Man this girl really doesn't go out, does she? Maybe after listening to my Great Uncle lecture me on how much my life was going to suck now that I was a vile Were-creature, his words just got to me? I mean I am a young girl and it was the first time I was really getting a crash course about this whole underworld society. I don't really understand why this red raccoon doesn't understand the whole 'common sense' of being unseen. How much do you want to bet a human is going to come waltzing by and sees a stray horse, and a red raccoon with glowing green feet. I mean hell, the human might think they are drunk, drugged, or way too exhausted to understand what they are seeing. Maybe the human realizes his luck and decides to catch us both and us both off. Pretty damn sure a red raccoon with glowing feet is going to fetch a very pretty penny. Hell, maybe he'll want to breed her to make more red raccoons with glowing feet, and what the hell is wrong with me? I have seriously got to stop coming up with crazy 'what if's' scenarios.
While I walk us towards the tree, I can feel her tiny frame begin to bounce on my back, and I have to bite my tongue to tell her to calm down and sit still. I mean if she falls off my back and my massive hoof smashes her head, then she'll be dead, and I would have killed another Were. I have seen my kind in action, both horse and Were, when we are upset. Horses are no fucking joke. I mean we got weight, teeth, and deadly hooves. Whatever human attempted to ride the first horse must have been crazy, just like the first person decided to milk a cow. Eventually I manage to get us towards the apple tree, standing all by its lonesome, in the park. Easily I bring myself to a halt, allowing the creature on my back to be near the lowest branch. I turn my dial around to watch her as she struggles to try to grab the apple, and falls lightly on my back. Hearing her speak, I tilt my dial to the side. It is a red raccoon, surely it can climb up a tree like the grey one's. I guess I could get it for her. I mean it is no big deal. Turning my dial around I stretch my neck all the way out and manage to grab and tug off the one apple from the tree. Slowly I turn my dial around and place the apple near her so she can grab it.
"If you want any more apples, you're gonna have to get them yourself. That's the closest one I could reach."
Calliel Alosi
Now I'm Unbreakable, It's Unmistakable