I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
The Were-King could hardly deny that those well-worn pair of jeans did look good on his girlfriend. The material had been worn and washed so many times that it had softened and turned supple, hugging to her every curve and clinging to her waist as if it was a secondary skin of denim. It had, at times, afforded Tetradore quite a lovely view, even if he was not always inclined to act upon it within his brother's household. The soft jest upon Mira's lips awarded her with little more than a grunt of agreement. Vocally admitting how good those jeans fit was another matter entirely. What he hadn't realized, however, was how fond Mira had become of the singular hoodie she'd rescued from the sinking ship - the one he'd so often retreated into if only because it hid both his shoulders and neck in the dark black fabric. That it was one of her favorites was a...surprise, to say the least. Much less that she remembered he'd worn it on their first...date? "What?" Tetradore inquired, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to remember what their first date even was. Was that the trip to China? Had he worn the hoodie then? "Did I?" The Were-King inquired, clearly baffled that she had taken such a minute detail into memory when, frankly, Tetradore couldn't even remember what he'd worn yesterday - which was saying something considering he was restricted to exactly four shirts presently.
Nevertheless, Tetradore allowed Mira to lead him throughout the mall, the couple meandered casually through the floors, eying the stores they passed of clothes and makeup and shoes and handbags. It seemed endless, the shopping opportunities, and yet Tetradore had little interest in indulging any further within the retail world. Thankfully, Mira seemed quick to note his feigned interest within their busy surroundings. Malls, with all their people, had never been the Alpha's preferred local. Her suggestion to leave in favor of enjoying the views of the city from the safety of the warm Lamborghini was an offer Tetradore was quick to agree to. He was unaware of that glimpse of relief that crossed his features, the Alpha near single-minded in his effort to escape the mall in favor of the chilly parking lot. Winter was in full swing even here, the frigid temperatures tearing through even his leather jacket, prompting a momentary scowl upon his features as the pair made their way through the parking lot and towards the Lamborghini that had, in turn, garnered its fair share of interest in their absence. The teenager attempting to take some selfie with his vehicle was quick to vacate the general area the very moment Tetradore pressed the button on the keyfob, the car beeping and flashing its headlights as it unlocked.
A soft sigh of contentment left Tetradore's lips as the pair finally settled in the seats of the Lamborghini, the engine quickly turning over to offer them blessed heat. It was nothing short of enjoyable to lose themselves on the foreign streets of the city. Though the sportscar was hardly given full range to utilize the powerful engine beneath the hood, Aiden still took some level of enjoyment from taking the sports car down the streets of downtown, albeit it faster than the posted speed limit signs. The Netherlands was so...different from the metropolis that he had grown accustomed to. Those sights were taken in with each turn down each new street until something else caught Tetradore's attention. Admittedly, he hadn't known the street he'd turned down was apparently the chosen road for practically every dealership in existence. All he had noticed was the seemingly straight road with few stoplights. Usually, the Were-King was more than happy to drive by those car shops without a second glance...that is....until the easily recognizable Bugatti logo entered their view. The Lamborghini slowed beneath his capable hands as he glanced out the window, his emerald eyes drifting inquisitively over the vehicle in the front showroom on display for all to see. He took in every facet of the white vehicle, certain that he had never seen that car before.
The utterance upon his lips seemed quick to cause Mira to turn in her seat in an effort to get a better look at the car, Tetraodre, in turn, forced to turn his gaze back towards the road in front of him, even if he'd hardly gotten a proper look at the vehicle. He had hardly anticipated her description of the car and yet, how apt it was. Perhaps it was that very reason it had so immediately grabbed so much of his attention and God...how he wanted to inspect it further. His vibrant gaze turned towards the woman at his side as he inquired if she minded terribly taking another stop. They certainly had the time, after all. They were quickly approaching the last entrance to the dealership as Mira insisted they had to check it out. A small simper fluttered across the Were-King's features as he flicked on his signal, even if it was unnecessary. The powerful engine of the Lamborghini slowed to a purr as they pulled into the parking lot, Tetradore easily guided the sportscar towards one of the vacant spots up front clearly labeled for 'guests'. His girlfriend's offhanded comment prompted a soft snort from his nose and yet...how aware Tetradore was of his finances. The loss of the Ark had certainly been a hit to their income, so had the purchasing of a second Ark, insurance hardly fully covered the first cargo ship and their new home certainly was priced far higher than their first. The pandemic too had affected those additional ships he'd owned, many left floating in the harbor waiting for ports to open. To say that this year was expensive was an understatement. Still....they could survive this...and as soon as shipping could begin again and the Ark could once again open its doors, any losses they had taken could be recuperated. "We'll be fine." The Were-King insisted, the teasing tone within Mira's voice hardly one that was returned given the state of....well ....everything. Tetradore was determined to provide for the pack - to do anything less would be to fail them. Money was simply one of the few things he joked about in any sense.
Without any further word, Aiden opened the car door, climbing out of the sports car like a man who'd done it a thousand times before. He closed the gullwing door firmly before moving to join Mira at the hood of the vehicle. The young woman leaned into him, his hand settled upon her waist as she whispered into his ear. He glanced up at the men who eyed the couple like hungry sharks, only for his shoulder to lift in a vague shrug. "Let them spot us." He commented easily, only to gesture for the girl to go ahead inside. After all, she had to be freezing. Tetradore reached for her hand as they entered the building, the pair met with several warm smiles - though no one approached them...not yet anyway. The Alpha was well aware their movements were being watched as he headed straight for the vehicle that had caught his attention - the other cars failing to even catch a glimpse from Aiden before he paused in front of the car. It was...breathtaking to behold - the vehicle a unique blend of his favored brands, exactly as Mira had said. Its low profile and front grill were more akin to his Aventador while the smooth curved edges so defined Bugatti.
"Beautiful, ain't she?"
A voice commented, causing Tetradore to glance upward. Someone had finally won out in that war apparently.
"The Centodieci."
A soft sound of acknowledgment left his lips as he glanced over at Mira.