if these wings could fly for the rest of our lives
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Pony hooves! No no! This was not what I wanted. Be calm! Be calm! Scamper away, give the pony room. Calm pony. CALM. I can't help the huff the left my lips as she spooked at just the simple sound of my voice. I mean, come on! I'm a tiny thing! Why does everyone act like I'm the scariest thing on the face of the planet. Holy canoli! Did she never hear another were before? I mean, she was our kind...wasn't she? Sorta? I leaned my head forward just enough to sniff at the air surrounding her while she was busy...I dunno. Staring off frantically into space? Well, regardless of what she was doing, she definitely was one of us. "IT WAS ME." I bellowed back, perhaps a bit more...eager than I should be. "I'm right here! Down here!" Shesh. I mean, I know I was small but...come on. It's not like I was a mouse. Oh. There we go. She finally found me. Wasn't that exciting? Okay, maybe I was being a bit sarcastic but, it was nice that she knew I existed. Maybe then she won't step on me with her giant hooves of resounding death. (HORD's). Still, I wasn't quite expecting the way that her muzzle reached out to me. I mean, her head was like as big as my whole body. Much less the way she bumped into me, the effort alone was enough to push me off balance. Omph!
Okay, I admit, it wasn't my finest moment, I kind of flailed for a bit before righting myself with another huff. I shook off my body alllll the way down to my fluffy tail before my large ears twitched ever so slightly at the sound of her voice. This time she seemed far more cordial. I guess maybe the unknown really scared her? Or maybe she was scared of the dark? I mean, I could help with that! I can be less scary! I CAN GLOW. And I did. Sorta. My feetsies began to glow at least, they were green. Like the grass! See, less scary! Less darkness! Better right? Now, back to those introductions of ours. "Hello you!" I replied, still entirely pleased with myself and what I was certain was righting this situation to make her more comfy with me. I mean, you're friends have to be comfy too right? That was imperative to any blossoming friendship! You're supposed to be a gracious host! I mean, we weren't exactly in my house but it was kinda just over there so....did that still count? Oh, never the matter. She was talking again. About seeing me - or rather, about not seeing me.
I shook my head ever so slightly before I sat easily enough. "I just moved here a few weeks ago. I guess I'm only just figuring this whole city thing out. I used to live wayyyy far away in a tiny itsy bitsy town. I miss it." I couldn't help the sigh that left my lips at the loss of my village but I couldn't exactly linger on my woes now. After all, there was a potential friend in the making and that was a worthwhile thing! "Are you from around here? Have you been here your whole life?! What are the best spots to go to? Oh hey - look! Is that an apple?! There's so hard to find here growing wild!!!" I was up on my feet again. More correctly, I was up on my hind feet now, looking lustfully up at the tree not so far away from us. I kind of had an apple obsession. I mean, they were indigenous of where I used to live so I kinda got used to having them like all the time. Hungry? There's an apple farm down the road! What do you want?! Here? Here you had to go to that grocery store thing. Man that place was frightening. So many people. So much stuff to choose from. IT WAS SO OVERWHELMING. But here there was just one thing. A simple choice. This was much better. I kind of sort of might have forgotten my pony friend in this whole apple palooza. Oops.
Abigail Hughes a were red panda