I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
The vibrancy of the Alpha's eyes slowly wandered up the fit physique of his girlfriend. How well he knew her body after all these years they'd slept together, albeit on sporadic occasions. Those tall leather boots formed neatly to her calves, elongating her feminine legs. The skirt so perfectly accented the curve of her body, the shortness alone was enough to draw his gaze momentarily, even if Tetradore remained silent. It was the slight movement of her slender legs drawing her forward and towards him that caused the Alpha's attention to refocus upon the present moment. He could feel Kinnley's gaze upon him, staring at him in blatant hopes of earning a reaction. Tetradore placed his cup down as he insisted the skirt did indeed look good on Mira. Her fears for it's practicality so easily brushed off as he reminded the woman of the Lamborghini they'd brought with them. Some outfits, he was sure, hardly had to be practical - Tetradore himself having donned his fair share of utterly pointless clothing merely for the sake of his mistress' enjoyment of his fit physique. It was such thoughts of her, however, that caused Tetradore to turn his attention instead towards Mira's comfort, given the chilled weather outside. His very mention of those high stockings seemed to prompt an almost baffled look on the girl's features, as if she'd never heard of such a thing. His brow rose as he eyed the woman, Kinley all but flailing as she so quickly set off to work, leaving the couple alone for a brief moment.
The probing inquiry on his girlfriend's lips caused Tetradore's shoulders to rise in a vague shrug. "It's fucking cold out there." Aiden complained without any real consideration given to why his knowledge of such an article of clothing might be so...peculiar. Aiden, after all, was far more interested in expressing his feelings on other matters. The Alpha rose to his feet, immediately closing the distance between them. His hands settled upon her waist as he drew her closer towards his chiseled chest. How readily she seemed to lean into that embrace, her hands resting upon his arms as he softly assured her that the skirt looked....amazing on her, to say the very least. It certainly was enticing and how willing he was to show that as he leaned down ever just slightly to press his lips tenderly against Mira's own in a stolen kiss so very unlike the usually stoic man. That tender moment between them hardly lasted long, however, before Aiden pulled away again. Mira's golden gaze fluttered open, her eyes almost intent upon him as she commented how full of surprises he seemed to be. "Am I?" Tetradore inquired, as if he hadn't truly considered this to be surprise worthy. How many times, after all, had he kissed her? How many times had he held her within his arms in the quiet confines of one of their bedrooms?
It was the sound of Kinnley's bubbling voice that finally caused Aiden to step away from her, the stylist more than gleeful with her discovery as she inquired if she should take off the tags. Tetradore nodded, retreating to the comfort of his plush sofa if only to retrieve his cup of coffee. He hardly paid much attention as Kinnley set off to remove each and every tag on every article of clothing Mira wore, the Were-King himself flagging down a sales associate who seemed to be carefully hovering around them. His very question to check out prompted her into a flurry of action as she scooped up the rather large pile of clothes that had been positioned beside him - hurrying away to the checkout. Tetradore glanced over at the two women as they whispered conspiratorially to one another, his throw rose, though he said nothing of it as he reached to pluck those price tags from Kinnley's hand. Mira's insistence she would return was answered only by a brief nod as Tetradore made his way towards the checkout stand, their bags of already purchased goods in hand. The Alpha provided the sales associate the tags nestled within his palm, only to watch in silence as she began to ring up each article of clothing. She hummed softly to herself as she worked, folding each item with care before placing it neatly into another bag Tetradore would undoubtedly have to lug somewhere.
It was the soft brush of a feminine physique against his side that drew Aiden's emerald irises from watching the cashier in front of himself. Tetradore's shoulders lifted in a vague shrug as Mira insisted she hardly needed all of the clothing they had accumulated. Whether or not this very amount was necessary hardly mattered to the man. They had needed something and now...they both had a lot of somethings."I'm glad you've enjoyed it, Mira." He muttered softly, his hand settling on her waist as he watched those numbers slowly climb as the pile of clothing steadily decreased. It hardly took much longer before the pair were all paid, a near plethora of bags settled at Tetradore's feet before the sales associate kindly offered to ensure the bags were returned to their hotel, quite unexpectedly. It was a service that Tetradore quickly agreed to take advantage of, they'd surely never fit within the Lamborghini. Those goodbyes to Kinnley were almost drawn out, the young woman clearly taking a liking to the couple before, eventually, Tetradore was left alone with Mira in the depths of that still busy mall.
Mira's voice drew Aiden's gaze away from the busy mall in front of them. The very notion of dressing the young woman caused his nose to wrinkle in immediate distaste. Clothes, after all, were hardly Tetradore's interest, nor did he truly care in the slightest what Mira chose to wear. His idle comment on the socks merely an effort to show...some care for her comfort. "You should definitely not." He commented with a small shake of his head. Her fingers brushed against his hand as she gingerly squeezed it in her grip. Her words of appreciation coaxed a small shrug to Tetradore's shoulders. This, after all, had hardly taken much effort, at least, not in comparison to the things still to come. "You've been wearing the same pair of pants for three days Mira, you needed something else." Tetradore pointed out with a raised brow.
He watched as Mira reached for her purse, only to pull out her cellphone and glance at the time on the digital watch face. That offer to get out of the mall brought a near blatant look of relief upon Aiden's features. Although he hadn't....hated the entire shopping experience the crowded nature of malls was...stressful for the man all the same. "Let's do it." He agreed, hardly requiring any further coaxing before he led the way towards the glass doors that led out into the blistering city. The lamborghini was a welcomed sight, Tetradore was quick to climb into the driver's seat. Immediately he turned the heat on, ensuring the cabin of the vehicle was nothing if not utterly comfortable before they took to the streets. How...fascinating that city was too! It was so different from the Sacrosanct they'd grown used to and yet, so very alike the other European countries that Tetradore had spent a limited amount of time within. For a while, he was content to simply cruise down the city streets before a very peculiar building caught his eye - the wall closest to the road was lined with large windows to showcase the luxury vehicles within. It was the one dead in the center that caught Tetradore's eye, the stark white wall behind the car with the classic red 'Bugatti' logo only further caused him to pause. That was a car he had not yet seen before in Bugatti's line up. It was...unusual for a Bugatti, the lines hardly as rounded as the French manufacturer tended. Quite the contrary, it almost seemed as if it was a cross with a Lamborghini. "What....is that?" He muttered under his breath, his eyebrows furrowing. "Mira...do you mind if we check that out?" Aiden inquired, nodding towards the dealership.