For months Chizue had avoided both Isolt and Damon, terrified that they might blame her for her cowardliness that, she had been certain, had ultimately led to Isolt's pregnancy. She hadn't considered the role she had played in Isolt's rescue, albeit a very diminutive one at that and yet, that warm simper upon Damon's features and the sincerity within his voice made the girl...falter. "I...I guess..." She muttered softly as Damon so attempted to reassure her that it was her assistance alone that had given him the ability to find Isolt again. She supposed she could understand where he was coming from...after all, it wasn't as if the coven had left many clues. Damon had been searching for months before Isolt and herself were kidnapped and yet...she still couldn't help that guilt that clutched her, even if it seemed entirely irrational in the face of Damon's sound logic. Nevertheless, the demure vampire was all too quick to close and lock the door behind Damon as he stepped into her home, that paranoia and fear that still gripped her shining through in that delicate moment. She turned to face the man, entirely caught off guard by the inquiry on his lips.
Malek. It had, admittedly, been a while since she had considered the man. He had all but vanished ever since that wedding when he had attended as her date. A soft breath left her lips as she informed Damon that she hadn't seen him and yet, that scowl only fluttered across his face as she questioned her of her own eating habits. She shifted uncomfortably, her thoughts drifted towards that night she had tried to eat - the first night she'd left the comfortable sanctuary of her own townhome. The very mention of the polar bear only seemed to prompt another glimpse of discontent upon his lips and yet, slowly, Chizue shook her head. "Oh, no, he was...just company. I've only known him for a week....but I think I like him. I think....I think we're friends." At the very least, he had been nice to her. "I ate before I met him....briefly." She informed Damon, her gaze shifted away from him as her hand reached up to rub her arm in a small glimpse of uncertainty.