
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

I will be your guiding light;

Posted on July 23, 2021 by Mira Ramos

Some fear fire, but I've become it.

It was wild. That feeling of being out in the middle of the ocean, cutting through the crashing, white capped waves surrounded by endless water that made the massive ship even seem small in comparison. Never had she experienced being surrounded by so much... water with no hospitable shores to greet them, only endless, sprawling inky blue depths. She was thankful for the experienced crew that navigated their way to home and chose the best calculated route and sometimes, impossible swells. It was exhilarating to her as it was beautiful. But how at moments it terrified her, keeping sleep just out of reach. At least until those gentle waves became something comforting rather than something that could swallow Ark 2.0 and them within it. How she had faced death in the past with a confident grin. But not even she could face the volatility with mother nature with complete confidence. Any of previous days worries she once had he had chased back with his stoic, reassuring calm. Every single hour that ticked by brought them closer to that renewed hope.

Mira had to admit, she selfishly enjoyed having her boyfriend all to herself without distraction. Without the weight that seemed to perpetually remain heavily on his shoulders. How she knew, even though she pushed back those thoughts that the closer to home they drew to the familiar industrial shores of Sacrosanct, that the demeanor he possessed now would begin revert. How Mira only thought that it was brought on by his responsibility to the pack and his extracurricular activities. Mira had refused to give their new relationship status would be in their new world. Mira hardly the type of woman to fret even when the thought had risen from time to time all the same. It hardly had any place in that moment when their voyage that would take weeks had only just begun. How she intended to enjoy every moment of it. Planning to scour that ship, to learn its every corners and it secrets. But there was no doubt in her mind that no one would ever be left wanting. She even dreamed of it. The pools, the spas, the rooms, that bar! Best of all, they had the whole place to themselves for the most part. Waking up on this ship would be a vacation, she was certain. But sleep within the most comfortable bed, next to her boyfriend, that was a place she hardly wanted to leave. The she-wolf nuzzled into those luxurious sheets that felt like heaven upon her bare skin.

Her shallow sleep would easily deepen even with the golden glow of the rising sun. But whether she wanted it or not, the first prickle of awareness assaulted her, one she pushed away easily. No, she would sleep until she couldn't sleep anymore. Not that she could pry open an eye, even though the promise of the new day was enough excitement to have her leap from those sheets. The first stirrings of her alpha simply made her more aware of him. She shifted as if in response, snuggling into the blanket that only half covered her, that must have fallen in the middle of the night. The day could wait like always. Just a few more hours like this would be fine. Exactly like this.

She could feel Aiden's body shift of the bed beside her once more but only to wrap a strong bare arm around her waist, pulling her sweetly closer against his body. Mira could feel the hardened chiseled planes of his chest pressed against her bare back. The warmth of his skin against her own caused her to wiggle and shift as if he were a far better choice to snuggle into than the blanket that she had mere moments ago. Okay, this felt even better. Maybe they didn't need to leave the bed at all. They could live here; of that she was certain of it. It was the feel of his breath upon her neck and the lure of his body was far more rousing than the sunlight. A soft, weak, sleepy sigh of protest slipped free from the she-wolf, her heavy eyelids remained sealed as though there was no convincing them to open.

That was until she heard her name spoken quietly. It sounded like a tired mumble and yet he was far more awake than she felt. That was odd. Usually, he was the difficult one to coax from bed. A sleepy groan hummed from her parted lips that was meant to be his name. Only it came out more like an unintelligible sound of the weakest imaginable protest. That was when she felt the sweet velvet press of his lips against the back of her neck. It was not a bad way to wake up. Not a bad way at all. There was no stopping the corners of her lips curling upward into a soft, sleepy smile.

The she-wolf anticipated her boyfriend to return back to sleep with her nestled against him... or perhaps continue those kisses that just convince her to alertness. She would miss waking up like this. She hadn't expected to hear the rich deep sound of his voice that washed her like the light that peeked through the large windows. Oh, to open her eyes would be to see the sprawling view! Not that she could see it with her eyes firmly shut! Maybe she was determined to live within that bed. However, a wrench was thrown within the cogs of her morning sluggish mind. He knew just what to say, to pluck the strings of her curious nature. It was the vague mention of surprises that caused her to still. More? How could there be more than this? Had they not seen everything there was to see? It was this that seemed to ensnare her mind.

There was no hope for sleep then. What could he possibly surprise her with? They had been together most of the time and they had been already given a tour. Hmm. But there was some areas in which they barely touched now that she thought about it.

The once early riser muttered through the sleepy haze. Surprises? Surely, he was playing. "Alright, I'm awake." Her golden eyes blinked open, adjusting to the golden light of the early sun. Couldn't he just surprise her in this bed? She wondered almost deviously.

"I think you are rubbing off on me, alpha. I used to be the early riser." Although she hardly knew what time it actually was it still did not prevent that tease that held some humour as she shifted within his arms. Her lips met his own in a sweet good morning kiss before her golden eyes searched his emerald ones with a look of question.

She pulled back focusing on those words that still buzzed within her mind.

"So what is all this talk about surprises?" Surely he had to know that he had her within the palm of his hand.
