The words that the young woman continued to keep rambling about the faerie girl and her association with Aiden Tetradore were certainly words that she would have kept to herself had she been entirely sober. She was sure that she would have been able to keep her mouth shut had the alcohol not had her so loose lipped. She giggled at the notion of hooking him up with a faerie. "She lives with another one, too. You can get a whole meal and desert. You're so cute, I bet she'd lose herself to you, too." She grinned up at him, her eyes sparkling as she regarded him. "I haven't met him yet, but I bet you're a lot sexier than Tetradore. You have to be ridiculous to live on that stupid sailboat."
Her intentions for the night may have been entirely self-centered, but there was that underlying desire to please Frost always. "But I think we should find a faerie. Particularly that faerie. I think it could be fun to scare her a bit." She grinned as he mentioned he agreed with her Alpha. Why wouldn't he? Frost was amazing. "Perhaps we should pay a visit to the faerie queen then. I'm entirely serious. I have no doubt that you couldn't seduce her." She giggled and leaned up to look at him at the notion of what Frost was doing. "He's making her go craaazy." She drew out the word, giggling as she swayed within his arms. "Making her be scared of everything to get to Tetradore. I bet he'd appreciate if you did some of the work and made her afraid of another thing that went bump in the night."
But her focus was entirely cut off when his teeth raked against her skin. It was all she could do to not fall to her knees as her voice took on a pleading tone. She continued to whisper out pleas until the moment that his fangs sank into her neck. Her fingers gripped at his shirt as she held him close to her, tilting her head to the side to give him more room. The sensation of him drinking was pure ecstasy. It felt as though every nerve ending was on fire, and she would have continued to allow him to drink all night if she could have.
As it was, when he pulled back she felt woozy and her legs nearly buckled. She knew that it could be like this. After all, the first time she'd allowed a vampire to drink from her, she'd spent the next day being ridiculously tired. But she trusted the one in front of her, believing that he would not have drank any more than what she could take. She watched as his finger went up to her neck, and her fingers went up to touch her neck. It was as though the moment hadn't happened at all, but no, she felt it and felt the sensation still.
She grinned, reaching up to wrap her arms around him as she pressed her lips against his cheek. "You're good at that," She purred against his skin before she pulled back. "Now I bet you feel better," She grinned and played with her hair. "Now what trouble are you going to get me in? I did agree to be yours for the evening, did I not?"