Another giggle escaped the young woman's lips at the way he teased regarding the Nightshade pack and that awful Nadya. She loved that he'd agreed that she was a bitch. Because she was! Edie had just been trying to get to know her and she had been thrown overboard. Edie had been nothing but kind and had been nearly killed in the process. "And my Alpha is in love with her," She muttered, something that would have likely never came out of her lips had she not had the alcohol flowing through her system. "I'm supposed to be nice to her because my Alpha wants her to join us. I'm his Beta, am I not good enough? All she ever does is bitch..." The jealousy that came from the young fox was ridiculous. She had a boyfriend, and yet not having Frost's attention bothered her immensely.
The idea of being bit by him is so enticing. She'd loved the feeling of fangs in her skin the one time she had been bitten. It had been a drug for her. A high. She'd craved it ever since. She wanted it, and she would get it from him if it was the only thing that she accomplished tonight. She could see that he wanted it too. She could see him licking his lips and craving it just as much as she was. At the mention of what she would ask of him, she paused. She wasn't sure what she wanted from him, really. She had Kato, and he was still there on her mind even though she drew herself in too close to him. "For tonight." She said finally, her body pressing so close against him as though she wanted to meld them to be one being. "Tonight I'm yours. Tomorrow, I go back to my boyfriend and you go back to... whoever you have."
The feeling of his lips on her skin was enough to very nearly make her knees buckle. She was sure that if she wasn't holding so tightly to him that she would have fallen on her ass again. She grinned up at him, though it faded almost immediately at the mention that he couldn't get drunk off of her blood. "Sad," She said, her lips extended into a pout as though she was genuinely upset by the notion. "Fairy blood, huh? My Alpha is toying with this stupid faerie queen to mess with her cute boyfriend. He's the Alpha of the Nightshade pack. My Alpha hates him. I'm sure he would love it if you drank from her. Scare her a little bit." She flashed her eyes up at him, grinning wildly. "I can give her your address, if you like."
It was a genuine offer, the girl assured that Frost would love it if the vampire in front of her scared the cute little blonde a little bit more. "Her name is Samantha. She's dating Aiden Tetradore. You should hear what my Alpha is doing to her. It's hilarious." She said it off-handedly, hardly anticipating that Damon might know the man they spoke of, or that he would even remotely care. Instead, she let out a purr at the feeling of his teeth on her neck, shivering against him as she tugged herself in. "Please?" She pleaded, pressing her body against his hips. "Please..." She wanted it so desperately, it was as though her entire body was aching for it.