damon marcello
She looks at the dress very much like a leopard sizing up an antelope but I'm not complaining. If she likes the way the dress will look on her then more power to her. She takes it from my hands and seems suddenly nonchalant about the jacket, telling me that it belongs to someone named Frost. I haven't met anyone by that name so my eyebrow lifts up and I tilt my head. "He your boyfriend?" I ask, curious. Whoever he is, she doesn't seem to mind leaving his jacket in the middle of nowhere so does that mean he's not that important or is she just that sure that he'll forgive her? She seems very sure of herself. She also seems to like the idea of all those eyes looking at her and seeing a lot of her. Not a shy bone in her body, is there? She certainly doesn't seem displeased catching me looking her up and down. Instead she moves closer, purring at me. "I'm sure you like to be called a lot of things in the dark, Edie." I smirk knowingly at her.
Her fingers twirl in my hair and and I look down into her eyes as she speaks, chuckling softly as she says I can have fun while she hands me back the dress. I already think I know where this is going. I won't turn down watching her model outfits for me. I follow her to the shoes and sit in the seat she pushes me into, gray eyes twinkling with amusement as she leans down to purr in my ear. "I don't have to think long. I've got it locked to memory." I whisper back. Then I watch as she walks away, appreciating every minute of it as she disappears into the racks. I spend my time reading through magazines and people-watching while I wait. A lady shopping nearby keeps giving me the eye but I pointedly ignore her, wanting to give Edie my full attention tonight so I can see where this friendship can go. I do adore her company and it's only been part of a night. The innocent flirtations make it fun to be around her because we both agree that nothing will happen so it makes me relax more. Every time I think about how Isolt would feel, I picture the times she still spends with the black panther. I hate the way she smells like him when she comes to see me sometimes. I'm a very possessive creature and he pushes it because I don't like the way he looks at her. So why can't I look too?
When she does return, I look up with an appreciative smile, taking it all in as she drapes herself across the arm of the chair and spreads her legs across my lap. I glance down at the jewelry box she puts in my lap, one brow raised in amusement as she opens it. I look back up at her, tilting my head as I consider. "Then let's not waste any time. Let me." I get up and move around behind her, my fingers gently sweeping her hair across the back of her neck to the other side so I can drape the necklace around her neck. I lean in to whisper in her ear. "You're right. Lovely." I slowly straighten up, holding out my hand to help her up. "Now let's get you to the club so the other men can drool." I go over to the cashier, leaning casually across the counter to make eye contact with her. "We were never here, sweetheart, and you have no idea what happened to the things that she's wearing. They look better on her anyway, right?" I wait for the girl to nod, which she does. She stares at me with a blank expression, her mouth slack. I smile. "Glad you agree. We're going to hit the club now so you have a nice night." Finally I break eye contact, walking over to Edie. "Ready?" I give her a wink and head out the door. The saleswoman stands where I left her, expression still blank before it turns into a slow confused face. God, I love having powers.