Arlo James
See what it's like to be a vulture's lunch
Sebastian's reluctant agreement not to practice law tonight was met with another soft snort of amusement from the younger vampire, that almost pouting look perhaps a little more humorous then Sebastian truly intended it to be. He'd thank him later when that venom worked its way out of his system and his general senses returned. Still, that idea that Sebastian was, or had been, a lawyer once upon a time was surely something to keep in mind. Hell, maybe if he ever really did go back to practicing law he could ask him about those songs his old band had stolen from him. Surely he was entitled to some sort of royalty's right? They kicked him off the band but kept all those songs only to release them without him when he was the author! Did copyright hold on songs? Was that a thing? He almost contemplated asking the man before thinking better off it. Here and now Sebastian hardly seemed to be in a state of mind to give him a real answer. Arlo content to let it go for now, the man far more concerned with that impending visit from the Mafia. Sebastian was a King after all....or, he would be, either way he was someone important. Someone very important. What if he got in some sort of trouble for this? God, he'd end up in the newspapers or arrested for...assault or something. Sebastian, for his part, hardly seemed even remotely concerned, the man attempting to talk about SMS or SIMS or something of the sort that made utterly no sense before seeming to give up entirely- only to assure him the bite was probably fine. As long as no one saw it.
"Well don't bloody fiddle with it then, you'll make it bleed again!"
His own hand reached out to gently bat Sebastian's hand away from his neck les the vampires fingers worry at the wound, Arlo hardly assured he could prevent himself biting the man a second time if that glorious blood started running again. His will power when it came to Sebastian's blood was decidedly lacking. The idea of getting himself into some sort of trouble at least enough to force some sound judgement on his part, those worries continuing still turning within his mind as Sebastian reached for his phone only to send the page about himself scrolling. Arlo's eyes rolling once more in good nature at the simple amusement the elder vampire seemed to take from it before his gaze settled on that picture of Sebastian and Dorian at the top of the screen. Some guys had all the luck in life! Sebastian looked like a God, his boyfriend was a King, they had fifty billion dollars, they probably even had servants! Arlo contemplating exactly what sort of house Sebastian and Dorian probably lived within before the elder vampire suddenly declared his intention to marry that King. Well, that was news. A truly genuine grin worked its way onto his features then, that congratulations readily leaving his lips, Arlo finding himself entirely and genuinely pleased for his companion. A wedding and a royal one at that, wasn't exactly something that happened every day- especially not when a vampire was involved. Hmm. Maybe there was hope for all of them. If Sebastian could find someone he loved and get married then day....Arlo could too. Maybe one day when he didn't have boxes for furniture.
That sudden invitation, one that extended to both himself and his Little Bear was entirely unexpected. Arlo's gaze widening slightly in surprise. That was....kinda big. No one had invited him to anything in years. Sure he and Seb were pals but he hadn't truly expected an invite. Some strange touch of emotion settling within himself, an emotion he wasn't entirely sure he could name and yet one that felt, well, nice. It was nice to be invited to something even if he would likely only panic about it later. After all, if Seb was serious about this he sure as hell didn't have anything even remotely suitable to wear to a wedding. Would it even be in this country? Was he going to have to fly overseas? God, how was he going to get a panda on a plane?! Putting her in an animal carrier hardly seemed right, after all, she wasn't even a normal Panda. Maybe he could worry about this later if Seb even remembered that invitation later. Yeah- it was better not to believe everything Seb said tonight. His filter was clearly malfunctioning. The idea that that Sebastian still needed to ask this Matteo fellow if he could marry Dorian was entirely foreign to him, Arlo fixing his companion with an almost quizzical look as he settled back onto that sofa to tuck his phone in his pocket. Asking was so.....old school. Did people even still do that? Why couldn't he just ask Dorian himself? Wasn't Dorian's reply the only one that actually mattered?
That question had no sooner left his lips then Sebastian seemed to fix him with a look of utter horror as if he'd spray painted a moustache on the Mona Lisa. The vampire promptly declaring it was some sort of bloody sin not to ask, that inevitable clash of cultures so seeming to occur in that moment as Arlo merely let one eye raise slightly. He'd never really considered asking. Then again he'd never really had a long term girlfriend or one he'd ever even considered marrying. Marriage just seemed so much like a distant plan. A 'one day' sort of thing. Maybe he really should have thought of it more, his shoulders lifting in a shrug then, that look of contemplation on his features still.
"I mean, I guess if she wanted me to I would. I.....never really thought about it. Her opinion would matter to me the most after all but I figure your right. I would want her family to like me. Mothers always like me. Fathers....not so much. I used to have a few piercings and stuff when I was human- freaked most parents out. Had to take them out when the vampire thing happened- silver and all. Just wear a nice shirt or something. Father's like that. You scared of this Matteo guy or something?"
Sebastian was so confident in everything he did. The idea of someone being intimidating enough to make even Sebastian wary was almost ridiculous! Then again, he supposed, it was his boyfriends Father. There was some pressure there, surely. Still- that query as to whether or not Arlo liked him was met with an easy grin. Arlo more than willing to ease his companions fear on that in the least. That answer entirely genuine. Sebastian was, truthfully, one of the few beings on this earth he actually liked. He was a decent man. Even when he was leaning against him with his cheek on his shoulder. Sebastian a kinda.....physical, touchy sorta person just by nature it seemed. Still, he supposed, for one night it was alright. People could be forgiven when they were high. Arlo simply letting him rest there as he asked after those names. That, apparently, something of a touchy topic. Sebastian seeming to seize upon it with a renewed sort of panic before grasping his arms and all but shaking him off that couch in that sudden fear that somehow his name was wrong or too long or Dorian wouldn't like it. For heavens sake!
His efforts to pry himself from Sebastian's grips and talk some sense into the man only seemed to result in the other vampire being all the more contemplative, poking his forefingers together like a child about to be in trouble. Arlo struggling not to roll his eyes once more and yet, some part of him was almost assured Sebastian genuinely needed some sort tonight. This was what friends did wasn't it? Usually friends who knew each other better than this but friends all the same. That idea that names were about bloodlines and Queens and someone called Phillip merely saw Arlo's features scrunch together. This all sounded...stuffy and old fashioned as far as he was concerned. Maybe this tradition stuff was more important to Sebastian then he'd ever realised. Hmm. He'd have to remember that.
"Well the Queen and Phillip aren't Sebastian and Dorian are they? I mean, did you ever think he might actually want to take your name too? Your both going to be damn Kings or whatever it is, I think you can make your own rules. Just talk to him, bud. I promise it ain't nearly as worth worrying about as you think."
God he hoped he was right. He'd never met this Dorian guy, maybe he was kinda a jerk who wouldn't want to change his own name. Still- the idea of Seb picking someone like that seemed...wrong somehow. His hand reaching out to touch Seb's shoulder in some effort to make sure he was alright. The other man nodding before flopping back onto that sofa, a sigh falling from him before declaring he didn't want to get married anymore, Arlo throwing both arms up before collapsing back onto that couch himself. He quit. He tried. What else could be asked of him? Still, that simper tugged at his lips all the same at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.
"Sure, bud. I tell ya what, don't mention anything about it to your boy tonight, alright? When you get home just tell him he looks pretty or whatever it is you say to another dude and go to bed. You'll think differently tomorrow- I can promise you that."
No one thought properly when they were high. Hell, it was part of the joy of being high. Arlo fairly sure he'd done a damn good job on advice tonight. He was basically kicking advice goals left right and center....even if it mostly involved Seb pretending he wasn't high and hopefully not saying anything ridiculous the moment he walked in the door. He'd find him someone to eat before that. His own thoughts were interrupted by that sudden query about Panda's and why his Little Bear didn't live with him. Arlo frowning at that idea he was somehow a bad pet owner. Was he? Was he supposed to do more?
"I think she's got another owner, I mean, I just leave the window open and she comes and goes as she pleases. Does that make me a bad pet owner?"
Did it? Arlo considering that possibility once more. He could always ask the Panda if she wanted to stay permanently, he supposed. Arlo never really having thought of it before, the man dismissing the thought a moment later.
"Hey Seb, why don't we start walking back to your place? We can find you someone to eat on the way and set you right, fresh air will do you good too, you should be able to walk by now....mostly I think.... Dorian will be waiting for you."
How good that would be to have someone at home waiting for you every night. That grin touching his features again at the thought. Maybe one day he'd have someone do the same for him too.