
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

i'd love to be a something to you

Posted on November 28, 2016 by abigail hughes

if these wings could fly for the rest of our lives
I had kind of heard of other species before. I mean, there had been rumors of them in our village but between so many fairy tales of vampires, mermaids and angels, how was I supposed to know what really existed and what didn't? We had a witch settle down in our fishing town once. She became kinda like a healer, she didn't do anything super scary like turning green or rituals or anything. I liked her though, she was nice, she always smelled a little funny and she knew what I was but that was kind of the extent of our supernatural experience. I mean, we got a lot of tourists but they came and went with such a frequency that even if any were like us, they never stayed more than a day or two. I eyed the young ponygirl in front of me curiously as she made an effort to explain to me these hunters she spoke of. I'd heard of them before - I mean, by name, but this was the first time I knew of what they did. "Oh." I replied simply, but I wasn't really sure what I thought of them. Everyone was so scared of them but...I still didn't see anything or anyone nearby that was a threat to us. I mean - wouldn't they go after more valuable targets then me? Like...I dunno...werewolves or something? They existed too didn't they. "I'm sure they have better things to do then harass us apple getters." I replied after a moment's thought, still entirely sure we'd be totally okay. I mean, we weren't hurting anyone. We were just existing. Even poachers didn't go after everyone. They went after targets that were a challenge or whose pelt's earned them a lot of money or something.

Rather dwell on such nonsense, I found myself hopping onto her back, entirely not worried about being hunted or slayed or something silly. We were going apple hunting and that was awesomeness that couldn't be tainted by no silly hunters! I was a bit too ecstatic about our new found adventure, declaring that she needed to go go go! I watched as that bigggg head slowly turned to face me, my tiny hazel eyes stared at her in an inquisitive fashion. "Calliel?" I inquired, rolling the name over on my lips. "It's nice to meet you Calliel! My name is Abby!" There! We'd introduced each other! Now that officially made us friends, right!? Eep! She started moving already! Yayyy! Onto those apples! Let's go! I jumped to my feet, crawling up her back just a bit so I could glance over her head to see where she was taking us. There was the apple tree! I could see her getting closer to it and I couldn't help but to bounce ever so slightly in excitement. Apple apple appllesss! This was going to be utterly epic. It was only when Calliel came to stop in front of the apple tree that I again waddled onto my back legs, reaching up as farrrr as I could towards the apples. Nooo! Not close enough! "Ugh! Can you get them Calliel?! I'm too short!" I voiced, falling onto my back and, in turn onto hers. I didn't give up hope just yet. After all, this tree looked pretty sturdy and, worst case scenario, I could always climb it's least, so I thought.

Abigail Hughes a were red panda
