I must admit I really shouldn't be as spooked as I was, and yet, who could blame me? It wasn't like I was constantly in the presence of Weres. I don't know much about my kind, as I should, and I don't really think that is my fault at all. I mean, maybe, but not mostly. Thankfully I hear her yell at me again and my eyes travel downwards. Ah, so there she was. A cat. No, not a cat. A bear? No wait bears don't have tails. A ginger raccoon. Oh, that is funny, a ginger raccoon! I've never head of a ginger raccoon before. Then again Weres don't always have to follow their species pelt pattern. I mean, when I was in the Ark I saw a really pretty black wolf with grey markings that looked like a dragon's wings...how badass is that! So, I guess I'm going to converse with a trash cat, aka raccoon, ginger raccoon. I didn't mean to push her off balance, really I tried to be gentle, but I guess I don't know my own strength. God, why did I have to be so big. As I stare at the smaller fuzzy creates, as she flails around, I can't help, but giggle softly, oh how adorable. Really I shouldn't laugh. Although when she manages to stand on her own four feet, and her fluffy tail puffed up, I couldn't help but smile inwardly, oh yes adorable this one was. It's when her feet begin to glow a neon color I snort softly, tilting my dial to the side curiously, so this was a ginger luminous raccoon. For a moment I raise my dial, scanning the park for a moment, both ears turned to the side, both nostrils flaring. My ebony pelt helped me stay hidden in the dark from humans, predator Weres, and Dark Hunters. Gently I appeal to the security of ourselves, thinking that perhaps she should rethink her footwear.
"Your feet...they are glowing. Aren't you afraid some Dark Hunter, Predator, or human is going to see you and catch you?"
I mean I know not all Dark Hunters are bad, I work for one and I let one ride my back, and my Great Uncle is one. However, I know that not all Dark Hunters are good, my Creator taught me that, and so I am naturally wary. I just ate so the last thing I want to do is run around and upset my stomach. Politely I listen to her story, as she chattered away, taking note that she was new to this place. That is good I think. I'm not from around here either, I got stuck here, and I guess I'll remain stuck here. It sucks, in a way, but I am sure I can manage. I have a job, I have a roof over my head, and I'm learning something new being a WereHorse for a Dark Hunter, so I guess I really can't complain. I'm about to respond to her inquires, but she changes the subject completely to apples. Now, I like apples, but until I turned into a horse I really liked apples. I was planning on going to the apple tree for the rest of my meal before I walked around the park for a bit to enjoy the night of a full moon, but I guess I could use some company. As she stands on her hind legs, I snort softly, bringing my head down to her level. Gently I place my nose in front of her, to allow her front paws to hold my nose so that she does not tumble. Both ears point towards her, as my bright azure eyes look boldly into her own, inviting her to come along with me. After it would take her forever to get to the apple tree on those glowing feet of hers.
"There are some apple trees here. Um...do you want to go to it? You're small and I don't want to step on you, think you can climb up and sit on my back?"
Calliel Alosi
Now I'm Unbreakable, It's Unmistakable