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you bring out my wild side

Posted on August 21, 2016 by Edith Graham

The notion that he would, in fact, be interested in meeting the faerie queen that she had grown to detest - even though she didn't know her at all - seemed to please the woman. She grinned at that, moving up to smooth up his collar. "Stupid girl." She muttered to herself before her attention was pulled entirely to the concept of the date they would be going on this evening. She grinned. For now, they wouldn't need to hunt down the faerie queen. For now, she supposed, she would let him entertain her elsewhere. She had no doubt that wherever he chose to take her would be wonderful.

As wonderful as the feeling of his teeth in her neck, at least. She was thankful for him holding her up. She surely would have fell to the ground had he not. There was a shiver from the girl as he finished, his own blood healing her. Her arms around him, however, were enough to bring the smile to her lips. One hand let go of him, the tip of her index finger tracing over his lower lip. "Did I taste good?" The young woman purred, her smile almost manic as she watched him and the life that seemed to bloom within the vampire in front of her. It gave her a sense of pride to watch as her blood gave him strength.

But the moment was seemingly over, and it was time to move on to the rest of the evening. Her features were nearly wicked as she proposed that she was his for the rest of the evening, and she beamed with pride at the knowledge that he would hold her to that promise until dawn. It was nice that he wasn't discarding her the instant that he was fed as though she was some useless blood bag. Her thoughts couldn't help but drift towards the vampire that she'd slept with before, who had done nearly that.

The smile on her features faded at the notion that she was to try the vampire blood. "I'm not a vampire," She replied instantly, a frown on her face. She knew that the blood was his food, of course, though the idea of her drinking from him made her stomach turn. Even though it was meant to be a drug for her, even though it would heal her and make her feel better, faster, stronger. But his fingers were still on her back and holding her close to him. He wanted her to drink, and she was wobbly on her feet still. She doubted that he would force her to drink, and yet she couldn't be sure.

"Okay," She said quietly at the notion to trust him. She did, she did trust him. So with that she leaned forward and allowed her lips to wrap around the wound on his wrist. She resisted for just a moment before she let the blood touch her tongue, and to her surprise it was almost... sweet? It tasted almost like alcohol, and against her very nature, she allowed herself to drink. She'd never done this before, had no idea when to stop or how it would make her feel. Instead, she merely flew blindly on this notion of trust.

Edith Graham
