
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

the sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead

Posted on December 11, 2017 by AIDEN TETRADORE

it's over, i'm through

I saw you standing there and I knew I'm done for

That wedding prompted a rather peculiar mixture of emotions within the were-King. There was, naturally, a part of him that was overjoyed for Isolt and the happiness she'd found within Damon. If any one deserved to find some measure of enjoyment within that dark, twisted world, it was certainly Isolt, particularly considering that vampiress that lingered upon their doorstep with some clear intent to claim them both. Still, even despite such, a selfish portion of the man found it...difficult to give her away to that very vampire he had lost her to. It was no secret, those feelings he'd harbored for the woman, that very affection for her that had bought about her death in the first place. To be faced so literally with that unrequited adoration the man had for her was...a challenge to say the least. Tetradore shoved such thoughts from his mind as he fixed that tie in the mirror before him, his features having attained that glimpse of eternal apathy in the wake of those feelings that plagued him. After all, he had little intention of ruining what was a special day for the red-headed vampire. He shifted towards that chair beside the mirror, the man grabbing that jacket to his suit only to glance down at his watch. It was about time.

A soft breath left his lips as Tetradore exited that tent with several other members of the wedding party. He knew well Damon would be making his way towards the front of the wedding area soon to await his bride - that bride that Tetradore had been tasked to bring. He turned away from that congregation, making his way further back into the gardens where he knew that bridal tent would be. "Isolt? Are you ready?" He inquired, pausing just outside of those gently moving flaps. He was, if nothing else, a perfect gentleman for that woman he so adored, providing her that privacy before he entered should she want it. That silence he was met with, however, caused a small frown to cross his features. "Isolt?" He questioned again, shifting to reach out to move those flaps around and out of his way. The were-King stepped into that tent, those emerald eyes sweeping over the contents with an investigative eye. Nothing seemed out of place and yet, it was peculiar for the woman not to be here when today was clearly such a particularly important day for her. His eyebrows furrowed before the man turned, heading towards the nearby tent. He was well aware of Isolt's companion in the nearby tent, even if he'd never met the woman, perhaps she had merely gone to ensure her bridesmaids were prepared as well?

He stepped into that secondary tent, this one holding far more objects disturbed then the first and yet, both women were absent. His nose twitched ever so slightly, that almost chemical smell still lingering within the air. He could tell well that Isolt had been here recently, the scent of her perfume still lingered along with a musk he could not recognize. Something felt wrong. "Isolt?" He inquired, his voice certainly louder as he stepped out of that tent and yet, he was hardly ready to raise the alarm just yet. For several moments, Tetradore was content to search the grounds near by, ensuring the two had not merely wandered off and yet, as those minutes ticked by and that time of her arrival down that aisle came and went, that worry on furthered in the man. A soft breath left his lip as his fingers drummed on his thigh, the man momentarily considering his options only to make his way around the the wedding party, purposefully entering the small congregation from the side he knew Damon would be waiting on. "Damon." His voice was hushed, loud enough just to catch the groom's attention only for the were-King to gesture the fellow to the side and away from the party all together. "I can't find Isolt..she didn't say anything to you...did she?" He inquired only once he was sure they were alone.

aiden tetradore

you bring out the worst in me
