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I've had my cake now

Posted on July 16, 2017 by SEBASTIAN ELLINGTON

Sebastian Ellington

I thought you knew I was filthy rich
I thought you knew I never answer my phone
I thought you knew I was a late night with a bad bite I thought you knew.

The Englishman could hardly help that chuckle that left his lips at that notion of using that rather unwieldy piano box as a chair. It was entirely the wrong size for any such furniture, no matter which way it was turned. The object would be too flat when laid regularly and on it's side would be far too high to really be chair worthy without an exquisite amount of balancing. "I think I would like to see that." He answered with a ready grin upon his features. His bright blue eyes turned towards his companion as he presented his companion with that proposed notion. He was hardly oblivious to that sudden movement from his peripheral vision at the mention of that blood that flowed through his own veins, the man entirely certain that appeal he had to Arlo was entirely contingent upon blood he so frequently took from the fae King he equally as often bedded. He could hardly help that hint of satisfaction that so filled him in that moment, the man entirely aware of that brush of Arlo's tongue against his teeth if only for the same habitual fashion he so tended to do the same when contemplating that meal that was to come, particularly when the taste of it was far beyond that blood he often took from the mortals that wandered the streets of the city. Oh he knew well the thoughts that filled his companion and, in turn, Sebastian fully intended to use that to his advantage.

The vampire was entirely oblivious of Arlo's attempt to to judging his own feeding habits beyond that idle comment of being unable to tell such a thing. He supposed, to a lesser degree, there was some way in which to tell those who fed often from those who didn't. The more they ate, the more alive they looked, that alone surely explained what his companion was referring to, didn't it? That idle comment of how utterly new that keyboard looked drew his gaze back towards that piano, his head bobbing as he agreed that it was indeed, after all Timothy could hardly make the trip here. He met that blue hue of Arlo's own eyes, that comment caused his head to shake ever so slightly. "No, it would have been difficult to keep this a secret." Why he intended to do just that remained to be seen and yet, he wanted Dorian to remain entirely oblivious of what he was doing until he was prepared. There was far more to this little surprise he was crafting for the Monarch then just this song, it merely was a cornerstone to that project. Everything needed to be perfect, as unachievable as such a thing surely was. Even if Sebastian was entirely desperate for that assistance, he fully believed in disclosing what might occur if Arlo agreed to help. That groan of acceptance was met with a ready grin and yet, he could hardly deny that a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, the vampire readily making an effort to reassure his companion he'd eaten but hours earlier.

That roll of Arlo's eyes was met with a soft chuckle and yet, Sebastian hardly prodded the man further on it, instead pulling out that strand to place the piano upon it, toying with the attached board whilst his companion fetched himself a notebook and pencil from the kitchen. That inquiry of what he had so far only prompted the vampire to gingerly toss that notebook towards the man, letting him copy down those notes whilst the vampire finished setting up that keyboard. That inquiry of what this was for and what sort of feeling he was going for was met with a rather detailed explanation of not only whom this sound was for but his efforts thus far and why he needed Arlo in the first place. The vampire paused, only to add in an entirely pointed gesture that his companion hardly had to voice another syllable on how utterly whipped he was to be so steadfast and devoted to Dorian to compose a whole song for him. After all, Sebastian was utterly assured Arlo had done the same before. What he hadn't expected, however, was that story that came with that confession that the Englishman certainly hadn't been wrong. A small frown marred the vampire's features as he considered that tale and yet he supposed it was not surprising. "Lust tends to be flighty." He commented simply, pausing before adding. "For what it's worth, there is someone better out there for you, mate." There was a certain sort of confidence to his voice, as if he knew this for absolute fact, and, indeed, he did.

Sebastian turned his attention towards the keyboard, his fingers dancing lightly against those keys as he went over those scales, playing with the settings in the process. He allowed his thoughts to shift to that musical piece, mentioning, to some degree, his utter need to ensure that piece was utterly immaculate. That assurance that everything looks good on paper alone saw his eyebrow raise ever so slightly and yet, the man hardly saw fit to mention that this was hardly his first piece, nor that the sheer number of years of musical experience he held entirely dwarfed the amount of time Arlo had been both alive and dead. Rather, his lips pursed together with a soft sound reverberated in his throat, his fingers falling on those starting notes. For this alone, Sebastian hardly attempted to hold back that affinity. So many of his sessions with Dorian were not only about finding the soul of that song but too, an effort to decrease the hold it had on the man - to find a way to play without his power to be so utterly afflicting. Tonight, however, was perhaps the first night in which he tried to do the opposite. Tonight, he was willing to not only let his power exist but also further encourage it to a whole different level of intensity.

His fingers played that rhythm with astounding ease, that tune he produced was wholly light and fluttery, bouncing from one set of high notes to the next with simple fluidity before they, quite simply, came to a rather abrupt end. His gaze turned almost expectantly towards Arlo, watched as the vampire shook his head ever so slightly in consideration of those thoughts. Those bright blue eyes brushed over the notes his companion added to that next few lines. That offer to start a band, however, saw his lips frown ever so slightly. "Perhaps when I master this ability....until then, it would be...impossible." Or dangerous. Dangerous was a better word. After all, what if they wrote a song that induced anger or violence or suicidal sadness? Even so, he hardly protested much, his eyebrows furrowing as he considered those few notes and that notion of adding in a richer undertone. It wasn't until that simple sentence of a nicer shirt that Sebastian glanced up in a quizzical fashion. He eyed his companion for a moment, shaking his head ever so slightly before commenting, "Shirts exist only to be taken off. As do most clothes." And how he so often enjoyed taking those very articles off indeed! Still, he pushed such thoughts of running his fingers of those hard planes of Dorian's chest from his mind, his fingers resettling upon those keys to pick up a few notes where he left off.

He played through those extra notes Arlo added, trying out several additional cords in the process with his left hand, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly as he listened to that melody. It took several attempts to find something he thought sounded somewhat...acceptable. "All right, this....?" He inquired, playing what little they had from the top with the addition of Arlo's light, feathery notes and a few added of his own, "Or this?" That little song was played again, those undertones shifted towards the end, these ones slower than the last as if attempting to imitate the uncertainty. Though both certainly sounded fine from a musical standpoint, it was hardly the music that Sebastian was so concerned of, no, those feelings within his companion were truly all he cared of. After all, if he could so coax Arlo to love him, then maybe he could share just a shred of those feelings he had for Dorian with the man himself.
