It was a shame that I wasn't able to bring out some of the horses tonight. Usually during the full moon I would take a few of them out for fun, to run and play. I know they are just horses, but my equine self felt much better when I was amongst my own species. I am a social creature and I do much better when I am with others. I know that there are other Weres within the city, but I didn't know anyone. I used to go to the West side and sit at the Ark and simply watch and learn, and understand the different Were species. I would never participate in the fighting ring, I don't really understand my own ability, that and I am far too afraid. I wouldn't admit it. I don't participate in the gambling simply because I don't want to lose any money. I was contemplating about working there, maybe getting some Were friends, but that would never happen, they wouldn't accept me. Ever since I learned what Frost had done to one of the members of his pack, and he wanted to take the Alpha's sister to join his own, I felt it was best to simply stay away from the West. Frost created me, and if they knew, they might want to take revenge even though I haven't seen him or spoken to him in many months. It was best, I think, and because of this decision I work at a coffee shop, I don't go to my Great Uncle who will say 'I Told you So,' I train on how to be a proper Were Horse for a Were Hunter, and I rely on camaraderie with horses.
Tonight there was no training for me. Alexander and Anastasia had something else going on tonight and they would both be unavailable. It was a shame, in a way, she was looking forward to their training sessions. It felt nice in a way to have some structure and guidance, even if was coming from two creatures that were supposed to eradicate my kind from the Earth. So, without the horses, without my creator, and without the Dark Hunters, I was left alone to do as I pleased during the full moon. The park in the South was a great place to stretch my legs, and have some fresh air. I managed to find myself a nice spot within the park, somewhere far from the path and away from any onlookers. I didn't need some sort of human to think that I had ran away from the stable. Seeing that I was safe I didn't mind allowing my guard to be down as I chewed on the green grass, taking in my fill. When Winter came all of this will be underneath snow and I'll have to work a bit harder for my food. Yet for now I'll be content, that is, until I hear someone say 'Hi Pony.' My eyes would widen in shock as I felt that voice press into my mind, I haven't spoken to another Were in this way since Frost, and hearing a new voice inside my head was a bit unnerving. Quickly I lift my dial upwards as my ebony ears twitch and turn as I speak up, unsure if I was reaching the mind of the unseen Were.
"Who was that? Show yourself!"
I do not see anything within my eye sight. Oh I hate being an animal that is prey, my eyes are on either side of my head, and my view isn't that great. With a rough sort of irritation my ears lace backwards tightly against by skull. My silvery-white thread lashes out behind me as I take a step forward, my nostrils flare as I catch an unfamiliar scent. Looking down I notice a very odd looking...creature. Both ears point forward with interest as I take slow steps towards it, my dial lowered to its level as I stop before it. Gently I brush my large nose over the red creature that made me think of a raccoon, although much cuter, and I bump it gently on its side. I am going to take a guess this was the Were that spoke to me. She seemed harmless. I mean if I needed to protect myself I could stomp her with my hooves, dinner-sized plate hooves! I try to focus more on trying to talk to this Were, thinking I'm conversing correctly, my tone holding a friendly note.
"Oh, hello there...I've never seen you before."
Calliel Alosi
Now I'm Unbreakable, It's Unmistakable