if these wings could fly for the rest of our lives
She was laughing at me. Bitch. Okay, I really wasn't that upset. I mean, mom and dad used to laugh at me all the time Like seriously. When weren't they laughing at me? The elders in our town used to laugh at me too. Apparently I'm a real riot. I could be a comedian. Man I could make so much money and then live in one of those super richy houses over in that northern part of town I'd seen on my way end. HA. Imagine Dad's surprise when he came home to find me moved out and in some richy rich house like a plumped up house cat. THEN WHO WOULD BE LAUGHING. ME. I WOULD BE. HAHAHAHAHA. Okay. I got a litttleee overboard there. Still, it took me a minute or two to get back up on my feet (tada!) and then I was ready to go! Back to this friendship thing! I was attempting to be friendly you know, even if I wasn't that good at it. Mama always used to tell me to slowww dowwwnn Abigail, 'don't overwhelm them Abigail'. God mom. Okay, okay, I'll pretend I am talking to a snail, a snail who is afraid of the dark. But I fixed that for her didn't I. Cause that's what snails - I mean friends do! (tada number two!) I could feel the puff of air that left her lips. It was like a warmmm breeze, all ruffling my fur and yet her voice only made my head tilt just like hers. See, we were mirrors (cause that's what friends do?).
"Dark Hunters? What's that?" I inquired, blinking at her quite absent mindedly. We didn't have these Dark Hunters where I'm from. We had poachers. They were terrifying, did she mean those? Wait...predators? Not many critters took an interest in my kind. Were there lots of critters that tried to eat her? That would suck. "Only leopards are predators that eat me. I don't smell any leopards. Do you?" I inquired, entirely confused of what she was so scared of. Man she was quite the scaredy cat wasn't she? "Hey, hey, it's okay! We're gonna be finnneee. Don't stress it!" I commented, entirely bubbly in my attempts to reassure her. I was trying! After all, the park was huge and I didn't think we had anything to worry about so close to the neighborhoods. Maybe this was just how things were around here? I mean, it's not like I really knew anything about this place to begin with. I got distracted from this thought of omg-everything-is-after-us and my own array of questions really quickly though. Then again, good fruit tends to have that kind of effect on me in general. I like fruit. Especially in this form. It was like my mind was taken over by a fruit nomming mongrel.
That soft snort pulled my attention away from the tree I was attempting to jump to as the girl's head leaned down in front of me, keeping me from tumbling forward. That was pretty convenient of her! I glanced down at her, positioning my front paws so that they were on her head as her own voice reached out to me again. An all too pleased squeak left my lips nearly immediately at her invitation. Join a new friend to go get apples?! Uh - duh! OF COURSE I'd love to do that! "Okay!!!" I stated, my enthusiasm pretty clear as I hopped onto her head, I didn't stay there long though (that'd be rude!) and quickly waddled up her nape and towards the woman's pretty black back. Oh, she was kinda comfy wasn't she. "Okay Pony! Onwards! We've got some apples to get and some trees to conquer! Let's go, let's go!" Okay, okay, sorry mom, I can't do this not excitable thing for long. I mean this was pretty darn exciting!
Abigail Hughes a were red panda