I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
A hint of inquisitiveness crossed the Were-King's chiseled features. It was rare for Mira to appear anything but entirely self-assured - the Alpha capable of counting on one hand the number of times he had ever seen his girlfriend waver. His left hand gripped the steering wheel as Tetradore reached over with his right, gingerly placing his palm upon her knee. "It's going to be perfect Mira, I've gone through everything with the builders multiple times." He offered in some rare effort to reassure her. Tetradore was unaware of how drastically he changed once he was unburdened from the fears and anxiety that so plagued his life in Sacrosanct. What he was aware of, however, was the simple...lightness that seemed to afflict his soul, one that brought in a sense of hope for the future that he too often viewed as far too bleak to even consider. Despite the decidedly comfortable way in which the Were-King lounged within the bucket seat of the Lamborghini, with but one hand resting upon the top of the wheel, his speeds certainly pushed the boundary of what he could get away with without a confrontation with the police. With every passing moment the dockside and the ocean grew ever closer - the horizon was filled with competing ships of every shape and size. The cargo ships that Tetradore was so familiar with took up the left side of the docks with their overwhelming colorful array of metal containers and bulk goods. The right side of the docks were filled with luxury liners and cruise ships.
Tetradore's hand shifted from Mira's knee and back onto the steering wheel as he navigated the labyrinth that was the Netherland's dockyard. His emerald irises remained all too attentively scanned the port before, suddenly, he saw it! His baritone voice was a soft rumble as he pointed towards the grey metal and glass exterior of their breathtaking, luxurious superyacht. The feminine squeal from Mira's lips caused his gaze to deviate briefly towards her as he chuckled softly. Her excitement was near palpable as she reached out suddenly to grasp his biceps within her hand. Her fingers dug into the leather material of his jacket though Tetradore hardly seemed to even register it as he guided the Lamborghini towards the new ship. A small group of men were congregated around the entrance of the boat, the mere presence of the sports car was enough to temporarily ensnare their attention as Tetradore parked the bright blue vehicle. He emerged from the vehicle - the Were-King instantly recognized by the architect behind the ship's creation. His first name fell easily from the man's lips as the small group approached them.
Mira peeled away from them ever just so, if only to better eye the boat floating beside them. The emerald of his own gaze turned towards the ship as Tetradore insisted the Ark, at least on the outside, looked perfect. Those two simple words seemed to garner the attention of his girlfriend as her golden irises turned back towards him. Her words were soft and yet, how impactful it was to finally have a home to return to again. His head bobbed as Tetradore flashed her a smile - only for the ship's creator to seize onto the moment with decided veal, eager to show them all the work they'd done on the interior. The Alpha glanced over at the woman at his side as they were led up the gangplank, only for his attention to flutter back towards the ship. "I know." He muttered softly in agreement. It was strikingly different to see the boat in person in comparison to those renders he'd stared at for far too long. Even though he was largely aware of every detail that went into the ship...even Tetradore was unprepared for the result as the duo finally stepped onto the boat and into the large space that was the newly renovated fighting ring. His lips parted ever so slightly as Tetradore strove to take in every minute detail of the space. Mira beside him offered little more than an awe-inspired utterance. He had been right -- it was perfect.
It was nearly a week later before the Ark left the port in Norway with a staff ready to ensure the ship made the journey safely back to Sacrosanct's harbour. The Centrodici had been delivered the day before and had found its home comfortably within the new Ark's garage along with his bright blue Lamborghini and a curious new vehicle that Tetradore had ordered months in advance to ensure it's arrival upon the boat before they left. Though their tour had consisted of several of the decks and rooms, it was an entirely different matter to explore the craft on their own - though, admittedly, Tetradore's wandering had thus far had consisted entirely of trying to remember the way back to his bedroom. It had been late by the time the ship had left the dock, seeing to those extra affairs had largely preoccupied the man and so, after saying goodbye to Norway and enjoying the view topside, they had managed little more than to wander down towards the master suite and fall into bed - with bags of their last shopping trip and their cluttered suitcase on the floor by the bed's foot. It was the simple brightness that flooded the bedroom that roused Aiden from his all too peaceful slumber. The sheets were a silky cotton that embraced him far too comfortably, the comforter on top of him felt more akin to a cloud than any mere blanket. A yawn crossed his lips as his emerald eyes fluttered open, squinting in the bright morning light. He'd forgotten to close the blinds..though frankly he'd have to even work out how to do that. The vast windows and minimalist space were filled with the warm light - one that brought a strange sense of...comfortable peace to the Alpha unlike anything he was used to.
Tetradore rolled over, his arm gingerly laid against his girlfriend's waist as he pulled her against his nearly naked physique. "Mira..." He mumbled gingerly into the wealth of brunette locks that surrounded him. Aiden leaned forward just enough to press his lips against her neck. "The sun's up....and this boat has a few surprises for you..." There was a hint of sleepiness that still clung to his baritone voice - one that suggested how strikingly easy it would be to lure the Were-King back to sleep. Still, they had a few weeks at sea to make the trek across the ocean and as much as Tetradore hated to admit it, his own curiosity of her thoughts on those little details he had added just for her were very much upon his mind.