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What You'll Find Here

Anacosta Heights
Dupont Circle
Hawethorn Village
River Dale

My Own Form Of CHAOS Anna Marie

Posted on March 21, 2015 by Damon

The cool air whispers over my skin as I lie on my back in the middle of the road. Who says you can't see the stars in the city? I can count every single one from down here. I haven't moved for at least two hours by this point but I can practically smell them coming. I didn't pick the busiest of roads for a reason. Have to have enough time to hide the bodies and the car. Wouldn't want other eyes spying what the night has in store. That would ruin all my mystery.

Soon enough I hear a car coming and I have to resist the urge to squirm in anticipation. I always love this part. The suspense is killing me. Oh wait, I'm already dead. The smirk is only a twitch upon my lips as head lights find their way over my legs then my torso then finally my face. I stare up at the open night sky, unblinking, my heart stopped in my chest and no breath to wrinkle my lungs. I hear someone scream and the car slows to a stop in front of me and before I know it, soft hesitant foot falls are making their way to me." he dead?" I hear a feminine voice ask as a more masculine tone shushes her. "I don't know, okay? He's not moving though." A foot reaches out, nudging at my arm. Does he really think someone's going to jump up when he kicks them and say "Gotcha!"? I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

I hear the girl dialing on her phone. The boy's voice sounds a little agitated now. "What are you doing?" "Calling the police." She answers smoothly. I can practically hear his teeth grinding now and his blood pumping with adrenaline and fear. "What? We don't even know if he's dead, yet." Then I hear his voice drop as if I might still be able to hear him. "Babe, I have pot stowed in the car. You call the cops out here, they're liable to search it and my parents will kill me. Not to mention my scholarship will be history." The girl's voice sounds shrill now. "But he's dead! What are we supposed to do?" Now he's got the calm soothing voice of a guy who's willing to do anything to get what he wants. I do admire those types. "No one will ever know we were here. Someone else is bound to come down this road and find him and they'll call the cops. Please." His last word is a little more on the pathetic side, pleading. Push over.

Now I do roll my eyes, jumping to my feet as quick as my species allow. I'm at her boyfriend's neck before the girl can even scream, his blood gushing down my throat as I drain him. He falls to the road with a sickening thud and the girl backs up a step, bringing up a small can of mace. "D-don't come near me, you monster!" I can smell the fear on her like a new perfume, so tantalizing, so inviting. I lick my lips. The new blood rushes through my system like an elixer, making me feel fully alive and full of energy and power. I can do anything. And I think I want to play.

I tilt my head.

"Monster? Now that's not very nice."

The girl sprays in my direction in a panic but she's too far away and the can drops to the asphalt with a clunk as she turns and runs into the woods. Just what I always wanted, a chase. Grinning, I race off after her, taking my time cause I know she'll only be too easy to actually catch. I can hear her heavy breathing as she sobs while running, the fear in her system driving me wild with hunger. This is the side Isolt doesn't see, the side she doesn't know exists. She would probably call me a monster too if she knew how much I love a good chase, how much I love to break my victims before my fangs even reach their veins.
