
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

I can make the stars dance

Posted on February 09, 2019 by NADYA
Wake up to your dreams
And watch them come true

Nadya had decided to go simple for the wedding, dressed in a long soft lilac dress with her hair allowed to cascade over her shoulders. Although Nadya was used to handling the twins alone, she hadn't attended an event alone in a very long time. They had decided though for the sake of amiability on Isolt's special day that her plus one should remain home. It was with some nervousness that Nadya left her twins with Isolt's coordinator by the tents to go find her seat with the other guests. Isolt had assured her that it would be fine but Nadya couldn't help but think she needed another week for the twins to be ready for this. When Isolt had requested the twins be in her wedding, Nadya had happily agreed. Of course she had been unsure of the entire thing with them being only four but she was determined to try if it would make Isolt happy. Nadya's ability to care for those babies when they were born had only been possible by Isolt's teachings afterall. As the guests began to find their seat she brushed by them to the front row where she would be seated in order to lure the twins in the right direction. Nadya could only hope that the several dozen practice trips down an empty aisle was enough. There was little fear in her about Isabel but her dear Micah she was fearful would simply burst into tears of so many stranger's eyes on him.

The young mother cast a warm smile at Damon finding his own way to his spot before she settled in her seat beside the aisle. There was hardly anyone within the wedding that she knew and the nervousness of keeping her sights on her own children kept her from intending to mingle with any. It didn't take long before that music picked up in cue for the ceremony to begin. Nadya turned her gaze expectantly up the aisle. For a moment the woman thought Isabel was acting up for the person who was supposed to send her down the aisle before Isolt. That slight breath was released at the sight of her daughter finally coming around the corner in her flower girl dress and carrying the basket brimming with petals. The child gave one quick pass over the strangers peering at her before she smiled broadly, always loving to be the center of attention, and practically skipped down the aisle tossing those petals around.

Dear lord how her daughter loved to put on a performance. Nadya couldn't help but roll her eyes at her daughter finally making it to the end of the aisle. Izzy attempted to give a curtsy before Nadya hastily took her hand and pulled her to sit at her feet. Once Izzy was settled playing with the remaining petals in the basket, Nadya looked back up for the next one. The moments ticking by let Nadya know that something was wrong and she couldn't get up without both disrupting the ceremony and leaving Isabel alone which was a bad idea all around. Slight panic set in when it was Isolt who exited the tent accompanied by her brother and not her little boy dressed in his little grey suit carrying a pillow with the two rings tied to it. It had been so long since she had last seen her brother but her mind couldn't really focus on that fact. Nadya stood with the others for Isolt to walk down the aisle but she couldn't help those glances away from Isolt back up the aisle. Where was her son?

Nadya Tetradore
