks on his friends but the fourth guy was determined and looked more expectant. So now he knew who the leader was.

As the third guy swung a stake at him, he easily parried it and shoved the guy back, wanting to focus his energy on the other one who had chosen to stop short and wound his arm back to throw what looked like a potion bottle at him. Smirking, Damon disappeared from the bench, having run around to the back of the man so fast he couldn't see him. From there, the man hesitated long enough for Damon to pluck the potion out of his outstretched hand and the man turned on him instantly, sending a jolt of electricity into his chest that sent him reeling back. As his back hit the fence, he shivered and grinned. "Wow, thanks for the juice. I'm guessing warlock turned hunter. Nice power. Don't mind if I borrow that." Rolling his shoulders, he started pulling on the man's energy, dragging it right out of him and the man grunted in pain before aiming his hand at the ground. Damon's brow arched right about the time the ground started cracking beneath his feet. Well, damn.
