I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
The Were-King was hardly the type to revel in shopping, at least, not for clothes. Fashion meant distinctly little for the man who had never truly been given a chance to forge his own interests. For so much of his life, those clothes were chosen for him. The very prospect of large department stores with their near inexhaustible choices was...overwhelming, to say the least. Kinnley, however, made the whole process infinitely easier. Very little was expected of the Alpha, the man allowed to simply trail behind the two women and provide his opinion on very specific articles of clothing. This was a trip not born entirely out of indulgence but one too out of simple necessity. They had lost everything - their belonging were now meager and Tetradore had gotten tired of the attentiveness to laundry such a paltry wardrobe required of him. Laziness, it seemed, was quite the motivating factor for the Alpha. Kinnley was worth every cent, as far as he was concerned. The woman near effortlessly picked up on Tetradore's own limited preferences, even if she made some failed effort to get the man to venture beyond the solid nondescript colors he tended to favor.
Even with Tetradore's finickiness, the man still managed to walk away with several bags of clothes for himself, Mira naturally acquiring far more as Kennley threw a large portion of her attention upon the one individual should could actually style. It was near hours later before the Were-King found himself settled in the depths of what Kinnley claimed was the last store, the warmth of a creamy coffee radiated into the palms of his hands as the Alpha leaned back on the circular sofa in the middle of the dressing room. He could hear Kinnley's voice echoing in the curtained-off stall, the young woman insistent that this outfit was near made for Mira's body. How....very curious that idea was. The very thought of it prompted his baritone voice to ring out as the man inquired if he got to see the clothing that had caused even Mira to hesitate. He could hear the soft, contemplative hum upon his girlfriend's lips, followed by the gentle encouragement of their stylist. There was, he was certain, nothing Mira could be wearing that he hadn't already seen some degree of. His mistress, after all, preferred clothing that was...scandalous, at best.
The emerald of his irises focused immediately upon Kinnley as she emerged from the stall with a near beaming simper upon her features. He leaned back against the sofa, the entirety of his attention settled upon that thick black curtain that Kinnley finally pulled back in a grandiose gesture. He hardly anticipated seeing the short black skirt on Mira's hips or the tall boots that elongated her legs. The Alpha's head tilted ever so slightly to the side in a vague him of surprise that this had provoked such...uncertainty within Mira - he had anticipated so much...worse! He was hardly inattentive to Mira's comment on just how...inappropriate such an outfit was for her motorcycle, her suggestion to swap out that skirt near halted before it could fully leave her lips. Tetradore was well aware of how the skirt seemed to dangle around her fit physic as if it was meant to...entice the Alpha. She spun within a circle, the sound of her soprano voice drawing Tetradore's attention away from his thoughts as even Kinnley stared at him as if trying to invoke a reaction from him from her eyes alone.