
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

my own form of CHAOS

Posted on February 19, 2019 by Damon Marcello

To say he was on pins and needles would hardly do it justice for what he felt. He'd had plenty of time the first go around to get over any cold feet, if he'd had that issue, which he didn't. There was a time Damon would have laughed at the idea of commitment, of throwing his life away and making himself companion to one woman for all of eternity. He didn't have that problem with Isolt, though. She had him waving the white flag of surrender even in her human form, long before immortality kissed her. Everything about her had called to him, drew him in like a moth to the flame. And it was no different now that he'd been with her as long as he had. It would never be enough. He couldn't believe that she'd chosen him. Surely there were other men out there, vampires or not, that could show her tender loving care and devotion.

He knew of one such man who happened to be the one helping his soon-to-be wife even now in her tent. He tried not to think about it too much cause it just made him clench his jaw and set his teeth on edge. No, he would probably never get over the fact that he could see the Were had feelings for Isolt and he'd be a fool not to know that she cared about the Were as well. He just had to keep reminding himself that she had chosen him. She was wearing his engagement ring and today, she would be wearing the wedding band he'd picked out especially for her. Theirs was a commitment of more than a lifetime, cause vampires could have so many. It was truly a forever promise, and she was making that with him. The more he reminded himself of this, the more relaxed his shoulders got.

None the less, the memories of last year never left him and he didn't think they ever would. It was around this time that he'd started wondering what had happened, why Isolt or Yumi had yet to make an appearance and he'd gone to the tent to investigate, only to find it empty and both of them taken. Just the thought of it almost brought him right back to a panic state. He had to close his eyes and run a hand through his hair, telling himself that this time was different. This time she would be okay. He'd been ready for hours, it felt like, but could have just been minutes. He had his tux on and his tie centered. His face was cleanly shaven and his was slicked back, but the stress was evident on his features. He'd called in all the best security that he could find, determined not to let one witch or warlock step foot onto this property unless cleared by them. And yet he couldn't stomp down the fear brewing in his stomach, urging him to find Isolt and make sure she was still here with him.

When the cue came and he had to move to the end of the aisle, he felt almost numb, his gaze never lifting from the spot he was supposed to be. He swallowed and the moment he reached his choreographed spot, his eyes glued to the spot where Isolt was supposed to appear next. It was a good thing he didn't need to breathe cause he didn't even try to fake the movements, his chest tight as he stared anxiously, waiting on her to appear. The moment those red locks came into view, he exhaled, his shoulders seeming to slump a little in relief, his eyes brightening for the first time since the ceremony preparations began tonight. Only then could he truly appreciate the moment that was happening. Isolt was about to become his wife, his mate. His lips tugged into a warm smile meant only for her as she moved more into view, and for once, he didn't even scowl at Tetradore. His eyes never left his beautiful bride.

As she kneeled to talk to a little boy, he lifted a brow in question. He knew she'd asked a friend to let her kids into the ceremony as flower girl and ring bearer but he'd been so busy setting up security and keeping watch over Isolt that he didn't take too much notice of the rest of the guests. His paranoia had been on high alert the closer they got to the wedding and he knew he wouldn't be able to settle until she was finally in his arms and all this was over. The boy ran to Isolt, flinging himself into her arms and only then did Damon notice that he did indeed hold a pillow with their rings on it. His jaw clenched more in impatience than anything as the boy handed Isolt a ring before turning toward him. Only once Isolt's gaze met his own, did Damon feel his expression melting, his lips softening and his eyes twinkling with a happiness she seemed to exude just by being.

The boy seemed nervous to approach so Damon adopted Isolt's method, dropping to one knee to further entice the boy forward. As the boy timidly handed him the pillow and ring, he smiled and shook the boy's hand, his way of telling him good job before the boy ran back into Isolt's arms. He never thought he'd be jealous of a child. Slowly rising back to his feet, he glanced down at the ring and slowly slid it from its hold. Handing the pillow off to one of the groomsmen, he turned his attention back on beautiful bride in blue. She was breathtaking, as always. His eyes seemed to ravage her, even in public. The wedding gown clung to her in all the right places and even with a swollen belly, she couldn't be more captivating to him. He waited as patiently as he could for her to reach him, his fingers clenching and unclenching, as if willing her own hands to fill them that much sooner. This couldn't be over soon enough.
