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Hot summer days & rock and roll

Posted on August 11, 2017 by SEBASTIAN ELLINGTON

Sebastian Ellington

I thought you knew I was filthy rich
I thought you knew I never answer my phone
I thought you knew I was a late night with a bad bite I thought you knew.

Sebastian was halfway certain that Dorian's father was some sort of omniscient, omnipotent God thing. Though Arlo had been the only soul he'd told those rather awful thoughts of those idle considerations of how utterly shag-able the Frenchman was, he somehow found himself expecting the man to simply pop in as if he'd seen or heard those admittances that never should have left his lips. In fact, his blue eyes briefly rose from his efforts to climb from that piano bench and over the edge of the sofa to scan the room in an effort to near anticipate the way Matteo tended to simply materialize. Thankfully, the ever knowing Frenchman remained absent, prompting the vampire to near flop upon that sofa beside his companion as Arlo offered him some measure of reassurance that he wouldn't tell anyone that he found his boyfriend's father attractive. An over exaggerated sound of relief left his lips, as he leaned against Arlo's arm, glancing at that cell phone as Arlo tried to find that picture of the very man he was speaking of. He was almost glad, at the very least, that Arlo could see exactly why the vampire was physically attracted to the pair of men, even if his heart belonged to Dorian alone.

That inquiry of how old Matteo was met with an equally as overestimated of an age, the vampire simply declaring he'd sure walked with dinosaurs. In truth, he hardly knew in the slightest how old the fae was. He knew well of Dorian's age and, by comparison, surely Matteo was at least near a thousand, if not older. Even so, that felt long enough to be near prehistoric! That dubious look he was given by his companion was only met by the best serious stare that Sebastian could muster. That idle comment that Matteo had certain aged well cause a grin to cross his features, the man near inclined to giggle at this idea. To see Matteo's face at being told he aged well like a good piece of cheese or a fine wine! For whatever reason, this whole notion entertained the vampire perhaps far more than necessary. He was entirely content to near snicker to himself over it, at least, until Arlo became far more interested in his full name, prompting the vampire's rather abrupt desire to renew his license to once again practice law - not that he actually intended know...practice. But it would certainly be helpful if he was going to continue to follow Dorian around like a lost duckling - wouldn't it?

Even so, he was altogether ready to declare that he fully intended to be a lawyer again...for Dorian! That roll of his companion's eyes was met with a blank stare, only for the vampire to inform him he wasn't allowed to be a lawyer tonight. His bottom lip stick out in a small pout, a huff left his mouth and yet, Sebastian hardly had the mental capacity to argue this in the slightest. "Alll riighhttt." He responded, entirely ignorant of the realization that had already crossed Arlo's thoughts. Sebastian hardly considered himself important in any regard, perhaps foolishly so and yet, beyond those magazines and newspapers that had their pictures, the palace and that security team kept the pair of men rather sheltered from the fame they had found near overnight. The vampire hadn't truly considered the Mafia taking an interest within them, though, he supposed maybe they might have tried to fall in their favor. Either way, the Mafia hardly cared of their existence in the long term - rather, it was the Italian Secret Service that followed the fae King around though the initials that made up those foreign words rather escaped him at the moment. There were S's and M's and I's in there somewhere. He got the general jist down, right? That had to count for something.

Arlo's admittance that he hardly had an idea of that organization that Seb was attempting to inform him of, however, was met with a rather lazy flick of the vampire's wrist. After all, what did it matter their name? They were all governmental and they wore all suits and stuff. The point was the same. He glanced up at that inquiry of Arlo's bite, the vampire having near forgotten of it altogether. Slowly, his hand rose to his neck, purposefully feeling for it. "No....I...don't think long as no one sees it...I think..." His voice trailed off as he so struggled to think of why Arlo would be in any sort of trouble. It could be a scandal....he supposed...maybe....but was it? He gave up. His fingers slowly moved from his neck only to flick over the surface of that phone, those dark blue eyes entirely content to just watch the text of his life fly by that screen as the page moved to the top, stopping on that introduction that had the picture of Dorian and himself off to the side. Sebastian stared at that image for several moments before suddenly announcing his intention to marry the fae King, and, in the process, inviting Arlo along for that Royal wedding that hadn't yet been planned for. The vampire had little consideration for this one simple fact as he extended that invitation to Arlo's little friend as well.

That grin such a offer seemed to prompt upon Arlo's features brought a lopsided grin to Sebastian's own face, even if he hadn't the slightest idea why the pair were smiling so....gleefully. It simply felt like the thing to do! That insistence that Arlo's little panda friend would be excited for his wedding only furthered that grin into an all out beam. At least someone would be excited for his wedding! Besides him, of course. In fact, it was that near suggestion that he might be first required to invite Dorian to such an event that prompted a sigh from the man's lips as he considered all he had to do prior to such a royal engagement - namely, facing Dorian's father. That exclamation that he hardly had to follow through with such a question, however, drew a look of horror from his features as he glanced up at his friend, his head shaking quite firmly at Arlo's question if it was possible to just ask Dorian himself. Well, sure it was possible but it was hardly proper at all! "No! I can't not ask! It shows you respect your potential father-in-law! It's about getting in good with the whole family. Wouldn't you want your future wife's family to like you too?!" Apparently, this prospect of being liked mattered far more to the vampire then he often allowed the world to seem, the man near proceeding to comment over how many people in Dorian's life didn't like him. It was a bloody travesty!

That reassurance that Arlo, at the very least, did like him was wholly needed in those awful moments of insecurity. That grin so easily returned to his features all over again. Sebastian nestled back into that sofa with Arlo, his shoulder and cheek still settled heavily on Arlo's arm, as if the man beside him was the only thing really keeping him from face planting into that sofa. He'd hardly considered everything that came with the prospect of marrying the fae King in those moments, the man merely blissfully in love with his boyfriend. He'd certainly never thought of the whole last name situation - at least, not until Arlo mentioned it. At first, the answer seemed easy enough...and then, suddenly, it simply wasn't. He sat up near abruptly the moment he realized all the things that were tied to that name his family had so proudly had for so long. His hands were on Arlo's arms in mere seconds, the vampire almost shaking his companion in his woes at the complexity of all the things he hadn't considered - like his business! And his estates! And his father! That exclamation only half way managed to get the Englishman under control, that near frantic shaking at least momentarily halting as Arlo attempted to offer him some sort of alternative...and pry himself from Sebastian's grip.

A frown marred the man's fingers, his forefingers gently poking together in consideration as that pouty look returned to his lips. "I....I don't think so...even the Queen wouldn't take Prince Philip's name! It's all about bloodlines and stuff! And and..." He sighed, "Maybe Dorian will just...let me add his to mine and he can stay all...Aragonay. I...I guess I could....ask him...." The whole fiasco seemed to be far more then Sebastian was ready to deal with, that firm hand upon his shoulders briefly drew his gaze upwards before the man slowly nodded, flopping back on that sofa. Sebastian was silent for a moment, considering all of this before announcing quite simply. "I don't want to get married anymore. It's too much work." After all, there was that whole name issue and....the whole dealing with Matteo thing and all of it was just too much for the currently high vampire to even comprehend handling. It was much better to focus on other things. Arlo liked talking about pandas. "Why doesn't your panda pet live with you?" That was a thing pets did, right? If she was a pet, why didn't Arlo keep her safe? Unless he was a very very bad pet those people who have cats just to kick them out of the house...for a moment, Sebastian almost eyed Arlo suspiciously before inquiring in that same whispered conspiratorially tone. "Arlo...are you a bad pet owner?" He had to know what he was dealing with here.
