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My Own Form of CHAOS

Posted on August 14, 2016 by Damon Marcello

I know well the loathing someone can have for any word or title that symbolizes a chain or leash meant to hold you back. Before Isolt, I didn't do relationships or anything exclusive. I've always had play things, flings, one night stands or friends with benefits. No strings attached has always been my game and I didn't want to change it before Isolt. She ruined me and I can't find it in me to regret that but it doesn't mean I don't still have naughty bones in my body. It's just a part of who I am to flirt and play dirty. I've always been a fan of the no commitment club. I believed that significant others only hold you back from the true fun in life. Isolt has shown me different through her own stubborn perseverance and gentle hand.

I know a lot of the giggling from her is because of the alcohol in her system but I don't mind. She seems like the fun type and it's not like I plan on taking advantage of her or anything. I would never do anything to jeopardize what I have with Isolt and the Were states she has a significant other as well. Mustn't ruin their relationship either. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun for the night in other ways. It's just harmless dancing, right? And joking and flirting but in the morning we'll both go back to out relationships and be better off for the night we had. She tells me that she's open to my kind and I smirk. "Glad to see there are unbiased people around here."

My face draws more serious as we speak of the Nightshade pack. She admits that she's a terrible swimmer and that she wouldn't be here today if her boyfriend hadn't pulled her out. I scowl. "I would have to agree with you wholeheartedly then. That bitch." I add a teasing smirk afterwards, trying to lighten the mood. As she draws me in closer, I'm well aware of the perfume on her skin and more importantly, the delicious scent of the blood just below the surface of that velvety softness. I lick my lips at the mere thought, gray piercing gaze going back to hers once more to make sure this is something she'd want even if she was sober. I don't want an angry boyfriend coming to hunt me down in the morning, obviously.

She already has that look in her eye that I know so well. It's almost like the look of a well used blood bag, someone so enticed by the sensation they get from a vampire's bite that they're addicted to it like they would be to drugs otherwise. When I had human pets that I played with, they often had that same look in their eyes, just wanting me to bite away their inner pain. I'm not all that different than I was back then but I want to make sure this is something she really wants. At her question, my brow lifts. "What would you ask of me?" The words almost a ragged purr from my lips as they brush ever so close to her neck.

When she grins, I smirk in return, chuckling softly at her question as I shake my head. "Sorry to disappoint, sweetheart, but my metabolism doesn't work the same as yours. I can't get drunk, no matter how I've tried. There is only one type of blood that can give a vampire the same euphoria as alcohol does for other kinds. That would be fairy blood." I don't know why I'm telling her this but I figure I can share something maybe she never knew and she'll take that as a token of friendship. It's not like I'm powerless to turn it down. Unlike some young vampires who can get addicted, I've learned enough discipline to know how much to drink. Of course, I do enjoy indulging sometimes like the night I got drunk with Isolt. Ah, good times.

I lean in closer as I wait for her response, letting my fangs extend to softly rake across the slender arch of her neck. I don't pierce skin yet, letting the suspense build. I'm willing to dine and give this mutual feeding a try but only if she truly wants it. After all, what are friends for?

Damon Marcello
My Own Form of Chaos
